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Greenfield Village Initiative Survey 6/24/13
Please take our
Greenfield Village Initiative Survey
The Greenfield Planning Board and Village Advisory Committee would like to hear from you!

Greenfield began development of an updated Master Plan in 2012 which will help to guide us for the next 10 years. The Master Plan vision statement reflects strong support from townspeople for preserving/protecting the rural and historical character/resources of the town, encouraging business growth, and maintaining open space and natural habitats.  It is a priority of the Planning Board to help protect traditional character, encourage new investment and manage change.

The Planning Board is pleased with the outcome of the renovated Greenfield Meeting Place.  In June, the project was recognized for its excellence by the NH Housing Authority and Plan NH as a model in the category Adaptive Re-Use Rural. Although the renovations and changes there were strictly voluntary, the Planning Board made suggestions that the new owner was willing to accept.  Alternate scenarios would have been less fortuitous for the town.  The building could have been torn down.  The spot could have been left vacant. A new structure on this lot might not have used traditional building materials or blended well with the village’s existing character.  Parts of the building could have been changed or removed.  In short, Greenfield was very fortunate that this renovation was completed in a way that strengthens, rather than detracts, from the character of our historic village center.  

Building on the success of the Greenfield Meeting Place, the Planning Board is exploring a new tool in NH, the creation of a Village Heritage District, which would help to guide and encourage other new investments in the village while protecting what we value. The Planning Board and a volunteer Advisory Committee of residents is now working on the various aspects of a Village Heritage District including a proposed new zoning overlay that would designate a Village Heritage District.  The purpose of this district would be to allow an Advisory Committee and the Planning Board to review developments in the village with an eye toward enhancing our historic assets while supporting new development.

To help us with our work, please take a few minutes to reflect on this issue and respond to the following questions: