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Planning Board Minutes 12/12/2016
Planning Board
Town of Greenfield
Approved Meeting Minutes
Recorded by Janice Pack
December 12, 2016

Members Attending:  Paul Renaud, Robert Marshall, Steve Chicoine (SChicoine is sitting in for Sherry Fox tonight, and will be voting), Ken Paulsen, Angelique Moon, Andrew Heck, Andre Wood
Meeting Opened: 7:05 PM
Minutes:  The Minutes were read by PRenaud.  A few corrections were noted, and KPaulsen motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  AMoon seconded and all were in favor, except AWood who abstained.
AP File with an invoice from Ledger-Transcript for $174.25 (We will be challenging $82 of this invoice as the notice was published twice and we only asked for it to be published once)
YTD Budget Report
Letter from DES regarding the Town of Peterborough Wastewater Treatment Facility Permit being renewed
Submission of documents from Tim Langreck regarding 16 Cameron’s Way
Flyer from Southwest Region Planning Commission – November highlights
Letter from Southwest Region Planning Commission regarding Brownfields Site Nomination

New Business
PRenaud will work on the Planning Board Report for the Annual Report which is due on January 7th.  He will also write the Notice for the newspaper for the Public Hearing coming up in January.

Next week Roger Swain will be coming in for a PCC 7:30-8:00 PM. He wants to put in an accessory dwelling unit.

Also at next week’s meeting, the Board will need to review Tim Langreck’s possible petition to the Town to take over the maintenance of the road (Cameron’s Way) and acknowledge it as a Class 5 road.  RSA674:4a states that the Town can give the power to the Select Board to decide; PRenaud will need to verify whether or not the Town adopted this.  This may need to be voted on at Town Meeting. The deadline for a warrant article is February 7th.   According to TLangreck, there is a Homeowner’s Association Agreement in place. The Town has a private road policy which was adopted by the Select Board in May 2007, and which may have some bearing on this.  We will need to see if there were any waivers in place.   In a cursory review, some of the road standards may have been waived, so if the Town takes it over, there may need to be betterment assessments made.  

Continuing with the 2017 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Proposals –
Amendment 10
Michael Borden said that the NFPA has 20’ as the minimum setback for protection from fire exposure and for fire department access, so PRenaud changed the frontage from 150’ to 65’ and the side yards of not less than 20’.
RMarshall motioned to move Amendment 10 forward with these changes to present at the public hearing.  AHeck seconded it, and all were in favor.

The Board began to review the Future Land Use Plan to determine what needed to be updated.  Using a projector and screen to view, the Board went through each paragraph of the first few pages line by line, and AMoon made the changes that the Board suggested to update the content.  Chapters up through Economic Development were completed tonight, and the Board will continue the updating process at a future meeting, possibly the second meeting in January.

AHeck moved to adjourn the meeting, and AWood seconded.  All were in favor.  
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.    Minutes Approved as Written on 12/19/16.