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Recycling Committee Minutes 8/3/06
Thursday – August 3, 2006 – 7 pm

Members Present: Neal Brown (Chairman), Roger Lessard, Kent Vincent, Dan Wolaver, Candi Fowler, Frank Pelkey (non-voting)

 Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 7:10pm
Member Kent Vincent taking minutes

1.      Minutes from July  6th meeting approved without changes.
2.      Committee Membership And Volunteer Roster:
a)      Chairman Brown welcomed and introduced Candi Fowler as the newest member of the Committee.
b)      The Volunteer Roster schedule is set through August 26th. Any changes to be negotiated between the volunteers themselves.
3.      Chairman Brown introduced Myron Steere. Mr. Steere has volunteered to prepare a site plan for the GRC. He will prepare a plan of what exists presently and what could be done to implement improvements in both the short term and long term. As a preface to his work, Mr. Steere offered the following observations for discussion by the Committee.
a)      It is vital that a Mission Statement be created in order to assess how well any site plan might meet the Town’s goals for the GRC.
b)      .The 4 critical services any recycling center serves is to accept, sort, store, and export recycling material. The GRC could stand improvement in all 4 areas.
c)       Any successful design must incorporate the concept (fact?) that whatever is being done today or will be done tomorrow will undergo constant change into the future. Building in the ability to be flexible is very important.
Action Items:
i.      Kent will present a first attempt at a Mission Statement for the Committee’s review at the next meeting.
ii.     Myron and Frank will pursue creating some initial elevations of the site and contact a resident architect (“Sheldon”?) who may be able to further assist in this project.
iii.    Kent will organize some Town school students to conduct a Traffic Study as a first step to addressing potential changes in traffic flow through the BRC. The same study will also gather information on the use of Town Stickers by users of the GRC.
4.      The Committee postponed a discussion on prioritizing potential changes until a site plan is produced, with which possible changes can be assessed.
5.      Kent was unable to present a compilation of existing rules and procedures but will continue to purse same for discussion at a later meeting.
6.      Frank asked the Committee to assist him in preparation of his Annual Budget. The Committee agreed to full assist Frank.

The Committee expressed its great appreciation to Mr. Steere for attending and assisting the TRC in its efforts. The TRC is very grateful for his expression of willingness to assist the TRC in producing the much-needed site plan and designs.
The meeting ended at 8:15PM