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Planning Board Minutes 02/23/2015
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
February 23, 2015

Members present:  RMarshall, JFletcher, PRenaud, KO’Connell, SFox, and SChicoine

7:00 p.m. Meeting Minutes
PRenaud began reading the January 26, 2015 meeting minutes.  Minor changes were made.  No substantive changes were made.
7:07 p.m. Mail Received:
  • Department of Environmental Services brochure Winter 2015
  • Department of Environmental Services letter:  Re:  Online permitting process for
Subsurface Systems Program Applications
  • OEP Spring Planning & Zoning Conference announcement May 2, 2015
7:12 p.m. Master Plan-Lisa Murphy Economic Development Chapter
LMurphy presented the second draft to the Board. We reviewed page by page.   PRenaud said the EDAC’s strategy is to consider everything that is in this report. PRenaud also considers this chapter as the “Plan” for EDAC.  He feels that Plan and Strategy can be synomous but that a strategy would have very detailed goals. PRenaud also noted that there are many spacing issues throughout the document.  LMurphy said that they’ll be corrected.

The Board made the following changes to the Economic Development Chapter:
Page 3:  Current Business Profile-Add Peterborough to the last paragraph, last sentence.
Page 5:  Table 3 Correct the spelling of Walley to Wally.Change Northeast Café to Riverhouse Café, add the word Greenfield to Highway Department
Page 10:  Land Valuation Correct the spelling of comparison to comparison
                          Also LMurphy will ask Henry how to show value of  non-taxable property in town on Table 7
Page 12:  Business Profile – Commuting Patterns   PRenaud and JFletcher asked to have a sentence or paragraph explaining the disportionate number of workers that are skewed by the CMRC employees.
Page 13:  LMurphy to check on the percentage of all employment in Greenfield. PRenaud and JFletcher figured the percentage to be 16.4% and then figured it to be 22.9%.  
Page 14:  Utilities--  Water and Sewer:  Change the paragraph to read:  “Greenfield currently has no municipal water but has a small sewer system. However, as a result of PlanNH Charrette in 1997, the Town constructed a municipal sewage disposal system primarily to support the village in the Business District.Utilities – Electric:   Change the first sentence to read.  “...manufacturing development, the availability of three phase power is desirable.  Change the last sentence by adding “and technologies” at the end of the last sentence. Utilities – Telecommunication:  Change first sentence to read: “To stay competitive in today’s digital economy, Greenfield needs access to broadband.” In the second sentence, remove the word ’is’ after Broadband.

Page 15: Last paragraph in Telecommunication to read: Currently Greenfield has one mobile wireless tower. Residents receive service from facilities in neighboring communities.
Page16:  Municipal Policy Analysis – remove second quote under title Table 13  Remove (sq ft) from the Minimum Lot Size Remove the * from Office District
Page 17: Greenfield Zoning Ordinance – Permitted Uses that Support Business Activity SpecialPurpose District - Industrial Districts: Add “Road” after Russell Station Last paragraph-Add at the end of the last sentence: The Town encourages professional uses and customary home occupations in all districts.
Page 18 Municipal Policy Analysis Findings- Under the second bullet change the sentence to read: to “Examine feasible alternatives of dimensional requirement for the Village District and its potential economic development and expand uses similar to some of the neighboring towns.
Page 19: Utilities and Infrastructure needs- Reverse the order of the bullets.  Changes to the bullets are:
        (1)  Add to paragraph:  Emerging technologies may result for different  solutions for different industries in the future.   
        (1)  Add: Investigate the co-location of broadband technology and       equipment such as fixed wireless antennas and existing structures.
        (2) Change the first sentence to read:  Consider the feasibility of public      sewer and/or water infrastructure to support ….
        (2) Change the second sentence to read:  Consider programs to   strategically maintain and…
        Local Policies/Support Remove the third bullet

LMurphy suggested to the Planning Board to clarify the definition - “what is a customary home occupation” in the zoning ordinance.  RMarshall said this is a goal for the Planning Board for upcoming year.

LMurphy suggested that at the end of this chapter to have an ‘Implementation plan’ and prioritize the recommendations.    

PRenaud feels that the first bullet is too much for this Master Plan at this time. He feels perhaps in 5-10 years these items could be addressed.  JFletcher said that EDAC is advisory group and that we, the Planning Board should take their advice.

RMarshall asked about the maps that were given to us this evening.  He asked ifthe groundwater protection map be added to the other three maps in the report since certain types of economic activity are prohibited in that district.  LMurphy said it could be used as an overlay to the water and sewer map.  

LMurphy said she will make the changes and will get them to RMarshall later this week.  RMarshall will send pictures to LMurphy to use as she see fit throughout the chapter. RMarshall will get copies of the completed draft to the Planning Board.

9:35 p.m.  KO’Connell PCC
RMarshall read the Site Plan Review procedure for determining if a Site Plan Review is warranted. He then asked KO’Connell to make his presentation.
KO’Connell said he has 3 pieces of equipment in basement and would like to start a manufacturing or repair business of parts for different business around town. He could also make some R&D prototype items.  “If I get busy, I might add another person to work with me.  There will be no effective change from the house.  I am not looking to have people come to my house.  I’ll have to travel to the customer as my driveway is prohibitive. I have secured a variance to build a garage. Eventually my equipment could go in the garage, but I’m not sure that it will be built at this time.  As I am semi-retired, I hope soon to start this business.  If I don’t get the business, I will be returning to work.  Parking at this time is for one additional car, but during the summer, 3 cars can be parked at my home.

There will be no noise heard from the outside of the house. I will be doing fabrication with metal.  I will be gas welding using Argon gas. There will be no effluent from any kind of work from the gas and will have no effect on my house, family and neighbors.”

RMarshall asked if any were chemicals involved and how will they be used. He also asked if the location of the house is in the groundwater protection district?  What kind of egress do you have?

KO’Connell replied, “I have a walkout cellar as an egress.   I will be using Argon gas which is inert and non-flammable. Argon gas is a clear colorless gas.  And there will be no exhausting of the machining. Any oils or chemicals used will be in very small amounts - 6 ounce sizes.   No acid baths or banned chemicals will be used.”  

RMarshall asked, “How will you get the metal to your home?”  KO’Connell said, “I will have to pick up the larger amounts/sizes and the smaller amounts/sizes could be delivered.”

JFletcher motioned that KO’Connell does not need a site plan review and if the equipment has to be moved to the garage, this motion will cover that. PRenaud seconded the motion.  All in favor, the motion carried.

Other Business:
RMarshall noted to the Board of the following changes to the upcoming agenda:
  • 3/09/15 at 7:30 p.m. - Review of Planning Board procedures
  • 4/13/15 at 7:30 p.m. - Public hearing on the Master Plan - Economic Development Chapter.   
10:05 p.m. Adjournment
PRenaud motioned to adjourn.  KO’Connell seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.