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Planning Board Minutes 12/19/2016
Planning Board
Town of Greenfield
Meeting Minutes
Recorded by Janice Pack
December 19, 2016

Members Attending:  Paul Renaud, Robert Marshall, Steve Chicoine, Sherry Fox, Ken Paulsen, Angelique Moon, Andrew Heck
Meeting Opened: 7:00 PM
Minutes:  The Minutes were read by PRenaud.  PRenaud motioned to accept the minutes as written.  KPaulsen   seconded and all were in favor.
Copy of the corrected invoice from Ledger-Transcript for $92.25

Old Business
The Board reviewed the Annual Report, the Public Notice to be published, and the letter that will be sent to the property owners in the Greenfield Business District and the Center Village District which were prepared by PRenaud.  Three slight modifications were suggested.  The Board feels ready to move forward with the Public Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Amendments which will be held on January 9th at 6:30.

New Business
7:30-8:00 PM Roger Swain – Preliminary Conceptual Consultation (PCC)   RSwain wants to put in a detached accessory dwelling unit on his property.   PRenaud advised RSwain that nothing said tonight would be binding; we were meeting in an advisory capacity only.   RSwain lives in the stone house on Old Mountain Road (the old Harry Atwood place, he says) and he advised us that it is a challenging home to live in.  Faced with the issue of heating this home, it occurred to him that it would be nice to live somewhere that was warm and had more light.  He would like to build a detached accessory dwelling (a very small, one level) to live in the majority of the year.   

PRenaud stated that the Planning Board would not really be the ones to approve this.  RSwain would need to go before the Zoning Board.  PRenaud referred to the requirements on pages 17 and 18, Section IV C, in the Zoning Ordinance, and the Board felt that there should be no problem with getting a Special Exception.  

8:00 PM Review Tim Langreck’s possible petition to the Town to take over the maintenance of the road (Cameron’s Way) and acknowledge it as a Class 5 road.  RSA674:4-a states that the Town can give the power to the Select Board to decide; PRenaud will need to verify whether or not the Town adopted this.  This may need to be voted on at Town Meeting. The deadline for a warrant article is February 7th.   
Attending tonight were Tim Langreck, Jenn Langreck and Peter Mickola                                                             
PRenaud advised that we could not take a vote tonight as to whether or not we approve or support this, as the road must first be dedicated.  The person who owns the road must more or less donate the road to the town for public use.  This does not imply that the town would accept the road.  

PRenaud asked about the status of the Homeowners Association Agreement.  TLangreck said that he and his wife moved in about 3 years ago. According to TLangreck, there is a Homeowner’s Association Agreement in place.  He feels that the road is treated as a public road – there is a bus that comes through 4 times a day.  The fire department also pulls water from their retention pond “because it is easier”, according to TLangreck.  JLangreck also pointed out that there is no gate or signs stating Private Way, which is another reason why she feels that the road is treated as a public road.  PRenaud said it sounds like the bond is still in effect, and the road is still not finished.  However, the bond copy that we have expired April 2015.  Aaron Patt thought that the bond had been renewed.  PRenaud says it is problematic to ask the town to accept the road with a bond in effect; and with the road not finished, there would be betterment assessments.  There would need to be a Public Hearing with everyone noticed, or the developer would need to finish the road.  RMarshall mentioned that with the waivers in place, the road is not as wide as it would need to be for a class 5 road.   PRenaud felt that the Select Board would really need to decide on this.  The Code Enforcement Officer would need to be consulted, as well as the DPW Supervisor.  There was discussion on whether or not the Planning Board would deal with the Homeowner Association as the legal entity, or with Jack Belletete, Developer.  AHeck clarified that the legal entity should come to this board and formally ask the Planning Board to move forward.  Without a formal petition to move forward, the Planning Board does not need to do anything at this point; the ball is in the Homeowners Association’s court.

The Board discussed whether they should say something to the Fire Department about taking the water from the private pond.  No action was taken.

KPaulsen moved to adjourn the meeting, and SFox seconded.  All were in favor.  
The meeting adjourned at 9:16 PM.