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Planning Board Minutes 02/24/2014
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
February 24, 2014

Members present:  RMarshall, PRenaud, KO’Connell, SChicoine, and JFletcher

7:00 p.m. Minutes
PRenaud read the 2/10/2014.  Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done.  No substantive changes were made. JFletcher motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  KO’Connell seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

7:21 p.m. Mail Received
·       Walking Audits (Walking Workshops) Ad from Dan Burton
·       Greenfield Building Permits 2014
·       Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission Memo dated 2/14/2014 RE:  New GIS-Based Hydraulic Capacity Modeling Tool and Upcoming 2/26/2014 Public Information Workshop – New Boston Public Library
·       9 returned mail certified for Williams subdivision

7:30 p.m. Williams Minor Subdivision-Application Submission
Dennis McKinney, representative for Roger & Virginia Williams 445 Francestown Road, Greenfield presented their minor subdivision application.

RMarshall reported that the application was reviewed by secretary and deemed complete enough to review.  PRenaud and JFletcher asked that the Chairman go through the checklist on the application to verified completeness.

The following numbers need completion:
·       #9:   need a location of a proposed driveway to show on the plat that it can be put there
·       #19: location of the culverts not shown, but as the survey was done after the first big snowstorm this year, they will be plotted.
DMcKinney noted that the font size on a chart was hard to read.  He will enlarge it.  He also noted that he missed a monument marking.  This will be added to the plat.

RMarshall asked the Board, “Do we have enough information to invoke jurisdiction if motioned to accept the application?” JFletcher motioned to accept. PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

RMarshall then explained to DMcKinney the costs involved which will be for two checks.

·       Application fees included:   $90.00 for the certified notices; application fee $200.00 includes the administrative fees, and newspaper advertising.  The check is to be made payable to the Town of Greenfield.  
·       Approval fees:  $100.00 ($50 per lot):  Registry of Deeds  (to include a 22x34 sheet)  $40.00.
·       LCHIP:   $25.00 payable to Hillsboro County Treasurer.

7:46 p.m. Williams Minor Subdivision-Public Hearing
RMarshall asked members present if anyone needed to recuse themselves.  No one needed to be disqualified.   RMarshall handed out signup sheet to the audience and reviewed rules of order and procedure.  He read the newspaper ad which was placed in the 2/11/2014 issue of the Monadnock Ledger Transcript.  At this point he asked Dennis McKinney to present the proposal.

Dennis McKinney said the lot is currently one lot divided by the Road. The proposal is to subdivise the lot into two lots, one 11.6 acres and the other 23.7 acres. This is a simple division of the property.  He noted that on the plat a few minor edits, such as font size on a chart, and monument identification needs to be noted.

7:51 Public Hearing Closed      
RMarshall asked if there was any testimony from the public? Hearing none, he closed the public hearing and stated that the deliberative session had started and no further input from applicant or audience will be heard.

JFletcher asked DMcKinney if he got the lot numbers from CShaw.  DMcKinney said he’s not sure that he did and will check with CShaw to make sure that the lot numbers are correct.  

KO’Connell asked if it was a flat area. DMcKinney said basically it is.  DMcKinney noted that there is a gap in the wall and it is at the crest of the hill, so he will mark that as a driveway access on the plat.

JFletcher asked can we conditionally approve this or do we have to have the corrections noted on a plat and then approve it? RMarshall said a conditional approval could be granted subject to the conditions being met on the new plat..  

JFletcher motioned to approve the Williams application subject to the following conditions:
·       the proposed driveway location added to the plat,
·       assure that the lot numbers are accurate per Catherine Shaw
·       add monument note
·       location of culverts on the road.   
KO’Connell seconded.    Vote unanimous in favor.

8:08 p.m. NHD progress
NHD Ordinance Education Outreach update
RMarshall said he spent lot of time with KDay and APatt creating a storyboard for the special edition of the “Greenfield Spirit.”  This is designed to be our major outreach as part of our grant.

Every Door Direct Mail will be going out tomorrow announcing an Informational  Meeting at the Meeting House next Tuesday, March 4 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m..  The meeting is strictly an informational session and will attempt to answer questions from the public about the proposed Industrial Zone amendment and the Neighborhood Heritage District Ordinance.

KO’Connell asked have you heard feedback tied to the difference between Historical and Heritage districts?  How are you going to explain the difference between the two?  RMarshall responded that he has information about that and that he has consulted with both MStier and LMurphy for information on how to differentiate. He will have a PowerPoint presentation that illustrates the difference.  

RMarshall said that if this ordinance fails, the Supplemental grant may be amended.

PRenaud said if this ordinance fails, we should go through our existing village District Ordinance to see what potential changes could be proposed. We might also plug in Actions to Review and Standards for Review into our Site Plan Review Regulation which does not require a Town wide vote.

JFletcher asked if the $7600 be used for the Fall Charrette? RMarshall said “Not to my knowledge.”

PRenaud said he researched the NH Charitable Fund and application period is open now.  This express grant is for $5000 and last year Milford got a grant of $5000 which was used for a charrette.  There is a second deadline of June 30.  RMarshall thanked PRenaud for his research and will talk with APatt about the grant. PRenaud offered his help if needed in writing the grant.

8:45 Other Business:
SChicoine reread the Open Space Ordinance, and it clearly states that utilities will be underground as stated on the plat. This contradicts what GMitchell had said in our previous meeting. RMarshall will e-mail GMithcell and CBranon that information in the morning.

KO’Connell sought a legal opinion from PSanderson at LGC asking if a change from paved roads to gravel roads constituted a substantive change in the plan.  PSanderson stated that this may warrant a reopening of the public hearing since this could be considered a substantive change.  KO’Connell will forward this e-mail to MSerge for his legal opinion.  

RMarshall expressed his concern about working at this for a long, long time-longer than our clock allows-and I feel the integrity of this process is being undermined.  We were nearing completion of the process with CBranon and now GMitchell has removed CBranon and is handling the process himself. We’ve gone out of our way to allow the application/applicant to respond, re-edit, to complete the application and now changes are being made to the application as previously presented.

KO’Connell said, “We need to enforce the procedures of the meeting.  Many of our meetings have morphed in conversations with the applicant and not CBranon. The applicant needs to be silent and let his representative, CBranon, answer our concerns.”

9:10 p.m.  Adjournment
KO’Connell motioned to adjourn.  JFletcher seconded. Vote unanimous in favor.