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Planning Board Minutes 11/25/2013
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
November 25, 2013

Members present:  RMarshall, PRenaud, KO’Connell, AMoon, RWimpory, SChicoine

7:01 p.m.  Meeting Minutes
PRenaud began reading the November 11, 2013 meeting minutes. Several spelling, punctuation and word replacement changes were made. Two substantive changes were made:
·       Line 126.  Added at the end of the sentence after… pavement, not gravel: ‘We have to approve the plat.’
·       Line 210.  Added at the end of the sentence after… from the developer: ‘PRenaud said, “I do not agree that Subdivision Regulations Section V B doesn’t pertain as it is a private subdivision.”’
KO’Connell motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  AMoon seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

7:36 p.m.  CIP Public Hearing
RMarshall called the meeting to order and reviewed with the public the official notifications and procedures for the hearing. He informed the audience that PRenaud has chaired the CIP data gathering and prepared this report. He thanked PRenaud for his work for the past year.

PRenaud presented the report. The purpose of doing the CIP, under statutory regulations of the state, is to aid the Select Board and Budget Advisory Committee on the upcoming year’s budget.  Inclusion of any project in this document and subsequent adoption by this board does not commit the town to any expenditure recommended. The Planning Board compiles the information from town departments and makes recommendations.  

Minor changes:
·       Page 5.  Delete the sentence, ‘The town has discontinued all new lease-purchase arrangements for municipal vehicles.’
·       Page 7
o       #1 Capital reserve.  Continue to promote and fund capital reserve accounts.  This is especially important because we don’t want to have to fund several large vehicles purchases all at once.
o       #4 Create a subcommittee to study ways to make the recycling center self-sustaining.  The Planning Board feels we need to study ways to reduce the cost of operating the town recycling center. This doesn’t necessarily mean regionalization, but it is an idea to be looked at.  A subcommittee can be selected prior to town meeting for this purpose.  ABurt said we can’t control costs at SAU, so let’s see what we can do to cut costs by creating this subcommittee now.
o       #5 Create a subcommittee to study the long-term needs of the town for office space, etc.  This item has been on the past five CIP reports. The committee could largely consist of town officials and employees who have a direct interest in this matter.  This study could be done in 2014.  
o       #6 Meeting House.  Many projects need to be dealt with such as replacing the appliances, and heating, and water heaters.  It might be possible hire a professional and get an estimate of repairs that doesn’t mean that taxes will go up, but we need to invest in the Meeting House.

o       #7 Perform a fiscal analysis of town and school district capital expenditures.  By doing this study, we would have a more realistic idea as to what projects we can afford do in Town.  It would enhance the value and meaning of the CIP.

ABurt asked who the Planning Board members were.  Each member introduced themselves.

PRenaud continued with changes to the CIP spreadsheets:
·       Police:  Eliminate first line in spreadsheet.  APatt advised the current cruisers are Crown Vics and they have been discontinued. New cruisers will have to have all new equipment added to them, so the cost will be higher than originally projected.  The Chief doesn’t want SUVs, but wants a vehicle which is all wheel drive.  
·       Tax Collector:  Remove first line in spreadsheet.  A new computer and software has already been purchased, and such do not constitute capital expenditures.
·       Roads:  Reverse the priority of #2 and #3.  Add Gould Hill to Knotwood Dr. & Longwood Dr.
·       DPW:  Minor Changes were suggested for DPW Facilities and DPW / Vehicles
·       Recycling Center:  On line two of commentary, change ‘at least’ to ‘more’ and ‘self sustaining’ to ‘sufficient.’

PRenaud asked the Planning Board, “Are these changes substantive?  The figures we are using are from July.”  RMarshall said these are recommendations and should stay the same, “only subtle adjustments have been made.”   

RMarshall asked if the public had any further questions or input.

ABurt said the town’s Select Board has done a very good job managing tax dollars.  “We have to show up at the school board meetings to control where the money is being spent and where to cut from the school budget.  When people are complaining about their tax bill, they need to come to the meetings, voice their concerns, and vote to cut expenses.”  MParker said, “Thank you for the job that the town officials have done with what they have available.”

8:40 p.m. Hearing no further public input, the public portion closed.

After a brief discussion, KO’Connell motioned as accept the CIP as amended.  AMoon seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.  RMarshall and PRenaud will be presenting the CIP to the Select Board on December 5, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.

PRenaud said he will e-mail changes to Planning Board tomorrow and will also e-mail the Budget Advisory Committee telling them that this document is what the Planning Board has adopted and notifying them of the December 5th meeting with the Select Board.  

8:50 p.m.  Public Hearing on Population and Housing Analysis Draft for the Master Plan
RMarshall called the meeting to order and reviewed with the public the official notifications and procedures for the hearing.

RMarshall had prepared a sheet for the Planning Board and the public which highlighted the findings of this chapter. RMarshall explained to the one audience member our relationship with the SWRPC, who serve as consultants to towns in the Monadnock Region. He explained that work began on updating our Master Plan in March 2012, with the Vision Statement and Land Use as the first two chapters.  We adopted both chapters and this year we have been working on the Population and Housing chapter.

AMoon found one change needed on pages 27 and 28. AMoon suggested using 1990-2010 for both pages to ensure consistency with the embedded data analysis.

9:10 p.m. Closed Public Portion
Hearing no further public input, the public hearing portion of the meeting was closed. After a short deliberation, AMoon motioned to adopt the Population and Housing chapter as amended.  KO’Connell seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor. RMarshall will communicate the changes to LMurphy for final revisions and copies.

9:14 p.m. Review of Board of Adjustment Case 2013-4, David and Patricia Simmons, 35 Sunset Lake Road, Greenfield, NH
RMarshall said DSimmons sought an electrical permit on November 4, 2013 and was denied due to the setback requirement.  

RWimpory asked if it is a propane or gas generator.  Members all looked at the paperwork and couldn’t find the answer.  RWimpory asked where the fuel would be stored.  “If it’s a propane generator, is the tank buried and how close is the tank to the setback?”

PRenaud asked, “Where is the Robbins house located in relation to the generator’s location?” RWimpory said “Why don’t they put it closer to the deck. Is there a requirement to put it closer to their house?”  SChicoine said it appears the location is convenient to the owner.  

RMarshall said, “From the discussion, it sounds like the Planning Board does not have enough information to offer an opinion.  More information is needed:
·       Is it a propane or gas generator?
·       Is the fuel buried or in an above ground tank?
·       Why couldn’t the generator be located closer to their house?
·       How will the water quality of the lake be protected?”

9:20 p.m. Other Business

RMarshall said, “It is likely that we are going to be selected by Plan NH for a planning charrette for next October which will cost about $6,000.  We plan to have a warrant article to appropriate the money but we are going to try and raise the funds privately.”

RMarshall said he is planning another community conversation for December 14th.  At that time we will have the Neighborhood Heritage District ordinance ready for the public to see and will be seeking public input.  The Planning Board will review the revised ordinance on December 9th.

9:25 p.m.  Mail Received:
·       Copy of NH Community Planning Grant Program signed contract
·       Newspaper copies of Public Notices for Population and Housing Chapter of the Master Plan and 2013 Capital Improvement Plan
·       ZBA Case 2013-4, David & Patricia Simmons, 35 Sunset Lake Rd, Greenfield for equitable waiver of dimensional requirements from Section II C 3 of the zoning ordinance
·       Upton & Hatfield Invoice dated October 31, 2013 for $522.00 for RWilliams  

9:35 p.m.  EDAC Zoning Recommendation
PRenaud handed out a proposal for expansion of industrial zones. He said there are two locations that the EDAC is proposing for new industrial rezoning:
·       Two lots on the north side of town, R2-15-4, 60 acres and R2-15-3, 45 acres.  Any development will take place on the north side of Sawmill Rd.  This is an expansion of the industrial zone that is already located in that area.
·       There are five lots on the south side of town, R9-3-8, 6.3 acres, R9-18-3, 10 acres, R9-18-6, 4 acres, R9-18-7, 2 acres, and R9-20, 34 acres.  The south side location is in the groundwater protection zone, except for one lot.  
He advised that the EDAC supports the 2 north lots, and only one lot in south, R9-3-8.   PRenaud said he listed the pros and cons of each individual zone on the handout.  We could try and get this on the ballot this year or we could present it next year.   

RWimpory asked, “Do any of the owners know of the proposed ordinance?”  PRenaud responded, “No. Perhaps Mrs. O’Donnell does, as JHopkins, her brother, was present at the EDAC meeting when we talked about this.  But we would have to notify the owners of this ordinance. This would be an overlay option.”

PRenaud quickly mentioned RSA 79-e which will be discussed at the community conversation on December 14th.

KO’Connell informed the Planning Board about the Board of Adjustment Case 2013-3 decision.  The Board of Adjustment overruled the Select Board and reversed the voluntary merger ruling.

10:00 p.m.  Adjournment
AMoon motioned to adjourn.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.