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Planning Board Minutes 08/08/2011
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
August 8, 2011

Members present:  GMorris (alternate, for KOConnell), BMarshall , PRenaud, JFletcher, , MSteere, MBorden, RWimpory

Audience members:  AJ DeSantis, SChicoine, EAnderson and spouse.

Mail Received:

  • National Grid brochure
BMarshall called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  He noted that GMorris will be sitting in for KOConnell.

7:02 p.m. Minutes:

GMorris began reading the July 25, 2011 meeting minutes concluding at 7:08 pm.  Several spelling, punctuation and replacements of words were done.  No substantive changes were made.

Board members handed to BMarshall CIP information for MSteere.

BMarshall then discussed the upcoming agenda with proposal to change how we conduct hearings.  He is putting forward for the Board’s consideration to hold public hearings on the second Monday of each month and the fourth Monday of the month to be work sessions. He seeks everyone’s opinion on returning to this format mentioning that one of the biggest endeavors will be the redo of the Master Plan.   GMorris feels this is a good idea with PCC’s and continuations of meetings to continue at second meeting of month.  After discussion amongst Board members, the consensus is to follow the new procedure.

Zephyr Lake Road Cell Tower
BMarshall said that the Board was in receipt of e-mail from the Town Attorney with his opinion that the Planning Board should hold a public hearing on the revised driveway plans submitted by RHowse, Infinigy engineer for the Zephyr Lake Cell Tower.

GMorris is questioning if we should accept new driveway as complete or to reject it.  BMarshall feels that we should identify the deficiencies/concerns on the revised driveway.

At this point, PRenaud excused himself from discussion on the acceptance of the new driveway application and physically removed himself from the Board’s table. GMorris asked if Board has analyzed this enough to go forward to public hearing.

BMarshall commented, “If we were to take those deficiencies indicating our concern and noting them in a letter, then the applicant can make a presentation the night of the public hearing to rectify the shortcomings and then we can open it up to the public for questions/input.”

GMorris commented, “I don’t want to get another whole package of materials.  I want answers to the questions we have that night and not have a continuation to receive those answers.”

MBorden is concerned by the fact that where there are 25% slopes involved, the state requires a permit.  BMarshall got information from CIrwin, Conservation Commission Chairperson.  He read the DES Alteration of Terrain permit:

Purpose: to protect surface water quality by controlling soil erosion & managing, treating, and recharging storm water runoff from development activities.

Applicability: an alteration of terrain permit is required whenever a project proposes to disturb more than 100,000 square feet of terrain…. Or if the project disturbs any area having a 25% or steeper land slope and is within 50 feet of any surface water, then a permit is also required.  This program applies to both earth moving operations, such as gravel pits, as well as industrial, commercial & residential developments.

MBorden asked, “In this process, do they have to apply for the permit?”  BMarshall questioned, “Where is the surface water in this project? Is wetlands considered surface water.”   A definition of surface water is needed.
BMarshall said the date of September 12 gives the applicant enough time to prepare and respond to our concerns.   

GMorris said, “Let’s send a letter to JSpringer and Infinigy Engineering and have them clarify our concerns.  He said if we go with September 12 public hearing, the notice for the paper will have to be in the August 25 edition.”

MBorden commented, “I am very concerned about the length of the driveway… it appears to be more than 920’.  Also there ought to be a drainage plan with the application.”    He said, “On the Z10 sheet,  diagram #1 shows a culvert at the beginning of the driveway, but no other drainage appears.   I don’t believe the length of the driveway be true.”  

JFletcher read Sec V N (4) of the driveway regulations to the Board.  

BMarshall said it appears we have more deficiencies to add to our list to the applicant.  A drainage plan as noted in our driveway regulations, Sec V N (4), and a letter from DES indicating an Alteration to Terrain permit is needed or not needed. The letter will ask –‘Please provide evidence supporting or refuting the need for Alteration of Terrain Permit.’

RWimpory asked, “Wouldn’t it be prudent to have DES look at this revised driveway and see if DES approves this driveway or not.”   

BMarshall said, “If I were the applicant and got this letter with these deficiencies, I as the applicant, would go to DES to get a letter of approval or disapproval, and that would eliminate the Board jumping through hoops to get this information.”

BMarshall said, “I feel I am hearing the express concern of the Board for an Alteration of the need for Terrain Permit. How do we get clarification?  GMorris said, “Ask them to get a letter from DES and if that doesn’t happen, then we can request DES to look at this proposal and then charge the applicant for the costs.”

RWimpory asked, “Do they have a wetlands scientist on board?”  “Yes,” BMarshall replied.  

JFletcher motioned that a letter be sent to JSpringer, Attorney for the applicant, and to Infinigy Engineering for more information/clarification on the following items:

  • No mailing labels or latest abutter list with new property owners. Sheet Z1 has incorrect abutters listed.
  • What is the total square footage of the disturbed area on the entire site?
  • What are they going to do to the significant disturbed areas.  How are they going to be surfaced - with deciduous trees?
  • Is their proposal as shown here, going to disturb the 150’ tree buffer?  
  • Are all the erosion controls represented on sheets Z6 and Z6A?
  • The Board is awaiting further compliance with #7 of our conditional approval – Buffer easement deed.
  • Drainage plan as noted in Town regulations  - Sec VN (4)
  • A letter from DES indicating an Alteration to Terrain permit is/ is not needed.
MBorden seconded the motion   Vote carried favor.

AJDeSantis asked if there are any regulations specific to drainage plans in the driveway regulations. BMarshall indicated that the town regulations are not very specific.

8:16 p.m.  PRenaud rejoined the Planning Board for discussion of Other Business.

8:18 p.m.  Other Business:

JFletcher handed in his info for CIP.  After discussion with the Fire Chief, he wanted to add all equipment that wasn’t on his worksheet, indicating the 25 yr standard for replacement. He reconstructed sheet to reflect the 25 yr plan and added the extra vehicles .

General discussion about the CIP with Board members indicating that MBorden has one more meeting with Carol at the Recycling center. BMarshall added the library CIP worksheet envelope for MSteere.  BMarshall commented, “A new IT plan is being developed.  BDodge is working on it.” AWoods has studied our IT equipment, etc. and has made recommendations.” GMorris mentioned that he has a source for used equipment, Sequoya Technology.   BMarshall will e-mail library technology plans to RWimpory.   RWimpory mentioned that MLong as the new IT consultant for the Town.

8:38 p.m. Groundwater ordinance:

BMarshall e-mailed the revisions to the groundwater protection from our last meeting too LMurphy and met with her this morning and the handout sheet has the results of that conversation.  LMurphy commented that the Planning Board needs to refine the definitions of the groundwater verbiage.

BMarshall asked, “With Planning Board’s permission, he will make changes and create a 3rd draft for the Groundwater protection ordinance and also #13 on the previous list will be put back into ordinance for discussion purposes.”    

GMorris will contact MSteere about the CIP info.  JFletcher motioned to thank GMorris for all his work with the Planning Board. MB seconded.  Planning Board was in full agreement with his good work and dedication to the Planning Board.

RWimpory informed the Planning Board that a temporary Admin Asst has been working for two weeks.  He also asked the Board for their input as to the definition of the position as previously held by DDavison.  

RWimpory asked, “What would you need from that position?”  GMorris commented, Most of the Planning Board work is done by CShaw.  I had little interaction with DDavison.”

 BMarshall commented, “It is hard for Board of Selectmen to know what is going on in town on a daily basis and DDavison served that position.    A town administrator is what is needed for this town rather than an administrative assistant.  Someone who has a business background with management skills is what is needed.”

BMarshall asked the Board if he could put on the August 22 agenda the Master Plan.  At that time he hopes to have an update on whether or not Infinigy will be prepared for a September 12 public hearing.

9:30 p.m. JFletcher motioned to adjourn.  GMorris seconded motion.  Vote in favor carried.