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Recycling Committee Minutes 10/05/06
Thursday – October 5, 2006 – 7 pm

Members Present: Roger Lessard (Acting Chairman), Kent Vincent, Candi Fowler, Dan Wolaver Frank Pelkey (non-voting); Guest Speaker: Myron Steere
Members Absent (with prior notice to TRC): Neal Brown Bob Jennings, Pat Foy.

Vice-Chairman Lessard called the meeting to order at 7:05pm
Member Kent Vincent taking minutes

1.      Minutes from September 7th meeting were approved as written.
2.      Port-a-Potty
a)      Frank reported the Port-a-Potty was approved by the BOS and is installed at the GRC.
b)      The unit is not a handicap unit, which costs approximately $40 extra per month.
c)      The BOS prefer the Port-a-Potty be hidden from view as much as practical, which Frank has attempted to do.
3.      Communication between TRC and BOS;
a)      The BOS did not appreciate all of Chairman Brown’s arguments for installing a Port-a-Potty. The BOS expressed their displeasure to Frank, who had not seen, nor asked, that such a complete letter be sent to the BOS on his behalf.
b)      The BOS prefers to deal solely with Frank as a Department Head in future, and not receive such letters from the TRC.
c)      After discussion, the Committee concluded that it would be improper for all communication to go through Frank, therefore the TRC will continue to communicate directly with the Selectmen as needed.
d)      Should the BOS wish to discuss this further, the BOS can arrange to meet with the TRC and/or Chairman Brown as they might decide.
e)      The TRC agrees that Frank should be afforded an opportunity to review letters to the BOS sent on his behalf, before letters are sent.
f)      The TRC regrets that Chairman Brown’s letter upset the BOS and apologizes to Frank that he was undeservedly the target of the BOS’s displeasure.
4.      Myron Steere presented his preliminary ideas conclusion for discussion and further direction from the TRC.
a)      Myron has taken preliminary measurements and prepared a sketch of the current arrangement.
b)      He has met with Frank, Duffy, and other concerned residents to learn of their concerns and ideas.
c)      Taking all into account, he presented an insightful concept that looks to significantly:
i.      Improve traffic flow into and through the facility;
ii.     Increase and improve accessibility to all areas of the GRC.
d)      Further, his concept looks to properly allow for immediate placement of needed improvements and allow for future changes as circumstances dictate.
e)      Perhaps most importantly, all or almost all of the alterations can be done by the DPW & GRC staff at little expense (comparatively).
Action Item: After considerable discussion of Myron’s ideas, the TRC voted to have Myron continue in the direction he is going and prepare more complete drawings as quickly as possible.
The TRC wishes to thank Myron for his effort and insight. He has already been a very valuable contributor to building a better GRC.
5.      2007 GRC Budget Subcommittee Report:
a)      The subcommittee reported they had met and, working with Frank, have prepared a first draft budget for submission to the BOS. Frank is due to turn in his first draft by Friday, October 13th. This budget funds the Port-a-Potty, recycling of electronics (State mandated), Hazardous Waste disposal (last provided for three years ago), full-time supervision, increased part-time labor, and a few other small increases. Frank reported that he had just received some updated numbers (for salary benefits and such), which the subcommittee accepted and agree to meet in the coming week in time to make necessary adjustments.
b)      The subcommittee further reported they had contacted several neighboring towns and will contact more in the near future. A report on exactly what these towns are doing in their individual recycling/transfer facilities will be forthcoming. Of special note is that every town so far has at least TWO FULL—time employees.
c)      Frank, working with the subcommittee has developed some leads into alternative means of processing hazardous waste and recycling electronics. Both methods appear they might offer significant savings to the Town. Details will be presented at the next TRC meeting for review.
6.      Subcommittee Meetings and Interim TRC Meeting:
a)      The Site Plan Subcommittee will meet on Friday, October 20th at 7PM. Myron is out of town until then, but will be in communication via eMail. He expects to have more developed drawing available by the 20th.
b)      The 2007 Budget Subcommittee will meet Monday, October 9th at 7PM. They will review the additional information provided by Frank tonight and prepare an adjusted budget as necessary.
c)      The TRC itself will consider more frequent meetings as the year ends.

The meeting ended at 8:40PM