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Planning Board Minutes 03/25/2013 Corrected
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
March 25, 2013

Members present:  RMarshall, JFletcher, PRenaud, KO’Connell, RWimpory (via telephone conference call)

7:06 pm  Swearing In Of New Board Members  
RMarshall opened the meeting with the reading of RSA 673:5 - Appointment, Number and Terms of Alternative Members.  A telephone conference call with RWimpory was initiated to complete a quorum.  

JFletcher nominated KO’Connell as a regular member for a 3 year term.  PRenaud seconded the motion.  Vote unanimous in favor.

RMarshall nominated Angelique Moon as a regular member for a 3 year term.  PRenaud motioned to accept AMoon as a member.  JF seconded the motion.  Vote unanimous in favor.

KO’Connell and AMoon then were sworn in by DSleeper, Town Clerk.

7:28 pm  Minutes:
PRenaud began reading the March 11 meeting minutes.  Several spelling, punctuation, and phrasing corrections were made.  Three substantive changes were made:
·       Line 154:  The sentence now reads:  “A general concern here is that in a conventional subdivision you have more area to play with, but with an open space subdivision it is more defined.”
·       Line 204:  The sentence now reads:  “That is why it is an open space development in the zoning ordinance, not a simple subdivision of land.”
·       Line 368:  The sentence now reads:  “At the next deliberation, let’s get to the open space ordinance, specifically the standard for approval purpose of the ordinance.”
JFletcher motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  KO’Connell seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

8:35 pm  PCC Peggy Waterhouse – Child Care
RMarshall read the description of a PCC.  RMarshall said, “We are conducting a PCC and will be listening to a proposed plan from PWaterhouse in bringing potential childcare to her home.  Her land is on Forest Rd in the General Residence District.”  

PWaterhouse is the director of the childcare center at Conval and told the Board that “The school has decided to take over the space that we now occupy.”  Currently the center is called Pine Hill Child Care Center, which is open from 7:00am - 5:30pm with 53 students per day.  There are 8 full-time employees and 3 regular part timers; they serve over 50 families.  She shared a sketch of the site for her newly proposed childcare business, with proposed parking areas and areas out back.

The board identified several issues:
·       The Board felt that a formal Site Plan Review would be necessary.
·       Any questions about access from the state Route 31 would have to be satisfied with state permits.  State safety signage might be warranted.
·       Need a formal drawing showing parking areas, traffic flow, pedestrian access, playground location (fencing).
·       Need a plan for snow removal, run-off drainage to assure run-off doesn’t affect public ways/neighbors.
·       Concerns about the ability of the existing septic system to handle the new use were expressed, as well as questions about the presence of lead paint and the potential need for sprinkler system/expanded fire safety.  Concerns about outdoor lighting and building signage were expressed as well.  CEO Mike Borden might be able to help her with these questions.
·       Concern about health regulations for food service/preparation was expressed.
RMarshall said, “Any federal, state, or local approvals will need to be in place or in process before you come before us with the application.  The Board would not be able to approve the site plan if permits/approvals aren’t attached.  You will need a state approval for a septic design if necessary.  All drawings need to be to scale showing frontage, size on parking spaces, snow removal space, drainage plans, etc..”

PWaterhouse will try to have all that is required of her to be ready for a tentative public hearing on May 13th.  If that hearing date is not possible, a hearing will be scheduled for June 10.

9:46 pm  CIP PRenaud
PRenaud will hand out the packets at the April 22 meeting.  He’ll do a review of the packets and the cover letter at that time.  Proposed schedule is:
·       5/22 – Packets to dept. heads.  
·       June/July – Interviews with departments.
·       7/22 – All the information returned to PRenaud.
·       9/23 – Final draft prepared for public hearing.   
·       10/14 or 10/27 – Public hearing.
PRenaud said the Road Management section, which was suggested by OEP, will be addressed by the CIP/Budget Committee.

CIP assignments:
·       RMarshall – Library
·       PRenaud – Admin
·       AMoon – Fire Dept
·       JFletcher – Recycling
·       KO’Connell – DPW/Roads
·       SChicoine – Police

10:00 pm  Mail Received:
·       Spring Planning and Zoning Conference, 5/11/2013 at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester
·       Town of Greenfield, List of Departments and Heads of Departments
·       Greenfield Building Permits 2013
·       Town of Greenfield, Planning Board Budget Report YTD, 2012
·       SWPC, Invoice of $1,468.54
·       March/April 2013 NH Town and City Publication
·       10 copies of 2013 Zoning Ordinances

JFletcher motioned to change the May 27 meeting to May 20 due to the celebration of Memorial Day.  RMarshall will post notice of the change.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

10:10 pm  Election of Officers
JFletcher nominated RMarshall to Chair.  PRenaud seconded.  KO’Connell motioned to close nomination.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

RMarshall nominated JFletcher to Vice Chair.  PRenaud seconded.  KO’Connell motioned to close nomination.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

RMarshall nominated KO’Connell to Secretary.  PRenaud seconded.  RMarshall motioned to close nomination.  JFletcher seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

10:12 pm  Review of Changes to Site Plan Review Subdivision Regs/Checklists
RMarshall said he’s proud of the work that the Board has done on ordinances and regulations over the years.  As a result of the Community Planning Grant, Round #1, LMurphy’s review of those three documents found few major changes necessary.  We made those recommended changes to the Zoning Ordinance, all of which passed this spring.  We now need to complete recommended changes in the Subdivision and Site Plan Review regulations by June.

RMarshall reminded the board that iron pins language has come up in previous discussions and needs review.  

RMarshall handed out a brochure that the Strafford Regional Planning Commission uses to include the goals of the Master Plan in Subdivision and Site Plan Review applications.  He asked that members consider how we might include similar references into our application procedures and checklists.

Community Planning Grant #2
RMarshall said he is in the process of identifying members of the Neighborhood Heritage District Advisory Committee.  So far, Rev. Dan Osgood, Sheldon Pennoyer, Beth Nee, Louise Crete (Gryval) have volunteered serve on this committee.  We will need at least one more member.  They will be invited to the Community Outreach on April 20 at the Roadside Roundup Thank You Dinner.  He is meeting with LMurphy and Maggie Stier tomorrow for our first planning meeting to prepare an agenda for that meeting.

JFletcher said, “Is there some way to get the town involved in committees?”  RMarshall said, “The outreach meetings that we did earlier this year is one way of getting others involved, but it’s hard to get residents motivated.”

10:35 pm  Adjournment
KO’Connell motioned to adjourn.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.