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Planning Board Minutes 08/12/2013
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
August 12, 2013

Members present:  RMarshall, PRenaud, AMoon, SChicoine, RWimpory, KO’Connell  

7:05 p.m.  Minutes
PRenaud began reading the July 22, 2013 meeting minutes.  No substantive changes were made.  AMoon moved to accept minutes as amended.  PRenaud seconded.   Vote unanimous in favor.

7:19 p.m. Mail received:
1.      Signed copy of Agreement from New Hampshire Preservation Alliance and the Town of Greenfield, NH.
2.      The Source, a newsletter of the NHDES Drinking Water Source Protection Program
3.      Notice of Public Hearing: Town of Mont Vernon-Cell Tower upgrade  
4.      AMoon notified the Board that the Greenfield Elementary School was awarded an Artist in Residence Grant for $4,500.

7:25 p.m.  Review of Master Plan Population and Housing report.  
RMarshall read an e-mail from LMurphy in which she explained the status of her review of the Population and Housing section. RMarshall shared that the public identified in the Vision Statement adopted last year an increased need for affordable housing.   

Comments for LMurphy:
1.      Make sure the data/dates are all consistent, with begin at 1800.
2.      Age distribution - Why are charts showing only three age ranges vs. six ranges in the 2003 Master Plan?  The six ranges show more info which reflects how services, schools, etc are used by the townsfolk.
3.      Housing Supply & Tenure - In Table 7, the Board would like to see a column showing the percentage change from 1980 to 2010.
4.      Table 15. Data is inaccurate.
5.      Table 16: Can we increase the number of columns for length of stay in town?
6.      Table 19: include Detached Accessory Dwellings as appropriate
7.      Table 20: The Center for Public Policy is working on updated information.

8:35 p.m. CIP Review
PRenaud began his review of the summary sheet for the 2013 CIP report.  RWimpory commented that he has an issue with the Planning Board telling each department which line item is a priority. AMoon commented that each department head set the priority for each line item, and that we should not change the priority.  

The Board reviewed the requests of Police and Fire Departments. The discussion was continued due to a pressing agenda appointment.

9:15 p. m. Roger Williams PCC
RShepard presented RWilliams’ plat/survey map showing a proposed right-of-way to a  landlocked lot in Greenfield, that crosses two lots that he owns, and connects with Gulf Road, a Class V Road, in Lyndeborough. He would like to create an access easement that will give him access to his lot.  RMarshall read minutes from the Town of Lyndeborough’s Planning Board meeting of May 16, 2013 which said that Board said it was OK to use Maiers Road to allow RWilliams to access his back lot.   RMarshall asked the question to the Board, “How does Mr. Williams get access to his landlocked lot in Greenfield when the only access is located in Lyndeborough?”

Mr. Williams participated in the discussion via telephone.  RWimpory asked, “Are you strictly asking for access to that lot?  If so, it is ok.  But if you are wanting to build on that property, there are different requirements needed.  Please clarify.”

Mr. Williams explained that one can reach his property via Maiers Rd, but in order to build on the landlocked property, I would have to have access to Class V road.  RMarshall asked, “And your intent is to build on the Greenfield lot?”  Mr. Williams replied, “ Yes, in the future. I have enough room to build a house with a view, and I don’t want to sell my other land to get to this property.”  

RWimpory said it sounds like the Board understands what you want to do.  Now we have to see if or how we can help you?  

KO’Connell said you can create a right of way over your own land without this Board, but we cannot give you a guarantee that you will get a building permit.

The Board then began a deliberation:

Following discussion, the board felt that Mr. Williams needed to go to the ZBA for a variance from the frontage requirement in the Zoning Ordinance. Since this is a landlocked lot that exists in Greenfield but has no frontage on a Class V he could gain access through his own land which has frontage on a Class V road in Lyndeborough.

Additional discussion centered around the need to sign a release of municipal liability under RSA 674.41.  Concern was expressed that since the access is in Lyndeborough and the first responder to a public safety emergency would be Greenfield (since the residence is in Greenfield) Greenfield would not want to be held liable for access that the Town could not control. It was felt that should the variance be granted, the Town would expect the driveway access be constructed to Greenfield Driveway standards before a building permit could be issued.

RMarshall will communicate this finding to Mr. Williams via e-mail on Aug 13, 2013.

CIP Review
CIP Review is continued to August 26 at 7:30 p.m.  PRenaud asked the Board to look at CIP summary sheet and see if you can find references to Master Plan Vision Statement.    

10:25 p.m. Adjournment
KO’Connell motioned to adjourn. SChicoine seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.