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Planning Board Minutes 02/27/2012
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
February 27, 2011

Members present:  RMarshall, JFletcher, PRenaud, MSteere, MBorden

7:04 p.m.  JFletcher began reading the February 13, 2011 meeting minutes. Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done.  No substantive changes were made.  At 7:10 p.m.  MSteere motioned to accept minutes as amended.  JFletcher seconded.  Vote carried in favor.

7:11 p.m. Mail Received:

1.      Notice from the Town – revised return check fee
2.      Notice from the Town – updated certified mail fee structure
3.      Local Government Center – “Town & City” publication- Feb 2012 issue
4.      Letter – advertisement “Dave’s Septic Service – portables
5.      Letter – Lorman Education Services – classes available
6.      Letter – e-mail “Bill from Ledger-Transcript for public hearing notice for 2/27/12 public hearing
7.      Letter from Antrim Planning Board – cell tower hearing – 3/1/12 – AT&T-
8.      Letter from Antrim Board of Adjustment – cell tower hearing 3/6/12
9.      Handout from PHopkins re: state & town regulations on dilapidated structures.  

BMarshall asked if the PB should be  actively promoting the Groundwater Amendment. The PB agreed to hand out fliers at the Recycling Center on 3/6, 3/8, 3/10 and outside the polling place on Election Day to inform the town’s folks on the upcoming changes in the zoning ordinances and the Master Plan.  BMarshall will be at the Recycling Center of 3/6, 3/8, 3/10 along with MSteere to distribute the handouts that explain and promote the groundwater amendment, each doing 2 hour shifts.   BMarshall, MBorden, PRenaud, and will be outside the polling place with a sign urging voters to support groundwater protection ordinance.  Shifts are 3 hours each with MBorden covering 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., BMarshall covering 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. and PRenaud covering 4 p.m.  -  7 p.m.  JFletcher will construct 2 signs for the Groundwater Amendment and will get an e-mail list from Catherine to so we can e-mail some residents a message on the Groundwater Amendment.  

7:30 p.m.  Sawmill Road Business

RCilley, President, American Steele and DBuxton, President NE Forest Products, guests.

BMarshall explained to the guests that this meeting would be brief.  He thanked them for taking time out of their busy schedules to attend this meeting. He commented that the Planning Board is working on the Master Plan and the PB was seeking their input, ideas, comments on what they as businessmen would like to see in Town with respect to bringing in new business.  Our goal is to have a conversation about concerns they may have and ideas for growth that you see in town that the Board should be paying attention to. He said the PB respects the work their companies do in town and the PB would like to promote more businesses like yours in town. He asked for their comments on what life is like for industries such as theirs in  Greenfield,  and asked for ideas about what businessmen and industries such as theirs need.

RCilley commented that one resource he would like to see is a high speed internet service - that would be very beneficial.  While he isn’t an IT expert, the future is becoming more dependent on the internet and the current level of service doesn’t meet the demand needed in town.  In our location, there isn’t a whole lot of space available for expansion.  He asked if the town had considered identifying the land from the CMRC Road to the current industrial overlay as an expanded industrial area. With the exception of a small residential lot, the land is owned by one family, the Colville family.  On another issue, he is concerned about whether or not the Town landfill behind his property was closed properly.  On his property, they have monitoring wells, but they are not tested on a regular basis. “Because the land is at the base of dump, it could be a disadvantage to us if we go to sell it later”, Cilley said.  He felt there were no traffic problems for American Steel at their current location.  BMarshall asked if there are heavier times for traffic. RCilley said, “No issues have come to my attention.” DBuxton said PMCGrath’s business has early morning deliveries predominantly between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. which is a heavy time.  NE Forest Products heavy delivery times are between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.  Monday through Friday.

DBuxton commented that his company and the town have a good relationship.  He commented that it is relatively uncommon for someone in my industry to locate in town.  Most towns will not accept sawmills due to the noise factor.  At one time our noise was an issue with the State Park during camping season, but we agreed to not turn blowers off during weekend hours.   We put in other changes that eliminated/reduced the use of the blowers.  

PHopkins commented, “Noise issues. I hadn’t thought of that, because I have not received any complaint or comments about that. Obviously, the camp folks went directly to Dave and that issued was solved directly between them.”

BMarshall commented, “Whoever chose that area as industrial chose wisely.   

MSteere asked if there was any way to improve the transportation situations there. He knows the State has changed laws concerning weight loads.  RCilley commented that American Steel had engineering studies done and all is OK.

MSteere asked if small business/condos would work in that area.  RCilley commented that local people/businesses would probably stay in this location if it was available.

RCilley said that perhaps storage units would be a business to seek. He thought about that type of business in the back of American Steel, but shelved it.  He also was glad to see in the Planning Board minutes some conversation concerning the burned out building (Ferry house) on Route 31 just before his business. He said, “If site was cleaned up, it could be used for something else.”    MSteere responded that he appreciated Ray’s comment on this building.

MBorden said, “Tossing around the idea of some storage facility in that area would involve expansion and asked if there was any expansion done.”  DBuxton said, “We’ve done a lot of expansion.  We’ve doubled our capacity with drying kilns area, a planing facility, a retail facility, and now we are looking to earn back what we’ve invested. We have storage and manufacturing capacity and have utilized most of our property.  The nice thing has been the absence of the DOT harassment. “
BMarshall asked about retail parking.  DBuxton explained that NE Forest Products went into retail when retailing was collapsing.  We don’t have a lot of experience in an active retail market, so parking at this point is alright.  We do have retail and wholesale in two different locations on our property.

MSteere commented that the industrial zone was always an overlay, and asked RCilley and DBuxton if the PB should consider a strictly industrial/commercial zone to limit locations?  MBorden commented perhaps the Colville property could have a certain section as industrial and the rest as residential.

BMarshall commented that a major shortcoming of the Town under the current Master Plan was that we have not pursued economic development goals of the Master Plan. With an industrial/commercial location, it would promote a balance in our tax structure for residential/industrial which benefits the community.  DBuxton commented, “Be careful in restricting a limited industrial area because Route 31 is the main thoroughfare for transportation.”   

BMarshall asked if there are any other issues that they would like to raise as to future businesses that could be attracted to Greenfield.  RCilley said that PMcGrath has expressed an interest in acquiring another location as he is bulging at the seams.  RCilley doesn’t want to lose him as a tenant,  so if some land became available in their present location and was in the industrial/commercial zone, that would benefit both of them.

MSteere said the Town is looking to re-establishing an economic development commission.   Is that something that either of you would be interested in?   RCilley said grants are available, but you have to have the land to offer to a business.   DBuxton said, “Site distribution yards… our area is a perfect location for that type of business….blue-collar jobs vs. IT jobs.  Again, if land is available.”  

BMarshall thanked them for their time. He said  “We have a narrow path to walk, as Greenfield is the place people look for to come to live, and we need to protect the qualities people like about our town while pursuing economic development that is beneficial for all.

JFletcher commented that the trend now is to develop the industries that are desirable and the area (Colville land) that has been discussed is a perfect spot to make as an industrial zone.   If we had an “office park” up there this would be a good growth for the Town.

PHopkins said, “RCilley’s comment about IT communication was “right on”.  We, the Town, have a fiber optic cable running through town, and it seems like there are some avenues to pursue there. If we had somebody in town to put pressure on Fairpoint to get high speed internet to the Town, that would help bring in new business to Greenfield.”

8:15 – 8:30 pm break

8:30 pm Country Comfort Homes LLC

BMarshall called public hearing to order.  He read the public hearing notice as well as the guidelines for granting or denying application.  He passed the clipboard around and PHopkins and SChicoine signed it as members of the public.

Presentation by:  Ray Shea, from Sanford Engineering and Tim Sullivan, John Harrison, Country Comfort Homes.  RShea commented there are two lots to be subdivided.  The acreage is located on a state highway.  We have obtained driveway permit and subdivision approval from the State.  The northerly lot doesn’t have enough frontage, so a lot line was changed.  After a lot line change, we received a revised state subdivision approval.  The amendment approval from state was received and a copy is attached for the Board.  We are proposing a driveway for each lot.  The northern lot contained existing structures which were removed.  We requested a waiver for USGS topo map, but since plans were submitted, we had tied into a state benchmark, and the contour lines have been included so we are withdrawing our request for a waiver.

8:35 p.m. Review of application checklist
The application checklist was complete with the exception of the following changes that the applicant stated either were or would be completed:
ü       Required - name & address of recorded abutters – new addresses for 3
ü       Required - Special flood hazard areas -  to be corrected
ü       Required - Culvert flow -  arrows needed
ü       Open space notation -  Lot 43 R-9
ü       Required - any additional reports required by the Board – driveway will be designed following Town of Greenfield driveway regulations and will need to be signed by the DPW supervisor

A check received from Country Comfort Homes $350.00 with a balance of $125.00 due.   Check will be dropped off on Tuesday by Tim Sullivan.

Comments and questions from the Board:
MSteere commented, “All the things that we requested from them at the PCC have been satisfied, and with a corrected plat addressing the above items listed, I motion that we accept the application as complete.”  MBorden seconded.  Vote carried in favor.

8:48 p.m.   BMarshall opened the public portion of the hearing.  PHopkins asked, “As the Building Inspector, do I sign off from the driveway cut or the completed driveway or does the DPW Supervisor sign off?  As the Code Enforcement Officer, I need the state driveway permit and a copy of the town driveway cut.  What part of the driveway does the DPW Supervisor inspect?”  MBorden said, “The town driveway regulation says you have to have a foot of gravel, 6’ of top gravel and that needs to be witnessed or verified. After discussion, it was determined; PHopkins will follow from the cut to the balance of the driveway to do the signoff.  

BMarshall said “The driveway should be constructed according to our driveway regulations. We will continue our discussion of driveways at our next meeting.”
8:54 p.m. Public Hearing closed  
·       Required - name & address of recorded abutters – new addresses for 3
·       Required - USGS contour lines – new elevations to be added
·       Required - Special flood hazard areas -  to be corrected
·       Required - Culvert flow -  arrows needed
·       Open space notation -  Lot 43 R-9
·       Required - any additional reports required by the Board – driveway will be designed following Town of Greenfield driveway regulations and will need to be signed by the DPW supervisor

MSteere motioned to approve the application with above changes listed on revised plat.  JFletcher seconded, subjected to additional payment being received.

BMarshall commented there is a pile of rubble from concrete floors, and asked if it was going to be removed or used.  TSullivan said, “We could use it for the second driveway or haul it out.  There is 2 – 3’ of fine sand under the rubble, but it all depends on how things go.  We will dispose of the rubble or use it.  BMarshall asked if any additional logging is going to happen.  JHarrison said,  “No.”

9:00 p.m.   The question was called for a vote. All in favor, vote carried in favor.

TSullivan asked if he had to have 6 plats and one Mylar sheet as finals.  BMarshall said, “Yes.”

9:05 p.m.  Master Plan Photo Shoot presentation

BMarshall presented a write up for the Greenfield Spirit. He asked for editing/correction comments from the Board.  One changed was made.  

He said he has two school children volunteers who will be taking pictures for the shoot - a SMS student, 5th grader and a GES, 4th grader. He has an e-mail going out to PTO at GES asking for volunteers.  JFletcher said that MFletcher wants to volunteer.    BMarshall received several names as possible volunteers and he will be calling or e-mailing to the volunteers the particulars on the photo shoot and meeting dates.   

BMarshall asked if pictures outside of the March- April deadline; such as the Blue-B-Que, parades, Little League shot, Mountaineer Football, Historical Society events, Winter Fun Day could be accepted.  The Board agreed that they should be allowed.  Also the Board felt that something the Town doesn’t want should be allowed as well.   

9:10 p.m.  Other Ideas for Master Plan Information
BMarshall feels that just the photo shoot will not provide enough community input.  He suggested creating a survey for Master Plan work and JRenaud offered the idea of a Community Roundtable.  The roundtable will be discussion groups with flip charts which will provide evidence of what the Townspeople want. MSteere concurred that the information from the townspeople will provide more input to help form the goal of the Master Plan.  MSteere volunteered to help with the Roundtable.

BMarshall said that this roundtable will provide an opportunity for the townspeople to have a conversation about what the community needs. That discussion is very important.  He will with work on a survey, a draft of which will be ready for the 3/12 meeting

MSteere suggested using “Survey Monkey” for the survey.  “Survey Monkey” provides a report with synopsis.   BMarshall thought that a cost is involved with “Survey Monkey.”  JFletcher will look into his “Virtual Response” group for doing the survey.

9:35 p.m.  MSteere motioned to adjourn.  MBorden seconded.  Vote carried in favor.