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Planning Board Minutes 06/09/2014
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
June 9, 2014

Members present:  RMarshall, JFletcher, PRenaud, KO’Connell, SFox, SChicoine, AHeck (Sitting for MCharig-Bliss)

Mail Received:
Annual Update from NH OEP, Subject: Land Use regulation Update:  RSA 675:9
Nine returned certified notices for Martin Public Hearing
Invoice from NHMA Shop for the Book “A Hard Road to Travel”
NH Charitable Foundation: $5000 award letter for Charrette to the Town of Greenfield.  

7:00 p.m.  Meeting Opened
PRenaud began reading the May 19, 2014 meeting minutes. Minor changes were made.  JFletcher motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  Vote unanimous in favor.

7:10 p.m. PRenaud began reading the May 29, 2014 Site Walk minutes for the DMartin Site Plan Review at 29 East Rd.  After one correction, PRenaud motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  SFox seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

RMarshall read the letter from NH Charitable Foundation advising of the $5000 grant awarded to the Town of Greenfield.  After hearing the requirements for acceptance of the grant, JFletcher motioned to accept the terms of the NH Charitable award.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.  RMarshall said he meet with APatt tomorrow and advise of the Planning Board vote. The Select Board will have to schedule a public hearing to accept the grant money.

RMarshall suggested Planning Board needed to send a letter to the ZBA about the Greenfield Congregational Church application for a variance.  PRenaud motioned for a letter being sent to ZBA in support of the Greenfield Congregational Church.  SFox seconded.  KO’Connell abstained, SChicoine, JFletcher, SFox, and AHeck voted in the affirmative.

RMarshall advised that he attended Dennis Delay’s presentation on Housing needs in NH.  He shared a copy of the executive summary he received.  Among other things, housing needs and the supply inventory are vastly different. The report also concluded that many towns have Zoning Ordinances and other regulations that were passed in the 80’s and 90’s when growth threatened small communities. The numbers show that that is not the case now and Towns should review their ordinances to be sure housing options exist.

KO’Connell asked if it was ever discussed that our ordinances are more up to date than many other towns.  RMarshall said that was not discussed. RMarshall will forward electronic copies of the information he will be receiving from the presentation to the Board members.

RMarshall spoke about the June 7 Charrette Planning meeting.  Nine members of the public attended which included three Planning Board members. He commented that despite the light attendance we had, progress was made: Feedback included:

·       We should create a newsletter to share the information.
·       We need a steering committee to organize this activity and broaden the community base.
·       We need to be sure we characterize this charrette as something other than just economic development.
·       We should take the slide show from today’s meeting and make it available at the Library and on the town website.
·       One member didn’t know how to get down to the village “leach field” – signage
·       Can we attend to the department head meeting on 6/19? If we can’t, can we get the minutes to know what was discussed?

RMarshall will use the slideshow from the June 7th meeting on the 1997 Charrette and will be presenting it at the next department head meeting on June 19th.   He advised that AHeck has stepped up to be chair of the steering committee.  SFox will also serve on the committee.  RMarshall will serve as suppor for the committee.  AHeck, SFox along with RMarshall will get the Select Board’s input on this.  PRenaud said he would like EDAC to have input as well.  

7:31 p.m DMartin Public Hearing Opened
RMarshall read the newspaper notice to the audience.

He noted the following charges to DMartin for payment for the hearing:
·       Nine Certified postage @ $10 each, $90,
·       Advertising fee $82.00  
·       Application fee $50
·       Total $222.00.  Check #393 was received from DMartin.

RMarshall said that DMartin’s application is essentially complete. He has three copies as required.  He asked DMartin if he had his ATF permit yet? DMartin explained that the ATF needs to have the town’s approval before they will issue their permit.

JFletcher had a concern about #15 Fire safety, prevention, control provisions on page 15 of the application. He asked to have a note added to the application stating; “Oily rags will put be in a fire bucket and a professional service will come a pick them up. See site walk minutes, May 29, 2014, lines #17-19.”

Board members agreed that gunsmithing is a “professional use and customary home occupation”.

RMarshall asked if the application was completed enough to invoke jurisdiction?  KO’Connell motioned to accept application as sufficient to invoke jurisdiction. JFletcher seconded the motion. Vote unanimous in favor.

7:50 p.m.  RMarshall asked DMartin to briefly explain his plan.  DMartin presented a general overview of what he is doing.  He wants to start a gunsmithing practice where most of the business will be coming from area gun shops. To satisfy ATF requirements, he will have business hours from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday.  All work will be done in the attached single car garage and all test firing will be done at the back of the property.

RMarshall asked if there are any questions from the Board?  JFletcher asked about the location of the driveway and parking lot in relation to the area where he will be test shooting and to see it on the sketch.  DMartin said he will sketch in the roadway to the house, which he did.   RMarshall said it appears the driveway is about 100’ long.  

7:55 p.m.   RMarshall opened the hearing to the public and noted that a full Planning Board is present.  No members recused themselves.  RMarshall read the protocol for a public hearing to the audience along with the rules of order.  RMarshall passed around the sign-in sheet for the public to enter their names.

He then asked the public for input or their opinions.  SBoutwell, abutter, had no issues with this application (28 East Rd) and supported the application.  

There being no further public input, RMarshall closed the public portion of hearing.

7:58 Deliberations
KO’Connell asked DMartin to describe what his shooting trap would look like?  DMartin said he will be shooting into a log and earth containment. “It is constructed with 12’ pine logs with a dirt berm built up behind it.”  KO’Connell‘s concern is the distance to the catchment.  DMartin said, “The distance is from 40 yds to 200 yards, it is all on my property and there will be signage advising of the test shooting area in the wooded area beyond.”  KO’Connell asked if the police chief will be checking the test area out?  DMartin said, “The chief is fully aware of what I am doing.”

RMarshall asked if he had any special training for gunsmithing?  DMartin said he has taken an online general knowledge course and would do an armorer’s class which is about milling.  His background is in tool and die.  DMartin said that he will have a certificate from the on-line course as soon as he has made his last payment. Once he has received this certificate, he will be able to participate in manufacturer’s training sessions.

DMartin presented a letter from an attorney showing that SHart, owner of the property, authorizes this use of the property and releases the Town of Greenfield from any liability that could arise from this operation on the property.  

RMarshall asked if the Planning Board was prepared to make a motion.  PRenaud said he participated in the site walk and, in his opinion, this is about as good as you can get for this type of business. PRenaud then moved to approve the site plan review application for a gun repair business at 29 East Rd, Greenfield NH.  SFox seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

8:20 p.m.  Tom Rymes, PCC on Lot subdivision
RMarshall read the PCC regulations to TRymes. He asked TRymes to explain what he is looking to do?  TRymes advised that the apartment and the gas station are on one lot and his accounting department said tracking expenses has been very difficult.  It is his hope to have two separate lots.  What he is proposing would be in line with what the lots surrounding this location are.  He noted only 10 lots meet the village lot size requirement.  

PRenaud said at present it is a non-conforming lot and the lot line adjustment would make a second non-conforming lot and that would require a variance for the lots. “This lot line will create another whole lot rather than tweaking a lot line.”  RMarshall said that this would be a residential lot and a business lot.

RMarshall said it appears the direction to go is to the ZBA for a variance.  JFletcher said it is hard to offer an opinion as the PCC is non-binding, but he agreed that going to the ZBA for a variance is a good idea. JFletcher asked, “Can the ZBA grant a variance making a non-conforming lot?”  KO’Connell said, “Yes”.  A variance from the ZBA would allow the Planning Board to approve or not.  RMarshall asked what the criteria are for a variance? Some are spirit of the ordinance, justice, unnecessary hardship.  After further discussion, TRymes said, “It appears that the direction I should take is to go before the ZBA.”  KO’Connell agreed and suggested TRymes  use Section III A, B on the ZBA application for a variance.

8:45 p.m. Francestown Land Trust – Voluntary Merger
RMarshall read a letter from Ben Haubrich, Francestown Land Trust, about a voluntary merger for three adjacent lots in Greenfield, R5 13, 14 and 14-1.  AHeck asked to see the town tax maps. PRenaud recused himself from this discussion as he is a member of the Francestown Land Trust.  

Following a brief discussion, JFletcher read RSA 674:39-A to clarify voluntary mergers.  KO’Connell motioned to approve the voluntary merger.  JFletcher seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

Master Plan Update
RMarshall said that LMurphy will be working on the Master Plan Transportation chapter. SWRPC will have counters on various highway locations around time. They go out on a Monday and are picked up on the following Monday.  AHeck said a counter should be on Forest Rd showing traffic into the state park. JFletcher said should one be on Slip Rd as well.   

RMarshall said he has four people who volunteered for the hospitality committee. On June 23, 2014, Michele Perron will here for a PCC on Allrose Farm for country weddings.  He also noted he is not sure if DBoilard will be ready for the public hearing on June 23rd   due to the need for more information.  

9:32 p.m. Adjournment
KO’Connell motioned to adjourn.  PRenaud seconded. Unanimous in favor.