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Planning Board Minutes 07/13/2015
July 13, 2015

Members attending: JFletcher, PRenaud, KPaulsen, AWood, SAtherton, RMarshall
MBorden, Rev DOsgood, PMartus in attendance.  RMarshall was appointed to sit in for SFox.
7:00 P.M. Unscheduled PCC – Joe Ellis
JEllis asked to speak to the Planning Board about some questions he had concerning accessory buildings.  JFletcher advised that a PCC is a non-binding, informational only meeting.  JEllis stated he may want to subdivide his 8.2 acre property in 2 years and has a question about what can be put on the property as an accessory dwelling on a
4-acre piece in the meantime.  “What can be put on that piece?  My property is on Gulf Rd near Russell Station Road with 1500’ road frontage in the Rural Agricultural district.” After discussion about definitions, it was suggested that a special exception would be needed from ZBA. Once a special exception is received from the ZBA, he would work with the building inspector to be in compliance with the zoning ordinance. He would need to come to the Planning Board for a subdivision.
7:15 p.m. Meeting Minutes
PRenaud began reading the June 22, 2015 meeting minutes. Minor spelling changes were made.  Three substantive changes were made.  First change was made to lines 17-18 to read “an amendment was made to reflect the adoption of the Economic Development chapter of the Master Plan.”  Unanimous vote in favor.

Second change was made to lines 122-124 to read:  “ARF [All Rose Farm] was advised by the Planning Board to go to the Board of Adjustment to seek a variance.  When and if a variance is received, the applicant can return to the Planning Board.  The application will remain in abeyance and kept on the Planning Board’s agenda.”

Third was made to line 125:  10:25 p.m. KPaulsen returned as a voting member.

7:40 P.M. Greenfield Covenant Church – SPR update
Rev Osgood has three questions that his congregation are asking:
#1. Can we worship in present Center without a site plan review?  As I understand the regulation, a change of use would require a site plan review,  
After a discussion the Board said, “No, to the worship at the Center. A site plan review is needed.”
#2.  The rear parking spaces will be reconfigured and graded with hard pack and can we use them now?
It was suggested that they’ve always been used as parking spaces, so go ahead and remove the grass and use those spaces.  It is a non-issue with the Planning Board. It was suggested not to put too much time and money into the work as plans could change after site plan review.  Yes, the parking space can be used.
#3. The front parking spaces would need site plan engineered drawings before they can be used.  The reason for the engineered drawings is because of runoff from the roadway.
PRenaud said he remembers from a previous PCC that the Planning Board said a site plan drawing will be needed for the front and side parking areas.  Yes, a site engineer will have to be consulted. RMarshall said if the applicant started using their front parking spaces without a site plan review that would set a dangerous precedent.  We already have a predicament concerning a business not having a site plan review.
8:10 P.M.  Mail Received:
Returned certified notice from George & Rose Thomson
Post card from Tighe & Bond announcing Duncan Mellor joining the firm.
Planning Board Budget Report YTD
CIP Info from PRenaud about the Tax Collector to be given to KPaulsen

8:15 P.M.  ARF public hearing kept in abeyance.
8:16 P.M.   CIP Discussion:   KPaulsen presented CIP information to the Board
  • Wanted the completed assigned info back by 7/6
  • The fire dept survey is completed, and the fire chief has made a big change in how he is looking to replace equipment, mainly used equipment versus new.  The E-1 pumper is going to be replaced in 6-8 months. The Jaws of Life aren’t used every day and when needed at a recent accident, they didn’t work at all.  So the Jaws are a high priority. 3 sets of turnout gear is to be replaced each year.  There are 12 sets now, and the 3 replacement ones will be for those that enter into the fire. Forestry truck is usable, but when it needs to be replaced, the chief can go to the USA Forestry dept and pickup one from their availability list.
  • Made changes to the CIP sheets and showed the Planning Board what he did.  Asked if the slight revisions are acceptable by the Board. He feels the CIP should reflect the taxation prior to the actual purchase.  
  • He has talked with APatt about the administration survey, but hasn’t been able to complete that sheet. There are now two divisions of the Highway Department, roads and grounds and building maintenance.   
  • He will be adding an informational one-page summary for each department, which will get the Select Board’s attention as to what is needed (priority) but not as an urgent item. The single page will explain what is really needed, and the pictures will actually show the item.
  • He feels one article should be on the warrant for CIP.  We have to change the mindset of the towns folk concerning saving for the future.
  • The CIP report is to be presented to the Select Board in early October.    SAtherton said looking at it now, this will be fine.  
  • PRenaud asked if the Select Board wants to look into town office requirements for the CIP.  A structural engineer will need to be hired to make sure the town hall is able to handle additional weight of a fire cabinet, and getting the administration to follow through on these items is not happening.  
RMarshall and PRenaud advised KPaulsen not to worry about deadlines as there is a little extra time to get this completed.
9:00 P.M.  Master Plan – Construction Materials Chapter Review
Many members haven’t had a chance to read it.  So all will read it for the next meeting.    
9:15 P.M.   Adjournment
PRenaud motioned to adjourn.  SAtherton seconded.  Unanimous in favor