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Recycling Committee Minutes 9/07/06
Thursday – September 7, 2006 – 7 pm

Members Present: Neal Brown (Chairman), Roger Lessard, Kent Vincent, Bob Jennings, Candi Fowler, Patrick Foy, Dan Wolaver Frank Pelkey (non-voting)

 Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 7:05pm
Member Kent Vincent taking minutes

1.      Minutes from August 3rd meeting were distributed and will be approved via email after the Committee members have reviewed same.
2.      Committee Membership And Volunteer Roster:
a)      Chairman Brown welcomed and introduced Patrick Foy as the newest member of the Committee.
3.      The Committee discussed the pressing need for a Port-a-Potty at the GRC.
a)      Arguments for:
i.      To use the facilities at the DPW, Frank must leave the property, which is a logistic problem (perhaps a legal one too).
ii.     There are around a dozen volunteers (including at least 1 female and several older children), for whom the DPW facility is unacceptable in its usual condition
iii.    The occasional resident has asked to use facilities, including at least one challenged individual.
iv.     Frank reported a unit should cost no more than $125 per month ($1,500 annually) and perhaps less. Adding a unit at the GRC may also slightly reduce the unit cost to the town for all the units provided around town.
b)      Arguments against: None
c)      The Committee voted unanimously to recommend installation of a handicap-accessible unit as soon as possible.
Action Item: Chairman Brown to prepare and present a letter to the BOS strongly recommending installation of a unit at the earliest opportunity.
4.      Frank passed along a request from Greenfield Elementary School for a speaker to “kick-off” a Recycling Program at GES. Frank would love to go but doesn’t have the time in his schedule. The Committee unanimously supported sending a representative.
Action Item: Chairman Brown and Candi Fowler to contact GES and make arrangements to speak to the kids..
5.      Frank asked the Committee to assist in arranging for a Hazardous Waste Day in the near future. The GRC has not held one in a few years and a few residents have recently asked about it. The difficulty is
a)      The total cost for such an event is around $20,000. This cost is partially offset by State Funding and/or grants, and the remaining cost is usually shared between neighboring towns. The last event the GRC took part in cost us $2,500.
b)      Approximately 30 residents signed up to drop hazardous material at that event, but only 3 actually made it that day.
c)      Peterborough held an event very recently, but usually holds 3 or so such events per year.
Action Items:
i.      Frank to contact Scott at Peterborough to learn his schedule and contact neighboring towns to learn their interest in participating.
ii.     Frank to contact DES to determine their contribution.
iii.    Frank to put up a sign-up sheet at the GRC to try and determine the actual immediate need. Roger will put an informational blurb about the sign-up sheet in the next Spirit.
iv.     The TRC recommends funds for such an event be included in the budget for next year.
v.      The TRC to explore a tie-in with local 2007 Earth Day programs.
6.      Frank informed the TRC about an upcoming directive for all recycling centers to accept and recycle electronic equipment (currently defined as anything with a plug, but we think we know what is intended) in 2007. Frank passed out some information from NRRA outlining 3 alternative ways to process the expected material. At this early point, Frank estimates the minimum cost to Greenfield to be $3,500 in 2007.
a)      The TRC is concerned that we currently lack sufficient specific information (definitions, State participation, etc) to properly meet any forthcoming directive.
b)      TRC is concerned that we lack a proper site plan for placing appropriate equipment, if needed, at the GRC.
c)      TRC is concerned we lack an agreed Operating Procedures and Guideline for allocating any charges to residents for processing such material, if such costs are to be passed directly onto the residents.
Action Item: TRC to review the distributed material and discuss in more detail how to meet any such directive in a future meeting. Concurrently, Kent will contact DES & NRRA to gather available additional specific information.
7.      .TRC unanimously agreed that the Site Plan work being done by Myron Steere (and/or Sheldon) is critical to the questions before the TRC.
8.      To better meet the demands on the TRC, the following steps were approved
a)      A Subcommittee was formed to work closely with Myron to bring to the Committee some working drawings as soon as possible. This subcommittee consists of Roger, Dan, and Bob; with Bob to serve as Chairman.
b)      A Subcommittee was formed to work with Frank in preparing the 2007 Budget. This subcommittee consists of Kent, Pat and Candi; with Candi serving as Chairwoman. Meeting dates to be determined by the individual subcommittee members.
c)      The TRC itself will consider more frequent meetings as the year ends.
9.      The TRC remains concerned that material has been, and can still be removed from the GRC absent proper approval. Specifically, some material (i.e. air conditioners) can be removed prior to proper draining of liquids and/or hazardous material in possible violation of State and Federal laws.

The meeting ended at 9PM