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Planning Board Minutes 04/28/2014
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
April 28, 2014

Members present:  RMarshall,  PRenaud, KO’Connell, SFox,  AHeck, MBliss, (Selectman)

7:00 P.M. Meeting Minutes
PRenuud began reading the minutes for April 14, 2014.  Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done.  No substantive changes were made.  PRenaud motioned to accept the minutes as amended. KO’Connell seconded the motion.  Vote unanimous in favor.

7:25 p.m. Mail Received:
·       Letter from Harvey & Mary Cable, re: Home Occupation Permit- requesting a PCC
·       Receipt for SPR R4-14-1, John Hopkins in the amount $130.00
·       The Source: DES brochure on Water Supply  
·       Letter from Heather Bettencourt, Trustee of Forest Road Trust announcing voluntary withdrawal of  Sawmill Estates application for subdivision
·       Planning Board budget Y-T-D
·       Expenses for the CPG2.  RMarshall said he will be closing that out this month.  

7:30 p.m.   Josephine Wheeler Application for an Equitable Waiver
RMarshall read to the Board Ms. Wheeler’s application for the equitable waiver for dimensional requirements to the Board of Adjustment.  He then passed around the photographs of the property, a drawing of the addition, and a letter from an abutter. He explained for the benefit of the new members why the Planning Board has this before them: the Board of Adjustment application has a space that elicits comments from the Planning Board.

RMarshall asked the Board for their input.  AHeck noted that the garage is already within the setback.  PRenaud asked if there was letters from the abutters?  RMarshall said there is only one letter from an abutter which is in favor of her adding the porch.  RMarshall said in her application that there is a second abutter who is in a favor of her addition.

PRenaud said it is already non-conforming, and no one has a problem with it, so I have no problem with this application.

PRenaud moved to support this application for Josephine Wheeler for an equitable of waiver for dimensional requirements for S2, Lot 24 for the following reasons:
·       The house is already encroaching on the existing setback.
·       The existing garage is already encroaching on the existing setback, sited on the property boundary.
·        Abutters support the proposed addition.
SFox seconded the motion.   No further discussion ensued.  Vote was as follows:  In favor, SFox, AHeck, PRenaud, and KO’Connell abstained.

7:45  p.m.  Harvey and Mary Cable PCC
Mr. and Mrs. Cable sent a letter to the Board asking for an application for a permit to conduct a home-based business in their property on Zephyr Lake Road. RMarshall recommended that we conduct a Preliminary Conceptual Consultation about the proposal. He explained to the Cables that a PCC was not binding on either party, does not have to be publicly noticed, but must occur within a regularly scheduled meeting.

Mary Cable said, “We own a store in New Boston offering NH made products which is opening on May 10.  Some of the items to be in the store will be baked goods, pre-mixed items, and handcrafted items.  Wooden items will be made by my husband.  There will be no increased traffic to my house. There is some licensing needed by the state for the food items, which are pending this home occupation license.”

Harvey Cable explained that his woodworking items are bases for seats or backs for chairs or couches.  “Since we just moved in, my workshop has been set-up in the basement, but I haven’t had time to really make any items.”  

KO’Connell said he feels this is a home based business and no one will be coming to the house.  It doesn’t change the character of the home or the residential use in the neighborhood.  No sign will be going up.  It seems like this is a business on paper with no impact on the neighborhood.

KO’Connell said he might have a concern about finishing of the wood products, such as stains or oil based materials/solvents.  Harvey Cable said that he uses no solvents, most of his work being left unfinished. PRenaud asked if they were going to have any staff working for them?   Mary Cable responded, “Just my daughter, occasionally”.

RMarshall asked for a motion to make a determination that a site plan review isn’t needed.  
KO’Connell motioned to deem that a site plan review was not necessary.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.  RMarshall will mail the permit tomorrow.  

7:55 p.m.   Other Business
Planning Charrette Update
RMarshall said he will be working closely with APatt and the Select Board to bringing this to fruition.  He advised he has submitted an application for a $5000 grant with NH Charitable Foundation:  townspeople have already appropriated this money at Town Meeting, but he is hoping that the grant will come through to help defray some of the expenses.  RMarshall will also be soliciting for donations He also noted that we have a consultation fees line in the Planning Board budget that can also be use should the grant not come through.  .

He asked the Board to look at the handout for the Community Design Charrette checklist.  He noted that volunteer time will be starting late Friday, September 26 and will he need help from the Board members. He also noted that these dates were selected to help with budget developments for next year.  

MBliss asked if there are any strings attached to the grant.  RMarshall said no, and added that there are two more deadlines to apply for the grant should our first application fail.

MBliss said CMRC has a great auditorium and cafeteria and could perhaps be a location to use for the community supper.  Another location is the Barbara C Harris Camp.  The Greenfield Inn could be used for accommodations if still in operation.  AHeck said that Wal-Mart might be able to help out with fund/food donations.  He also said the local pizza shops, Harvest Market are other sources. Nori O’Doi, who has a catering business, might help out with food preparation. RMarshall welcomed all of their ideas.

SFox said Francestown and Bennington have community suppers and perhaps Greenfield could do the same to generate interest in the Board and the Charrette.

MBliss asked, “What is the purpose of the Charrette?”  RMarshall explained the purpose of the charrette is to look at the community as a whole and the village itself with an eye toward promoting economic development, village walkability and infrastructure development necessary to support those things.

Master Plan Update
RMarshall said we have $3500 in our budget for Master Plan development this year. The Board agreed that we should proceed with the following chapters for this year:
·       Economic Development-Primary responsibility will be Southwest Region Planning
·       Traffic and Transportation-Primary responsibility will be Southwest Region Planning
·       Community Facilities-Primary responsibility will be the Planning Board.
·       Construction Materials-Southwest Region Planning will update the maps.

RMarshall commented, “So four chapters will be done this year and that will absorb the $3500.  If these are done, that leaves us for 2015, Future Land Use and that is where we establish our goals for the land in town.

PRenaud said he would like to have EDAC have input into the Economic Development chapter. He is still working on the waste disposal issue on the Hopkins Meadery and he hopes to have information at the next meeting.  

RMarshall asked the members to read the chapter in the Master Plan (Community Facilities) for the May 12 meeting so we can then decide which facility each member wants to address.

RMarshall will ask APatt to get copies of a “Hard Road to Travel” book.   

RMarshall advised that he has two volunteers to work on the incentive committee and he would like to have a first meeting in May.  One idea is to re-active the Greenfield Improvement Committee.  He asked members if they have any ideas to let him know.

8:45 p.m.  Adjournment:
KO’Connell motioned to adjourn.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.