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Planning Board Minutes 12/08/2014
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
December 8, 2014

Members present:  RMarshall, PRenaud, KO’Connell, SFox, SChicoine

7:00 p.m.  Meeting Minutes
PRenaud began reading the November 24, 2014 meeting minutes. Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done.  No substantive changes were made. PRenaud motioned to accept the minutes as amended. SFox seconded the motion. Vote unanimous in favor.

Old Business:
RMarshall attended a Select Board meeting last week to discuss the Planning Board budget. He was asked if the EDAC budget line could be reduced since only $233.80 of the original budget of $2000 had been spent. The current budget showing EDAC spending of  $233.80 includes $173.15 for the broadband survey. PRenaud believes that the costs do not include clerical expenses. RMarshall will check with CShaw to determine clerical costs. PRenaud said the 2014 EDAC budget included a possible trade show which was not done because of extensive broadband work. He would like to keep the budget at that number to provide for a trade show if they are able to get to it in 2015.  

RMarshall reported that MSerge is working on our excavation regulation and we will be invoiced no more than $1000 for that legal review before the end of the year.  

He also reported LMurphy has made requested edits to the Community Facilities chapter and has inserted a couple of photographs in the final draft.  The pie chart has been enhanced for easier reading, in both color and black and white. RMarshall will be receiving a copy of the draft this week and he will e-mail to the Board for review before the public hearing on 12/22/14. We hope to be able to finish the final chapters of the Master Plan next year.

PRenaud said over the course of next year, in dealing with open space and cluster developments, there are other innovative land use controls we should explore. It would take many meetings to come up with an innovative land use that would be acceptable to townspeople..  

7:30 p.m.  Allrose Farm Continuation
RMarshall received an e-mail from JReimers, Atty for Allrose Farm, voluntarily withdrawing their application for site plan review that was introduced and accepted by the Planning Board on October 6, 2014.

RMarshall also noted a petition for a zoning ordinance change has been received by Selectmen, sponsored by Allrose Farm. We will hear this petition at a public hearing on January 12, 2015 and render our opinion on the petition as required by RSA.  

7:45 p.m. 2015 Zoning Ordinance changes
RMarshall passed out the original 2004 Open Space development ordinance.  He asked the Board to look at page 39, item K, and compare it to letter I in the current ordinance. In the 2007 revision, the water and wastewater disposal paragraph was deleted from the 2004 ordinance.  RMarshall asked is there any way we can restore that paragraph, which would enable more clustered developments?  PRenaud said we could but we would have to amend the subdivision regulation at the same time.  If we reinstate the missing paragraph, we have to be careful with the wording in how we change this regulation.  

PRenaud directed the Planning Board to the RSA handbook on page 432 RSA 485-A:30-b which specifically addresses wells for clustered developments.  KO’Connell pointed out that the Planning Board can waive a regulation, but not an ordinance.

PRenaud also pointed out that RSA 489:1 - Integrated Land Development Permit Option will come into effect 1/5/2015. Individual applicants may use this process to secure development permits or approvals issued by the state DES. The Planning Board needs to be aware that this new permitting process is happening.

PRenaud said because we are late in processing this change for clustered housing, we should go through this entire Open Space ordinance, line by line, and really discuss it over the next several months before we act on it.   

SChicoine agreed, “It is late in the year to be trying to get this done.”  KO’Connell also agreed it is late in the year, and with the contradictions within the current one, we need to be very thorough. SFox said, “We are trying to shove a lot in two meetings before we present to the Town.  We need to have our ducks in a row when presenting these changes.” PRenaud said we should go line by line, assure our changes are enforceable (with no internal contradictions) and make sure the subdivision, cluster housing, and open space have wording that allows the Planning Board wider discretion.

RMarshall said it appears there is a consensus in holding off on this.  

PRenaud motioned that we will table the Open Space discussion until next year.  KO’Connell seconded.  Vote was unanimous in favor. It was agreed that we will make this review one of our goals for next year.

8:00 p.m. Other Commentary:
RMarshall said he is writing the Annual Report of the Planning Board for the Town Report. He will e-mail a copy, including goals for next year, to members for review at our December 22 meeting.  

RMarshall said we will schedule the public hearing for the Community Facilities chapter of the Master Plan for 7:30 p.m. at the December 22, 2014 meeting.

8:17 p.m.  Adjournment
KO’Connell motioned to adjourn. SFox seconded the motion.  Vote unanimous in favor.