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Planning Board Minutes 01/26/2015
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Kevin O’Connell
January 26, 2015
Members present:  RMarshall, SFox, KO’Connell, SChicoine

7:00 p.m. Meeting Minutes
Schicone began reading the meeting minutes for January 12, 2015.   Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done.
One substantive change was made:
  • Line 193, strike “wasn't addressed” and insert “didn't address changing the criteria for granting the Special Exception”.
KO'Connell moved to approve the minutes as amended. SFox seconded, motion passes.

7:26 p.m. Mail Received:
Letter from BGrunbeck asking the board for permission to change use of office space to residential apartments.
Reply from GLeedy concerning the final report on the September charrette.

7:30 p.m. Earth Excavation Regulation Public Hearing
RMarshall opened the public hearing. No one from the public was present.

7:33 p.m. Public Portion Closed
There being no public input, the public portion was closed.

7:35 p.m. Deliberations
Rmarshall opened the discussion to the board. The board reviewed the regulations. Motion made by KO'Connell to approve the changes to the excavation regulation, seconded by SFox. Motion approved by board.

7:41 p.m. Discussion of Grunbeck Request
RMarshall opened discussion on the request by BGrunbeck-Greenfield Corner Properties, LLC  to change office space on the first floor of the Greenfield Meeting Place into residential apartments. The board heard from MBorden; Code Enforcement Officer, who explained that Mr. Grunbeck has had two recent incidents with broken sprinkler heads that cause flooding of his building. Due to the second incident of flooding, his only office rental occupant left. He would like to renovate the space into residential apartments as he has had no problem renting those while his office rentals have been mostly vacant. Borden stated that he had no problem with this as the building is already approved for mixed use and the parking impact would be less than already provided for. After a short discussion, Schicoine made a motion stating that the Board finds that no site plan review would be needed to renovate the space into residential apartments since this is not a change of the mixed-use already permitted. Motion seconded by SFox. All in favor, the motion is approved.

7:52 p.m. Review of Rules of Procedures:
The board resumed revision of the Rules of Procedures begun at our last meeting. Under Procedures for Processing Applications, RMarshall volunteered to draft revisions for the Subdivision Application and Excavation Regulations.  KO'Connell volunteered to review the Site Plan procedures for the February 9th meeting.

8:36 p.m.  Adjournment:
SFox motioned to adjourn. SChicoine seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.