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Planning Board Minutes 10/22/2012
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
October 22, 2012

Members present:  RMarshall, JFletcher, PRenaud, KO’Connell, MBorden, SChicoine

7:01 p.m. JFletcher began reading October 15, 2012 meeting minutes. Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done.  No substantive changes were made.  
MBorden motioned to accept the minutes as amended. JFletcher seconded.  Vote was unanimous in favor.

7:28 p.m. Mail received:
DES brochure
Sawmill Estates Labels

7:30 p.m. SWRPC Planning Initiatives-Master Plan, Community Planning Grant
Master Plan-Land Use Section
Land Use Map LMurphy, SWRPC, noted several changes presented by the Board in the land use map. RMarshall said, “CMRC has a 1200 acre parcel in conservation, but I don’t know exactly where the location of the parcel is. The easement was completed about 3 weeks ago. LMurphy said she would pass this information along.  After discussion by the Board, adjustments were made to complete SWRPC maps for the Master Plan.  

Development Constraints Map LMurphy said the development constraints map is meant to be a useful map for any piece of land within town.  This is not meant to be a quick easy reference.  It is meant to be a tool for the Planning Board, developers and others used to using such resources.  The Planning Board asked to remove stratified aquifers symbol, to remove the symbol for poorly drained soils¸ to darken the lot lines and road lines. The 100 year flood plan needs to be added to the map. LMurphy said she will sue locations of roads similar to those used in the 2003 map to assure that all roads are shown.

LMurphy  will add to the Land Use Plan a section on Factors that influence Land Use that   includes Utilities in Public and Private Investments.   

RMarshall asked, “Will we be able to complete our Master Plan contract by January 1?”  LMurphy said, “Yes, if not before then.”  She will get a draft off to RMarshall and then will check with him in November to schedule public hearing date for the Land Use section..    

RMarshall asked the Board if there were any ordinance changes outside of the Master Plan that need to be addressed now.  None were brought up.
8:15 Community Planning Grant:
LMurphy said the Planning Grant has a part which asks how are we making sure we are reaching all of the population?”  She said that we have used several opportunities, such as the photo shoot, the round table discussion, the survey, as well as articles in the Greenfield Spirit.  She began a discussion of a “Gap Analysis.”  In order to reach out to under-represented populations, she asked if there were some groups or clubs that we can address to let them know what the Community Planning Grant is about and allow them further input.”  RMarshall suggested ConCom, Givers, Women’s Club, PTO, Blueberry Jamboree, Greenfield Covenant Church, Greenfield Commons, CMRC, Lyris, etc. He said, the grant calls for a public meeting(s) to provide outreach and education on regulatory review and to introduce the concept of a Neighborhood Heritage District.  Tentatively, a community forum will be scheduled for Saturday, December 1, 2012 from 10 to 12.  LMurphy noted that more involvement by the public creates a more positive, successful agenda for the community.  The Planning Board will send “ambassadors” from the Board to attend monthly meetings of identified groups to invite them to participate in the forum.

LMurphy said, “A power point presentation showing the history of the development of the Village District in Greenfield will help us define the character of the Village District.  We heard what the public said at the meetings last spring.”   RMarshall said, “We heard two things loud and clear from our work on the Vision: preserve the rural character and the village and increase economic development. This meeting will inform the participants of what we heard and illustrate how we are trying to bring this to fruition. Further input from the public will be sought.

KO’Connell said he feels the “Greenfield Spirit” should be mailed.  MBorden said, I like the idea of mailing an invitation out to the town’s people with a reply card for the forum.”  

RMarshall will get the number of residents for the mailing for the December 1st forum. JFletcher volunteered to help prepare a postcard mailing with a return tear-off section to help us plan for numbers at the meeting.

RMarshall listed the three items discussed this evening: type of forum, mass mailing for forum, for December 1, 2012 and a suggested date.

RMarshall will send to JFletcher the date, time, plan for the forum so JFletcher can create the invitation.  For the outreach portion, RMarshall will  contact  various groups in town and ask to be put on their agenda to invite them to participate in the forum.  

9:15 p.m. A brief discussion on the  duties of the Secretary(Minutes) and the  Corresponding Secretary was held.  The Planning Board was in agreement with the draft of duties prepared by RMarshall. MBorden motioned to accept the duties as proposed. PRenaud seconded. Vote unanimous in favor.

9:25 p.m. MBorden motioned to adjourn. PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.