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Selectmen Minutes 04/15/04
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – April 15, 2004 – 5:49 pm

Present: Selectmen:  Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad Dumas;
Selectman, George Rainier
Meeting called to order at   5:49 pm
Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
5:45 – Parks & Rec. Director, Molly Anfuso –
Groundskeeping Bids -  The following Landscape companies provided bids for the Town        Groundskeeping.  Everyone who provided a bid was present, with the exception of Terry Jarest.
        Jeff Balcom – Peterborough Landscaping – $16,720.00
        Jeremy Gagnon – Gagnon Landscaping – $16,040.00
        Terry Jarest – TJ Landscaping - $16,613.00
        Doug Hutchinson - Sunny Daze Landscaping - $26,155.00
Selectmen reviewed the bids; they will revisit the bids before the end of the evening.  And a decision will be made awarding the job by the end of this meeting.  A letter will be sent to all landscape companies who bid the job, as well as who was awarded the job.  
Doug Hutchinson asked if the Library would be repairing the “new construction” where the grounds have been dug up?  It is understood that West Rindge Builders will repair any damage that was caused due to the construction of the addition.
Selectmen thanked all who were in attendance, they were told they could stay for the remainder of the meeting if they wanted.
Oak Park -      Meeting this week with Oak Park Committee went well
New members have been invited – there are 9 interested people willing to participate on the committee.  Everyone is interested in the growth of the park, trying to get back to the by-laws and hold meetings in a more structured manner.  As the committee grows they will work towards positive relationships.   Anfuso stated she sees a segregation of maintenance vs. development.  She indicated she would like control and believes the funds for the Oak Park Committee should be mingled into the Recreation Revolving Account.  Oak Park Committee has done a fabulous job, has worked very hard and should be commended.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2004

Soccerfield –   Anfuso presented the Selectmen with a revised contract for use of Oak Park Soccerfield for approval; the new contract will include a modest rental fee of $10.00/hr.
Cal Ripkin will use the field for no cost, due to the fact the children of Greenfield participate in the Cal Ripkin teams.
Accountability for trash removal will be written into the contract, which will keep people aware of their trash and the need to dispose of it appropriately.
Recreation Revolving Account – thinking of how she would like to setup the sub-accounts for our community.
Sunset Beach – Anfuso stated she will be contacting Meridian when the water level goes down, it is Anfuso’s hope that by May the culvert will be replaced and the beach start to look better. It is hoped to be completed before June when the beach is opened.
Scottish Games – Discussion followed:
Molly has concerns about the games being held on the soccer field.  This year the games will pay the groundskeeper to properly repair divits and any other damage that may occur to the field.
Another concern is they will not be using the gazebo for the music, they want to put a tent in the baseball diamond – Concerns regarding this were discussed
Games renting to the Oak Park Committee was discussed.  Oak Park Committee sells haggis burgers every year at the games; this year the games do not have an American food vendor, they rent the park, they can choose who the vendors will be.  John Hopkins stated if Selectmen agree, Oak Park Committee would like to sell American food, as well as the haggis burgers.  They would pay the $250.00 vendor fee.  Selectmen asked what does Oak Park Committee want?  Hopkins stated they would like to give it a try and sell American Food also.  Selectmen approved this request.  The GIVERS and the Park and Rec. will be selling water for the “Playground Committee”
Many suggestions and ideas were shared regarding the usage of the park, the new building etc…
Selectmen will support this idea of American food and the fee this year, next year it needs to be looked at more closely, a sliding scale is one suggestion.
Future of the games was briefly discussed, before next year the Selectmen will review usage, wear and tear on the fields, etc.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2004

Oak Park Well - The well was discussed, it was explained that the well no longer has a reserve. The Gazebo well does not exist any longer.  Water for the horses, when the Cavalry rents the Park  was discussed.  Anfuso stated she would look into the water situation from the wash well company that originally worked on the well, discuss the recovery and the amount of water available, report back to the Board.  
Oak Park Committee By-laws - The by laws for the committee will be retyped and put on the server for access by all.  
Playground - Playground Equipment is a priority at this time, as it is in serious need of repair.   
7:00 – Recycling Supervisor, Frank Pelkey – Recycling Center Bay was discussed – The contractor he had hoped would do the work can’t do it, neither can a couple other contractors he would like to have do it.  Bill Harper will send someone over to take a look at the project.  John Hopkins said he could possibly do it for the $31,500.00
Mr. Pelkey suggested that the town build it – the highway crew will be going on 4-day work weeks, Duffy would do it for $22.00/hour. Selectmen were provided a sheet with figures based on 160 hours of work x 4 workers at time and ½ .  This would be approximately $12,000 in labor, with approximately $13,000 in materials.  Salaries were discussed at approximately $20.00/hour, additional payments to retirement, payroll expenses etc. will be necessary to budget for.
Rainier asked what changes as far as Pelkey’s job at the center goes if this is approved?  Pelkey’s assured the Selectmen that none of his other daily work will suffer; his job will take a precedence over everything.
Selectmen agree to the suggestion of town highway employees building the building, an estimate of full-time town employees will be paid $20.00/hour; part-time employee will be paid $10.00/hour. Retirement and payroll expenses will be incurred through this $31,000 warrant article.  In the event this project comes well within the $31,000 – the crew will get a 10%/hour bonus awarded at the end of the project.  Before any definite wages will be determined, PRIMEX will be called to be sure everything is being done appropriately.
6:00 – David Voorhis, Window Master – CANCELLED – RESCHEDULED FOR May 6, 2004 AT 6:00 PM

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2004

On – going matters:
1.      Downtown Project –  
·       Punchlist with DeGrandpre – No update
·       Wastewater policy –  Draft copy provided
·       Wastewater project – Mathewson & Co., Inc. withdrew
2.      Town Management Assessment –
Other Business:
1.      Minutes -  Accept the minutes of April 8, 2004 Selectmen’s Meeting as written
2.      Selectmen approval –
·       A/P Checks and Invoices –
·       Abatements – Metevier – S4 Lots 10 & 11 - Granted
 Jennings – R4 – Lot 7 - Granted
  Lockwood -  R5 – Lot 29-2 – Denied
 Rymes Heating Oils – V3 – Lot 5 – Denied
Lyris Inc. – Discussion followed, Jim Rice recommends this abatement request be Denied.  There have been several changes in administration, as well as property acquisition within Lyris in the last few years.  Selectmen need to review the PILOT agreement closely, with counsel advice.
·       Exempt Status Request  - Denied – New England Forestry Foundation
·       Assessment Change – Stuart Draper – S2-13
    R7-20-1 (fka R9-27-3)
·       Town Hall Rental – Tammy Dumont – May 7, 2004
·       Intent –to-cut – R9-60-2 - Simmons
3.      Mail –

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2004
4.      Avitar - Regarding access to our files via internet access.  Residents who would want this access would pay Avitar $15.00 directly for each town they want access via the internet.  We already have our records, and anyone can come to our office to get them.  However, for the convenience of staying at home and accessing our records via internet, they can pay the $15.00.
5.      Lyris -  FYI – this is the year to review the agreement with LYRIS; Jim Rice and I have briefly spoken on this.  He does not believe they are exempt.  He said they receive over $33,000/year per student tuition, as well as receiving $40,000+/year in State & Federal Funding.  This will remain an agenda item until we resolve it.  Jim Rice & John Teague will work on this together.
6.      Old Lyndeborough Mtn. Road – Selectman Rainier discussed the following:
Culvert Washout - Rainier recently spoke with Mr. Greg Nadeau; Mr. Nadeau owns property on Old Lyndeborough Mtn. Road, there is a brook coming from the mountain, after this last storm the brook washed the driveway out at Mr. Nadeau’s driveway several years ago.  Road Agent, Fox said he could not fix the driveway without permission from the Board of Selectmen. Fox suggested a wing on the culvert would alter the flow of the water and stop the washout of Mr. Nadeau’s driveway.  Mr. Nadeau suggested move a rock or two and this would help to deter the flow, Fox needs permission to go onto Nadeau’s property with Town equipment.  Selectmen unanimously agree to allow Road Agent, Fox to utilize town equipment on Mr. Greg Nadeau’s property for the purpose of relocating a large rock or two to deter the flow of water, stopping the washout of Mr. Nadeau’s driveway.
Box Culvert wash out – discussion followed regarding this, again, Road Agent Fox indicated he would like to install a wing on the culvert.  
Class VI Road -  The property owner, Harrington, who built his house in Lyndeborough has been doing work on the Class VI Road in Greenfield with no permission from Greenfield Selectmen – Discussion followed, possible action to be taken, fines – RSA   236: 9-12, states no resident can work on any portion of any town road or along the side of the road, without permission from the selectmen of the town.  Immediate action:  Selectmen will invite Mr. Harrington to attend a Selectmen’s Meeting and address this issue.  This is a violation and fines can be levied.  There are more than one violation, Mr. Harrington is using a Class VI Road as access to his driveway, he is also grubbing up the road.  He will be ordered to cease and desist any/all work on our road and/or sides of the road.  Road Agent, Fox will be instructed to keep an eye on this and Mr. Harrington will be put on notice.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2004

7.      GES – Mr. Iwonowicz called and said that he walked to Oak Park with his students, it took 8 minutes; then he walked to the field out back, it took 4 minutes.  They enjoyed both fields, they would like to keep both options open with permission from Selectmen.  Selectmen unanimously agreed to allow this request by Mr. Iwonowicz.  Road Agent, Fox has indicated that during slow time in the summer he would like to work on the drainage on the field behind the Town Office, discussion followed.  Selectmen Dumas said as long as the project gets completed he didn’t have a problem, he further stated it doesn’t make sense to start a project if it isn’t going to be finished.
8.      Septic Tank – Questions regarding when the tank will be repaired followed. Selectman Rainier discussed that the D-box needs to be dug up to see if there are solids that migrated to the leachfield.  The pump needs to be installed – Road Agent, Fox will be doing the work, he has indicated he will be doing the job shortly.
9.      Island at Delays – Selectman Rainier spoke to Mr. Delay, it was agreed that Selectman Rainier will go to Peterborough Granite and see what it will cost to grind a rounded edging on the island.  Perhaps when the granite curbing is repaired this could be addressed as well.
Selectmen Brooks & Dumas will be out of town next week.  No Selectmen’s Meeting will be scheduled.
Cancel appointments for next week – Selectmen would like to have Town Clerk, Mrs. Kendall available when Mr. Vincent meets with Selectmen on May 6, 2004.
With no further business, the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.   The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting Thursday – April 29, 2004 at 5:45 PM.