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Selectmen Minutes 03/04/04
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – March 4, 2004 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen:  Selectman, Conrad Dumas Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, George Rainier
Meeting opened at   5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
5:45 – Police Chief Brian Giammarino – Chief Giammarino introduced Lionel Emond, a currently certified officer who Giammarino would like to appoint as a new part-time officer in Greenfield. Mr. Emond is an experienced officer with  5 years in Hancock .
Selectmen signed an appointment for Officer Emond, and welcomed him to Greenfield
New pocket photo badges which Giammarino has purchased for all the officers were shown to Selectmen.  Selectmen stated they are nice pocket badges.
Radar unit was discussed – Giammarino stated that t he highway safety will not provide  one to replace an old one, as was originally though.  However, Hancock purchased a new one, they sold the town of Greenfield their 1996 radar unit for $250.00.   It is a certified unit, Giammarino stated it is a very good unit, he is familiar with it.  He will try to sell our old one, however he doesn’t think it will sell for much, as it was the unit that was here when he was here 11/12 years ago.
No appointments are scheduled
On – going matters:
1.      Town Report – Selectmen reviewed the town report
2.      Downtown Project –  
·       11 applications for prequalification on the municipal septic project were submitted.  Selectman Rainier took them to Portsmouth on Monday.  Keith Pratt will open them and review them; Underwood Engineers will make  recommendations as to who should be chosen to bid on the project.
·       Mr. DeGrandpre of VanDyke Construction will get together with Road Agent, Fox and Selectman Rainier to walk down town early next week to review how the roads have held up through the winter. The punch list will be addressed shortly, since winter seems to be behind us.
3.      Wastewater policy – On going - will remain on the agenda until finalized.

Other items:
1.      Minutes - Selectmen accepted the minutes of 2/26/04 Selectmen’s Meeting as written- minor changes to be addressed for accepting at the next meeting.
2.      Selectmen approval –
·       A/P Checks and Invoices
·       Intent to Cut – Colburn -
·       Appointment – Lionel Emonds (P/T Police Officer)
3.      Mail –
4.      Recycling Center Warrant Article Proposal  Handout – Deb presented a brochure to the Selectmen to review for that will be available at Town Meeting.
5.      RSA 91:A 3 II (c) –At 6:40 pm motion by Selectman Dumas to enter into a non-public session for the purpose of discussing  welfare matter.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Brooks.  
6:50 motion by Selectman Dumas to enter out of non public session and to further seal the minutes
Decision:  Regarding Case #                      .  A written request to the Code Officer, from the Selectmen, to do an inspection on this property and the Code Officer should file a written report to the Selectmen of his findings.
6.      Wesley Williams – Additional information for Selectmen, from Mr. Williams, was provided.  Selectmen reviewed his data, Rainier stated he has a map that is dated 1859; the added information does not show any substantial evidence that the Town bounds are incorrect.  They will keep this on the agenda, and further review it at a later date.  Time will be needed to review all the old records to make any decision on this matter.
7.      Clarification of minutes  – Catherine asked Deb to clarify a statement Catherine made regarding the contract with Avitar, at the February 19th Selectmen’s Meeting.  The contract allows for 15 days of assessing, not 15 parcels.
8.      Water Bubbler -
9.      septic
10.     new server has been installed; seems to be running well…
11.     Wall Sconces – Rainier spoke to Mrs. McAlasiter who discussed the sconces to him, theywill be custom made to order, Russell electric will be the electrician.  Selectmen approved the wall sconces, Deb will send a letter to the Womans Club.

With no further business, the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at    7:00 PM.  There will be no meeting on March 11th, Selectmen will be in to sign payroll.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is   Thursday – March 18, 2004 at 5:45 PM.