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Planning Board Minutes 03/14/2016
Planning Board
Town of Greenfield
Meeting Minutes
Recorded by Janice Pack
March 14, 2016

Members Attending: Ken Paulsen, Paul Renaud, Jim Fletcher, Sherry Fox, Angelique Moon, Robert Marshall

Meeting Opened:  7:00  The meeting was called to order by JFletcher

Minutes were read by PRenaud.  A few corrections were noted, and PRenaud made a Motion to Approve.  KPaulsen Seconded.  All in favor.  PRenaud will speak to Aaron Patt about putting the minutes on the website

Letter of 3/7/16 from Eversource regarding cutting on Swamp Road
Unclaimed Certified Letter to Richard & Nancy Blakemore (regarding NEFP hearing)
Another note from Catherine Shaw to check plans for correct lot numbers on the Technical Subdivision application
The Town of Greenfield 2015 Annual Report
Letter of resignation from Robert Marshall
Package of plans from Vestige Properties regarding the NEFP application, which need to be signed

Election of Officers:  Tonight we need to elect a Chair, Vice Chair and a Corresponding Secretary
JFletcher asked if there were any nominations for Chair.  
SFox nominated KPaulsen. Seconded by RMarshall
JFletcher nominated PRenaud, seconded by KPaulsen.
Vote was for PRenaud (SFox, RMarshall, JFletcher and KPaulsen) (PRenaud abstained)

JFletcher asked if there were any nominations for Vice Chair.
SFox nominated KPaulsen, JFletcher seconded.
There were no other nominations.  
Vote was for KPaulsen (SFox, RMarshall, JFletcher and PRenaud) (KPaulsen abstained)

JFletcher asked if there were any nominations for Secretary.
KPaulsen nominated SFox, JFletcher seconded.
RMarshall asked if everyone knows what the role of Secretary is, and JFletcher offered to read the description.  PRenaud stated that we would review the Rules and Procedures at the next meeting.  
Vote was for SFox (RMarshall, JFletcher, KPaulsen and PRenaud) (SFox abstained)

The rules also state that a Reporting Secretary shall be elected.  PRenaud nominated JPack, SFox seconded, all were in favor

The rules state that “up to 3 alternate members may be appointed” and JFletcher asked if anyone knew of anyone who might be interested, and this was discussed, with no appointments being made at this time.

Other business
The letter from Eversource was read by JFletcher.  Eversource needs to trim and remove trees to construct a new line on Swamp Road for the purpose of getting power to a new home being build on that road, and they are requesting a public hearing for the trimming and removal of trees pursuant to RSA 231:158.  The letter states that they have identified approximately 20 trees which will need to be taken down, and have marked them with red flagging.  They have contracted with Asplundh Tree Expert Company to do the work.    
PRenaud stated that because of the RSA, this will need to be noticed twice before the Public Hearing, which will be held on April 11th during our regular meeting, and he wants to schedule a site walk prior to the meeting.  PRenaud will put the notice in on March 24th and March 31st.

RMarshall thinks the site walk should be before the public hearing, rather than on the day of, and JFletcher agreed.  PRenaud asked if there was a better time to schedule the site walk.  He suggested that we notice the Hearing first, and then the site walk, which needs to be noticed in 2 places.  RMarshall said we could post it on the website and hang a copy of the notice here in the building. Eversource will pay the cost of the noticing.   Wednesday, April 6th at 6:00 pm was decided on for the site walk.  

The other issue, PRenaud says, is that 2 of the 5 poles to be put up are in wetlands.  Under Special Exemptions it says that special exemptions may be granted by the board due to certain conditions, which include utilities and erection of structures. PRenaud thinks that Eversource will need a special exemption in order to put the poles in the wetlands.  (Page 13 Section I Special Purpose Districts, II Wetlands Conservation Districts). RMarshall asked if PRenaud had determined that the poles would fall into this area.  PRenaud confirmed that they did, and that 2 of the poles would be in the wetlands.  He said that the Conservation Committee has already received this letter.  Eversource has a Special Exemption from the State of NH to install the poles, but PRenaud feels that they still need to go before the ZBA.  RMarshall asked if the exemption from the State would be enough to grant the exemption by the Town.  PRenaud said that it probably would be, but he can’t speak for the ZBA.  RMarshall says he is sure that if the State gave them a permit, the State ruling would take precedence over the local one.  PRenaud says it still needs to be addressed.  He told the Eversource rep to fill out an application to go before ZBA and asked for consensus.  SFox is an abutter, so felt she should take herself out of the conversation.  

PRenaud stated that as Chair, he plans to vote on everything, not just the tiebreaker.  He moved that Eversource requires a special exemption per Section I Special Purpose Districts II Wetland Conservation Districts d. (1 and 2) to install utility poles in the wetlands.
JFletcher seconded, and asked if there was any discussion. Hearing none, the Board voted, and All were in favor.

At the next meeting, PRenaud wants to review the budget, and down the line (perhaps in June or July) to look at the Future Land Use chapter and the Open Space Subdivision Ordinance.  That discussion needs to be continued, as we had gone past midnight without reaching an agreement last time.

PRenaud asked JFletcher if we had gotten the final invoice for the construction materials yet.  We have not.

PRenaud is going to start a spreadsheet to keep track of all of the things that we’re doing and what we’re waiting for.  AMoon asked if we’ve looked at software packages to do that.  She thinks there may be free stuff we can look for.  PRenaud asked AMoon to forward to him anything she finds that might work.

RMarshall said that when he was Chair, he updated the subdivision application system, but he also discovered that we have no data base on site plan reviews.  Feels our filing system is woeful. Says PRenaud has some outstanding ideas on how to bring structure to the Town and he supports that.

On last year’s agenda was a site plan review checklist problem – section 3 to be specific.  In our review to invoke jurisdiction of an application, we go through the list which the applicant has already filled out.  Section 3 asks “Is this a permitted use”.  PRenaud wonders if Section 3 should be something submitted by the applicant, or should it just be something that the Planning Board uses as part of the criteria for approval and/or deliberation?  PRenaud wants to discuss this at our next meeting. JFletcher thinks we should just put FOR PLANNING BOARD USE ONLY over Section 2.  Section 2 is for the applicant (submission requirements) to complete, but JFletcher and PRenaud feel that Section 3 was never meant to be for use by the applicant.   

Planning Board email address – PRenaud will use the Town email address going forward to separate personal from Planning Board emails.  RMarshall cautioned that everyone needs to maintain a separate email address.  

PRenaud promised that we will be getting agendas for each meeting going forward.

A week from tonight (3/21/16) is the next EDAC meeting, and we will have the senior director from Fairpoint here, and the network engineer via speakerphone, and Ellen Scarpone.  PRenaud spoke to TDS last week, and they confirmed that fiber is going down 31 to connect Lyndeboro and Antrim, and said Management in Wisconsin are intrigued by the possibility of coming into Greenfield. PRenaud mentioned the survey that we will be doing, and said that it is still in the early stage of the process but he is encouraged about moving forward with TDS.  Talk turned to internet connections again, and AMoon said she is excited about the new options that might be coming up. RMarshall praised the contributions so far by the Board to bring this into the Town.

KPaulsen asked if there was any update to the planning and zoning conference this year.  PRenaud hasn’t heard of any new date yet.

8:48 PM  JFletcher made a Motion to Adjourn which was seconded by SFox, all were in favor
Meeting Adjourned