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Planning Board Minutes 10/05/2015
October 5, 2015

Members attending: KO’Connell, PRenaud, RMarshall, (sitting in for JFletcher), SFox

7:07 P.M. Meeting Opened
Lisa Murphy, SWRPC presented the Traffic and Transportation chapter which she has been working on. She looked at what the Master Plan has for transportation and traffic and she incorporated that information with what she has written.
II: Linkages of Transportation to Other Chapters and Plans:
She added: A. Land Use; B. Economic Development; C. Housing /Population/Demographcs; D. Natural Resources-Environmental; and E. Hazard Mitigation.  She recommends that the Planning Board look closely at transportation as it has an important role in planning for the town’s future.
II. Road Classifications:
This chapter defines state highway and federal functional classification.   This gives people ideas why some roads are funded and others are not.  
Under C. Scenic Road Classification she asked if there have been any new additions.  It was noted that Driscoll Road needs to be added.  BMarshall will check the warrant article for Driscoll Road to get length of the road to Lisa.  
On Table 2, page 10, the traffic counts there were small changes.  On Table 3, the numbers do not add up so she is going to have Henry check and verify and make corrections as needed.
BMarshall asked if both par time and full time employees are included.  LMurphy said both are included.  
IV. Road Network:   
LMurphy said there is updated info on road surface widths and conditions. She talked with the Police chief on the number of accidents, which has decreased, but the locations are the same.  Forest Road at the railroad tracks and Miner Road are still areas with the most accidents.
Stormwater management:   The road agent did a great job listing those culverts and roads that flood. It was mentioned by RMarshall that the road improvements had changed slightly.
V.  Public/Alternative Transportation Modes:
Pedestrian and bicycle transportation modes do not fit for every town, but it is worth mentioning as there are public/private trails in Greenfield.      RMarshall said ran out of money in the bond, so pieces are either graveled or not completed.  
LMurphy said she will pull the charrette information and put it in this chapter as it will help in applying for grant funds.  
RMarshall said there is a lot of off road bicycling that takes place in town along with an annual mountain bike race.   
LMurphy said we haven’t done the Natural Features or Land use and Implementation chapters.  There was a small discussion in perhaps separately Land Use and Future Land, but PRenaud said the Future Land chapter shouldn’t be separate per RSA 674:2 which says it needs to be part of Land Use chapter.  He also said under the Future Land Use or Natural Resources chapter to make sure that forestry projects being done by the ConCom are added to the Master plan.
LMurphy will add the following statement under the Bicycle paragraph:   “There is a combination of public and private trails used for recreational purposes.  She will remove that last two sentences in the paragraph.  
Local Projects:  It was noted that one or two roads to be done every year, if this is kept on track, every 10 years the cycle will be repeated.   LMurphy will talk to APatt to get a one or two line synopsis.
VII. Techniques for Addressing Transportation issues;
This is very consistent with the charrette information.
LMurphy asked that the rest of the board review this chapter and then send their thoughts and questions to Kevin.  He’ll screen the questions and will e-mail them to Lisa.  She will e-mail this chapter to Kevin for editing.

8:26 p.m. Master Plan Presentation Concluded

8:28 p.m.  Reading of Meeting Minutes
PR began reading the September 28 meeting minutes.  No substantive changes were made.  A few minor spelling and letter changes were done.  PRenaud motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  SFox seconded the motion.  Vote unanimous in favor.
PRenaud asked about the Planning Board giving an opinion to the ZBA. He spoke with Margaret Burns and she gave an inconclusive answer.  She suggested that the Planning Board contact SWRPC, LMurphy and see what they could offer on opinions to the ZBA.
RMarshall commented since we are possibly considering going over our procedures, and perhaps we should send an e-mail to our town counsel for an opinion on this.  

8:37 p.m. Other Business:
KO’Connell handed out a copy of MPerron’s e-mail.  After reading the e-mail, all agreed to have her come in for a PCC.  KO’Connell will schedule her for October 26 at 7:30 p.m.

8:52 p.m. Mail Received:
Letter from Meridian, offering their services for reviewing and consulting services.  He read the letter to the Board.  
SWRPC invitation to fall meeting discussion on Population and Public Health: A New Frontier in Regional Planning
NH Dept. of Environmental Services brochure
Memo for Budget for Planning Board for 2016
KO’Connell read the memo on the Planning Board budget out lining the timeline for submission.  The Board made changes and he will submit to APatt tomorrow.  Changes: Clerical Wages – EDAC reduce to $500, Economic Development Committee reduced to $1,000, General Supplies reduce to $300, and Legal/Professional Services reduce to $4,000.  It was mentioned that perhaps the EDAC should have its own separate budget.  

Greenfield Building Permits 2015 Y-T-D
Planning Board Budget Y-T-D January through December 2015

Allrose Farm Country Weddings:
PRenaud asked about the status of Allrose Farm site plan review application, Where is it at?  KO’Connell responded it is done.  PRenaud motioned to deny Allrose’s application for site plan review because the required variance from the Board of Adjustment wasn’t granted and the appeal period has expired.  RMarshall seconded the motion.  Vote unanimous in favor.
PRenaud said we never formally took a vote to adopt the CIP, but in checking the RSA’s we can just accept without a public hearing.   RMarshall said following our meeting with the public and Select Board on September 17, I motion that we adopt the CIP for 2015.  PRenaud seconded the motion. Vote unanimous in favor.

RMarshall requested that we get future agendas so that we may plan accordingly.   

10/26/2015 Planning Board Agenda:
Allrose Farm PCC 7:30 p.m.
Zoning Changes 8:00 p.m.  RMarshall
Open Space PRenaud will present at a later date.

9:47 p.m. Adjournment
RMarhsall motioned to adjourn. PRenaud seconded the motion.  Vote unanimous in favor.