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Selectmen Minutes 04/08/04
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – April 8, 2004 – 5:49 pm

Present: Selectmen:  Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad Dumas;
Selectman, George Rainier
Meeting called to order at   5:49 pm
Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:

6:00 – Susan Wray – Ms. Wray discussed her desire to sponsor the next issue of the Spirit.  She has been a resident of Greenfield for many years, is a Realtor who works out of her home, she is affiliated with Prudential in Milford – Discussion followed, Selectmen will consider making advertising a larger size.  Selectmen authorized Ms. Wray sponsoring spirit, after a better understanding, she will not be advertising for Prudential, she is advertising her own business.
6:15- Mr. Paul Cowled – Mr. Cowled was requesting a letter from BOS regarding his home occupational business.  Mr. Cowled recently moved from Slip Road to Gould Hill Road – Gould Hill Road is zoned, General Residence Zone – the business he wants to run is gunsmithing &/or firearms transactions.  Mr. Cowled stated that while he was living at Slip Road he opened the business, having recently moved to Gould Hill Road and would like to move the business to Gould Hill Road, as well.  
Selectmen asked Mr. Cowled why he didn’t go to the Planning Board, discussion followed.
Mr. Cowled stated he requested that he have his license expedited, as it has already taken quite a long time.  Selectman Rainier discussed the covenants on the properties on Gould Hill Road.  Mr. Cowled was not aware of any covenants.  
Mr. Cowled stated his business primarily would work with local Police Departments, taking the items on the road for repairs.
Selectmen signed the letter to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Deb will send the letter out and mail Mr. Cowled a copy; she is to include a copy of the covenants for Mr. Cowled.
6:30 – Richard Delay – Mr. Delay asked to discuss his letter of March 8th   with the Selectmen.  Mr. Delay did not appear
6:45 – Rick Goodwin & Richard Lynch, 1st N.H. VOL. Cavalry – The Cavalry would like to rent Oak Park and wanted to discuss the details with the Selectmen –– Each year there is an annual trail ride in the memory of Ian Goodwin, they raise money to donate to the Neely House.  Over the years the ride has expanded, this year they would like to downsize and would like to rent the fairgrounds the week-end of July 23, 24, 25, 2004.   This year it is only the Cavalry and friends (40-50 riders). They would like to camp at Oak Park, they will set up a Civil War type of
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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2004

camp. They won’t be in uniform except for Saturday.  The fee for this ride is $25.00/rider, the money will cover the cost of the park rental, and any excess funds will go to the Ian Goodwin scholarship fund.  Lengthy discussion followed.   If Ms, Anfuso thinks it would benefit Parks & Rec., Selectmen stated they would like to use the manure as a compost.  The Cavalry needs to get together with Anfuso to see where the manure should be piled.  After the function, the Cavalry should also get together with Anfuso, the following Monday to review the Park and assure it is satisfactory.  
Selectman Dumas suggested an article be put in the next issue of the Spirit for this function.
The Cavalry will need to tell Police Chief, Brian Giammarino of this event, so they are aware of what is taking place.  They also need to get in touch with Fire Chief, Loren White regarding the fire pit.  
Mr. Goodwin assured Selectmen that an insurance rider would be provided.
Mr. Goodwin discussed that the Cavalry has branched out; they are the “Cowboy Mounted Shoot”.  They would like to see how it goes this year, but not that it be expected this become a yearly function.  What takes place at a shoot is that they would need an area to be approximately 200’ long x 50’ wide; they shoot balloons that are placed on tires with gunpowder.  There will probably be only 8 -10 riders participating in this portion of the event, they use 45’s.  The shoot would take place on Sunday, after 10:00 am.
Selectmen asked that the Cavalry keep Selectmen apprised as to what is going on with this event.
On – going matters:
1.      Downtown Project –  
·       Punchlist with DeGrandpre – No update
·       Wastewater policy – A DRAFT copy of this policy was provided to the Board of Selectmen – the Board of Selectmen will review, edit and discuss the document at a later date.  Deb will also send it to Keith Pratt for review.
·       Pre- qual meeting was held on Tuesday am. Present were Holly Clark, Keith Pratt and Selectman Rainier were the only people present. There have been four companies that have preceded down the line of qualification; currently there are 8 qualified contractors that have been invited to bid, four have responded we expect possibly 2 more bids.

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April 8, 2004

2.      Town Management Assessment – Reviewed the recommendations.  Selectmen are going to speak with Dept. Heads and see what/how they want to move forward…a memo will be sent out to departments asking them to attend a meeting on April 29th and to be prepared to discuss this.  Selectmen reviewed the recommendations a bit further.
Restructure the Town form of government – not accepted at town meeting, needs no further consideration
JLMC – Selectmen briefly discussed this committee, in the future, Deb will share the minutes of the meetings with the Selectmen when she receives them.
Distribute minutes – Deb will continue to distribute minutes to departments.
Clarify lines of authority – Selectmen feel this is redundant
Methods of training & recording – Selectmen will request from Departments that their yearly report, printed in the town report, reflect who received what training throughout the year. This will become a requirement for town report.
Maintain an updated CIP – This is currently happening
Master Plan – Complete
Identify additional staff if needed – done through budgeting process
Standard policy & procedures (Financial) – GASB34 is in the process of becoming implemented.
Pay plan, labor grades etc…- Selectmen will discuss as an agenda item
Review hours of Selectmen’s office hours – 9-12 / 1-5; Friday by appointment
Other items:
1.      Minutes - Selectmen accepted the minutes of April 1, 2004 Selectmen’s Meeting as written
2.      Selectmen approval –
·       P/R Checks and Invoices –
·       Abatements – There were no abatements at this time for Selectmen to review or approve

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April 8, 2004

3.      Mail –
o       Rymes – Credit Cards were discussed, Selectmen directed Deb to look into options
o       Fax From Attorney Teague from Attorney Causer was reviewed – RE:  Barbara C. Harris
o       Misc. Mailings & Brochures were reviewed
4.       Assessment Review – DRA would like to schedule a meeting with myself, Catherine and at least one Selectman to discuss the process.  Dates that are good for Bob Gagne are Wed. April 21, 2004; or the last week in April is totally open.  He wanted Jim Rice here also, however, Jim Rice stated that he did not need to be here.  Either Catherine and/or Deb can answer most of the questions; if we need Mr. Rice we can call him and he wouldn’t charge us, but he would have to charge us if he had to take the day to come here. Deb was instructed to contact Mr. Gagne from the DRA, schedule the meeting for Wednesday, April 28th, 2004, earlier the better.
5.      Avitar - Regarding access to our files via internet access…per the letter sent from Gary Roberge on 3/22/04 asking if we would want local property owners to have access for only $15.00 per year to the town.  Commercial users would have a significantly higher fee.  Mr. Roberge wants to know if we are going to be participating or not, Selectmen would like Deb to speak with Mr. Roberge and have him clarify his letter.
6.      Website – Working on the new website, training this week on Wed.  seemed to go well.  Should be up and running in the next month.  Selectmen do not want a link to their personal e-mail.
7.      Security Systems – Mr. Smith was looking for the ok to begin, it was budgeted and passed at town meeting.  Deb was instructed to contact Bob Smith, Monadnock Security on Monday and let him know it is all set to begin.  She was further instructed to send memos to the various Depts.  Notifying them that they will need to allow Mr. Smith access in the near future.
Scope of Work:  Upgrade Fire Dept. system; install a new system at the Highway Garage, Recycle Ctr., & Town Office
Access Control  
Security System
8.      Library Trustees – Due to personal reasons, Irene Ewing is stepping down as a library trustee, Ginny Hillegass will fill position until a replacement found.  The Trustees will be holding a meeting this week, Mr. Wensberg will bet back to the Board with suggestions.

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April 8, 2004

9.      Recycling Bay – After speaking with PRIMEX regarding the possible contractor not maintaining workers comp. Insurance, Claire Duris stated that we wouldn’t pick this company up during our audit, however if something happens, it would fall back onto the Town.  Selectmen discussed this, the bid price was supposed to include workers comp. Insurance.  Deb was instructed to send the job cost list to Currier Lumber, Belletetes and Hamshaw Lumber to get prices.  The options are:
The contractor Mr. Pelkey had wanted to originally contract, purchase Workers Compensation Insurance.
Put it out to bid again
Town purchases the lumber and gets volunteers to construct the project
Forget the project
This will be discussed again next week at the Selectmen’s Meeting.
10.     Personnel Policies – Selectman Dumas motioned to accept the changes to the Personnel Policies as written, Seconded by Selectmen Brooks and Rainier.  Voted: Unanimously to accept the changes
11.     Conference in Peterborough – Selectman Rainier attended the conference in Peterborough today (April 8, 2004).  It was interesting, Selectman Rainier asked NHMA Attorney, Susan Slack about Old Lyndeborough Mtn. Rd., there has be a substantial amount of grubbing on the sides of the road. Discussion followed…. Before any action is taken at this time, Selectman Rainier will discuss this with Road Agent Fox, and see what he thinks.
12.     TAN – Selectman Dumas motioned to award the Tax Anticipation Note, not to exceed $600,000.00 to Banknorth, N.A.; Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Rainier. Voted;  Unanimously
FYI - Next week David Voorhis, - Deb was asked to look into the grant Jaffrey received for window replacements.
With no further business, the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.     The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is Thursday – April 15, 2004 at 5:45 PM.