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Planning Board Minutes 12/23/2013
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes
Recorded by Steve Chicoine
December 23, 2013

Members present:  RMarshall, PRenaud, KO’Connell, SChicoine

7:05 p.m.  Meeting Minutes
PRenaud began reading the November 25, 2013 meeting minutes. Several spelling, punctuation and word replacement changes were made. No substantive changes were made.
KO’Connell motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

7:25  Mail
Letter from C Wilson Sullivan, Atty. re: Site Plan Review and Groundwater Regulation at Mitchell warehouses.

·       RMarshall shared responses from the December community conversation held at the Library. This issue will be discussed further later in the meeting.
·       PRenaud announced that Greenfield is one of 3 towns in the state selected by the New Hampshire Broadband Mapping and Planning Program to receive assistance in the coming year with community assessment, planning and decision making regarding broadband. This was made possible by collaboration between SWRPC and the Greenfield EDAC. The NH Broadband and Capacity Building Team will work with the community to develop a specialized plan regarding broadband and economic development, all at no cost to the town.

7:30 Josh and Sue Fulton-Groundwater Conditional Use Permit Application
Discussion began about whether or not the Fulton Auto Repair business was grandfathered as a use under the Groundwater Protection Ordinance passed in March of 2012. The Fulton’s discussed copies of the Site Plan Review approval that had been previously granted by the Planning Board in March, 1984. PRenaud moved that the Fulton business located on Sawmill Road should be grandfathered, as described in Section XI of the Groundwater Protection Ordinance. KO’Connell seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.

The Board then went through the application that had been prepared by the Fulton’s answering questions . RMarshall said he would try to get the ConCom to hold a special meeting to expedite their review. Otherwise, he would ask that they consider the application and submit a recommendation to the Planning Board for their last meeting in January or the first meeting in February so that the permit request could be acted upon. The Fulton’s then submitted their completed applications with the application fee.

8:00 Neighborhood Heritage District Update
RMarshall reported the results of the Community Conversation on December 14th. Following an extensive discussion, PRenaud asked that a number of questions be posed to MStier and LMurphy about the proposed ordinance:
·       Can the Planning Board administer this Ordinance without the necessity of having the Advisory Committee? ~
·       Does having a PB member on the Advisory Committee bias/prejudice either the deliberation of the Advisory Committee or the deliberation of the PB following Advisory Committee recommendation?
·       Can we allow application for Advisory Committee review without a fee (assuming notification costs will be borne by the PB)? Subsequent fees for PB review would still apply.
·       Procedural question. Does the Planning Board time frame for decision (65 days) start when the Advisory Application is received  (and sent to the Advisory committee for study) or when the Advisory committee reports back to the PB?
·       When review of an NHD application does not require Site Plan Review action by the Planning Board, how long does the PB have to render a decision?

9:25  Industrial Zoning Proposals
The EDAC has recommended consideration of the expansion of the current industrial overlays in the both the northern and southern sections of Town. Following reviews of maps of the current overlays and proposed expansions, KO’Connell moved to propose addition to the industrial overlay in an area between Sawmill and Crotched Mountain Roads in the northern part of town. SChicoine seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. A brief discussion ensued about language that could be used to identify the specific area involved.

10:25 Special Meeting on December 30, 2013
Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that we needed to meet again on December 30 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Offices to finalize language on the Neighborhood Heritage District and the Industrial Zone for public hearing, tentatively scheduled for January 13, 2014.

10:30 Adjournment
KO”Connell moved to adjourn. PRenaud seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.