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Planning Board Minutes 03/10/2014
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
March 10, 2014

Members present:  RMarshall, JFletcher, PRenaud, KO’Connell, AMoon, RWimpory, and SChicoine

7:00 p.m. Minutes
PRenaud began reading the 2/24/2014 minutes.  Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were made.  
Substantive changes made:
Line 104.  Changed to read, “RMarshall said, “We might also plug in Actions to Review and Standards for Review into our Site Plan Review following a public hearing.”
Line 135.  Changed to read, “Many of our meetings have morphed into conversations with the applicant and not their reps.  The applicant needs to have the application presented by one voice.”  Minutes were approved as amended.

Mail received:
List of Conservation Easements, dated 2/25/2014
NH Town and City Publication for March/April 2014
Karen Day Invoice, Spirit Special Edition  production services  for $333.33
Every Door Direct Mailing Invoice $121.10
Return certified notice for Williams Minor Subdivision

7:30 p.m.  Sawmill Estates continuation
Deliberations have been delayed at the applicant’s request via an e-mail received at 12:29 p.m. today to RMarshall.

SChicoine asked, “Have we received any information from CBranon about the compliance from Fire Dept about the cisterns?”  RMarshall said nothing has come from CBranon about this.

RWimpory suggested a note be sent to GMitchell since he is taking over the presentation of the application and ask, “Can you give us a direction as to what you are doing?”  KO’Connell asked if GMitchell was clear on what we are asking from him?  RMarshall responded. “I sent an e-mail following our January meeting requesting all the information we needed be in so we could send it out for legal review.”

SChicoine said he would like to have from GMitchell a written request that this deliberation be extended.  The Board is in agreement that we need a letter to the Board requesting an extension as a result of his e-mail dated today.  RMarshall said the next available time to continue the deliberation is April 28.  

RWimpory said that since it was clear that the Planning Board is to deal with GMitchell only, we need that is writing so we can proceed.

Other Business:

Hopkins Site Plan Review Application
RMarshall asked KO’Connell if he had reviewed Hopkins site plan review.  KO’Connell said the application is lacking an abutters list but otherwise is complete enough to notice.  SRossi said she had the abutters list from the ZBA meeting and will do the certified notifications from that list. RMarshall will e-mail the public hearing notice to SRossi for posting.

Charrette Funding
RMarshall said he will be working on the application to NH Charitable Foundation for an Express Grant for the charrette funding this week.

Master Plan
RMarshall has had conversations with LMurphy about Master Planning for this year.  We have several chapters remaining. He asked if the Board would like to add additional chapters, such as an Economic Development chapter to the Master Plan?  PRenaud said, “That would be good as the EDAC has been pursuing several different ideas for economic development for the town.  RMarshall said we’ve had recommendations about economic development goals in general terms in previous Master Plans but have never had a specific chapter focused on that topic.

RMarshall said another chapter might focus on Natural Resources and Conservation. An additional chapter might focus on Historical, Cultural and Recreational resources.  We have $3500 in the budget for Master Planning this year.

AMoon asked how the funds are used? RMarshall said “Most of funds are spent getting new data from census and other resources and in converting data from old systems to new systems. Reports are drafted and shared with the Planning Board for revision. For $2500 we have been able to get about two chapters done.”     

RMarshall said, “We can do the Community Facilities chapter ourselves.”  RWimpory agreed. RMarshall said, “I wouldn’t do the entire thing without some use of the consultant, but we might be able to do most of it.”  

PRenaud said for an Economic Development chapter we need to do community outreach and learn how the townspeople want economic development to progress. He said he has a lot of ideas for an Economic Development chapter and is willing to write the chapter. He will research other towns’ economic development chapters.

RMarshall asked Planning Board to look over the chapters in the Master Plan to determine which ones we want to have SWRPC complete. He also asked the Planning Board to think about what goals they would like to achieve in the next year. We will discuss them at our next meeting.

KO’Connell thanked RWimpory for his service as Selectman and his work with the Planning Board.

8:15 p.m.  Adjournment
KO’Connell motioned to adjourn.  JFletcher seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.