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Recycling Committee Minutes 05/03/2012
Greenfield Recycling Committee (GRECOM)
Meeting Minutes

May 3, 2012, 7:30pm
Greenfield Town Office Building

Attending:  Candi Fowler, Neal Brown, Dan Wolaver, Mike Steere, Carol Burgess,  Diane Boilard, John Matthias,  Patt LaPree

Absent:  Jon Eber
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM
Minutes of  4.5.12 meeting: Approved after minor corrections.
Discussion of the latest draft of the new Ordinance for Compulsory Recycling (Diane, Carol)

       The terms trash and solid waste were discussed.  It was decided that the term ‘trash” would be substituted for the term solid waste throughout the document.

There followed a wide-ranging, point-by-point discussion of the entire draft document.
Various minor additions, deletions, and corrections were made throughout.

The most controversial issue raised in the draft document was the proposal to mandate the use of clear plastic bags to facilitate inspection of their contents without opening them.  There was considerable debate about the pros and cons, and a straw poll of the attending members showed that those opposed to use of clear bags were close in number to those in favor.  Among the skeptics, there were serious concerns raised about the availability of bags in the most popular, 13 gal/33 gal sizes, about their strength and resilience, and about their cost.

ACTION:  Before the next meeting all committee members are charged to research this “clear bag” issue directly and address the concerns about price, availability, etc.  Neal will try to procure representative bags and bring them for a “show and tell” to the next GRECOM meeting.
Other Business   
-Diane addressed the need for us to consider the issue of returning Recycling Center revenues to the Recycling Center rather than to the General Fund.
- Neal cannot make the next scheduled meeting on June 7; he will canvass members by
e-mail to work out another date.

The meeting was adjourned at ~9:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Candi Fowler and Neal Brown