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Planning Board Minutes 04/11/2016
Planning Board
Town of Greenfield
Meeting Minutes
Recorded by Janice Pack
April 11, 2016

Members Attending: Paul Renaud, Ken Paulsen, Sherry Fox, Andre Wood  Also Attending: Robert Marshall
Meeting Opened:  7:00 PM

Minutes from the last meeting held on March 28th were read by PRenaud.  In Line 47 the words  may not were changed to may.  A few other minor corrections were noted and KPaulsen motion to accept the minutes as amended.   SFox seconded, and all were in favor.
PRenaud read the Minutes from the Site Walk of April 6th.   RMarshall moved to accept as written; AWood seconded, and all were in favor.

Supply Lines with the Source NHDES Spring 2016 Newsletter
Greenfield Building Permits 2016 Spreadsheet dated 4/5/16
Current Town Officials & Committee 2016 listing dated 3/29/16
Package from Fieldstone Land Consultants, PLLC containing 4 sets of documents on behalf of Michele Perron of Allrose Farm Country Weddings, and 3 site plan sets
Letter from Southwest Region Planning Commission regarding an informational session on 4/27/16
A/P Folder containing:
Invoice from Ledger-Transcript for Noticing (to be paid by Eversource)
2 Boundary Line Adjustment Plans between Barbara C. Harris Camp and State of NH (to be filed)
Statement from the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds

PRenaud noted we need at least 20 days from when the site plan application is received before we can act on it. The Allrose submittal was received today, so we need to wait until May. He will go over this more when we discuss the Rules and Procedures.  He will do a Preliminary Completeness Review, looking at her submission against our checklist to see if anything is missing beforehand.  
Public Hearing for Eversource Energy / David Crane regarding Swamp Road Tree Cutting & Removal           PRenaud asked if before the meeting was opened, “Does anyone want to recuse themselves?”  SFox said ” Yes.”

Public Hearing opened at 7:32 PM
Attended by David Crane from Eversource, Craig Rautiola and Kate Dean
PRenaud mentioned to DCrane that there was $82 due for the noticing.  PRenaud will have Catherine Shaw send an invoice to Eversource. PRenaud reminded everyone of the rules and procedures concerning a public hearing.
DCrane gave a recap of last Wednesday’s site walk. The purpose is to put in 1.5 miles of line to provide electricity to a new home being built.  Some trees and brush will need to be removed to allow for the lines to be put in.  Eversource plans to contact all abutting landowners before the work is done.  Once the poles are set, DCrane will go over and look at the trees again and if he feels that the work can be done without removing the trees, he will remove the flags from them.  The trees to be removed are, for the most part, old and/ or unhealthy.
PRenaud asked for any questions. There were none.  Hearing none, PRenaud closed the public hearing at 7:41 PM.  Deliberation began.  PRenaud noticed that the RSA states that to allow the cutting of the trees on a scenic road will require WRITTEN consent.
RMarshall asked what the status was of the application to the ZBA.  PRenaud stated that the application was in, and John Casey was waiting to hear from John Gryval. RMarshall said he asked the question because he feels we cannot act until we hear back from the ZBA.  PRenaud disagrees as we are only acting on the cutting and removal of the trees.  The ZBA will be acting on the putting of the poles in the wetlands.  These are totally separate issues.  RMarshall says “If we were to approve the tree cutting, and they go down and cut those trees, and the ZBA denies the variance, then we’ve cut the trees for no reason.”  DCrane clarified the timeline again – he will look at the job again once the poles have been set and before the trees are cut.  AWood suggested that we state “Approved contingent on the ZBA allowing the poles to be put in the wetlands.” RMarshall commented that he felt it was an excellent plan, and urged the PB to approve the plan.  AWood agreed. PRenaud asked to have a motion.
RMarshall moved to approve the tree trimming on Swamp Road contingent on the approval of the ZBA to set the poles, and contingent on receiving the $82 for the noticing.  This was seconded by KPaulsen, and all were in favor.
CRautiola and DCrane left the room.
SFox was unrecused at this time.
PRenaud mentioned a few items that he wanted to review at our next meeting on May 9th.  He said that we will also have a PCC for Peter Davenport at that meeting.
RMarshall asked if Lisa Murphy was working on our Future Land Use chapter; and PRenaud said “no, not yet”. PRenaud will speak to CShaw about changing the maps.

PCC for Mrs. Stephanie Kokal began at 8:00 PM
The purpose of the PCC is to discuss the barn that they would like to build.  KPaulsen asked where the barn would be built. SKokal said they have 196 acres and want to construct a barn down by the road.  AWood asked if they were conducting a business at the site.  PRenaud states that the town does not regulate agricultural activities (like horse activities, training, farrier, etc.) and asked if the barn was for commercial use.  SKokal stated that it was for the family’s use.  It would be a covered arena,  100’ by 70’.   AWood brought up the property on his tablet so the board could see the intended location.  RMarshall asked if there would be power to it.  Mr. Kokal said “Yes and there would be toilets, too.”  AWood clarified that there would not be living quarters included, and Mr. Kokal said that was not their intent.  RMarshall asked about the roof, and Mr. Kokal said “a tin roof.”  
The proposal does involve external modifications and construction.  PRenaud said it’s an agricultural based property, and there is a lot of leeway that the State gives you with agricultural structures.  He does not believe this is regulated.  AWood thinks they do not need a site plan review.  SFox, KPaulsen and RMarshall all agreed.  RMarshall feels they just need a building permit.  Mr. Kokal has spoken to Mike Borden – MBorden told them to come by the PB first. AWood made the motion that the plan, as presented, did not require a site plan review; however, all building permits, regulations and such should be followed.  SFox seconded. All were in favor.
PRenaud said that he would contact MBorden tomorrow to let him know.
The Kokals and Kate Dean left the room.

The Board moved on to discuss the Site Plan Review Checklist.  PRenaud went over the changes to the form, including the opening paragraph and two lines below it, and the checklist headings for both the Applicant and the Planning Board.  He discussed the statement “Does this have regional impact” and wondered if and where it should be added.  AWood wondered if it should be the first thing in Section III.  PRenaud said that because of the noticing aspects, if it would have regional impact, it would need to be known ahead of time.  AWood said the importance of the checklist was to help the applicant determine if he had all of his ducks in a row.  
KPaulsen said he had a question on Section III – “do we really need the checklist for Applicant Use?” SFox said for Section III we could get rid of that checklist and put “For Planning Board Use Only”. PRenaud reminded the Board that the applicant may have an expert like a certified engineer who would be filling out the Checklist. PRenaud pointed out the statement added in the first paragraph and felt that it was geared toward Section III. The Board deliberated on the proposed changes and their purposes.  
It was decided to strike #16 from Section III of the document.
It was decided to add an additional disclaimer “To be addressed by the Planning Board during deliberation”
RMarshall suggested adding the gridlines to the form to make it easier to follow along. He also felt that we should try and get it down to fewer pages, perhaps make it double sided, to make it easier for the Applicant, and help them to have a positive experience when coming before the Board.  
The Board agreed that the changes will make the document better, and with the changes stated above, it was so moved by RMarshall to go forward.  This was seconded by AWood, and all were in favor.
PRenaud will do the Written Statement regarding the tree cutting by Wednesday.  

SFox motioned to adjourn, AWood seconded, and all  were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05