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Planning Board Minutes 12/13/2010
Greenfield Planning Board
Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
December 13, 2010

Members present:  GMorris, MSteere, MBorden, BMarshall (sitting in for MBorden), JFletcher, KO’Connell

Mail Rec’d:
1.      Selectmen meeting minutes 11/18 & 12/2
2.      SWRPC highlight 11/10
3.      NH Historical Resources letter dated 12/1/10 re: 46 Zephyr Lake Rd. Letter placed on file.
4.      Letter from SKnight, dated Dec 12, 2010 re: 46 Zephyr Lake Rd. Letter placed on file
5.      Letter from JStreit, 325 Slip Road, Greenfield, NH re: 46 Zephyr Lake Rd. Letter placed on file
6.      Letter from Andrej Kokal, 243 Cornwell Rd ,Greenfield, NH re: 46 Zephyr Lake Rd. Letter placed on file
7.      Letter from SChicoine, 76 Gould Hill Rd, Greenfield, NH re: 46 Zephyr Lake Rd. Letter placed on file
8.      Letter from JMatthias, and AHayashi, 98 Zephyr Lake Rd, Greenfield re: 46 Zephyr Lake Rd. Letter placed on file

Minutes:  MSteere began reading 11/22/10 meeting minutes at 7:02 pm.  JFletcher finished reading at 7:24 pm.  Amendments were made as follows:
Line 13: changed LLB to LLC
Line 26: changed November 22 to November 8
Line 45: changed 12’ to 15’ to 12” to 15” diameter
Line 65: changed validate to valid
Line 79: changed sentence to read as; “GMorris stated the new information provided by the applicant, (stamped 11/22) will be placed in the town office for anyone to read.
Line 83: added open and closed quotes to “I didn’t hear them, what was his comment?”
Line 99:  added ‘the’ to sentence; to read as; “Who is the fire chief now?” Continuing with this line the following was added:  GMitchell commented that LWhite stated  that he would not be able to get town equipment up a lesser slope for Sawmill Estates but equipment can make it up this hill"
Line 111: changed photo shopped to “Photoshopped” pictures.
Line 120: removed the word opaque and inserted the word transparent
Line 147: changed date to data
Line 158: changed play to plays and added ‘an’ to sentence
Line 172: corrected wave length to wavelength
Line 173: removed ? mark, inserted a , changed ‘is’ to ‘in’.  Inserted IPagacizk responded, “by Line 174: tilting of the antenna, it will vary the range of transmission.”
Line 175: put the phrase 2.4 GHz a little less for range after 1900 GHz could cover miles,
Line 196: inserted the phrase and size of machine at the end of the sentence.

JFletcher motioned to accept amended minutes, MSteere seconded the motion.  Motion carried at 7:37 pm.

Zephyr Lake Road Cell Tower Application:  PRenaud asked to record the continued hearing of the Zephyr Lake Road Tower application.  Recording began at 8:10 pm

BMarshall asked, “Can we address any questions for Mr. White, Chief-GFD and that it will enable him to get out of here?” GMorris commented that is what he planned to do.  He asked JSpringer if he had any specific questions to direct to the Fire Chief at this time.  JSpringer replied, “No.”  How about the Board?

JFletcher said, “It was stated that the chief indicated that he would have no problem getting emergency equipment up to that location. I’d like to have a clarification.”

LWhite, “I don’t believe my statement was such.  My statement made reference to us being able to approach the site, whether it be with our equipment or without.  What I was trying to say is that there are lot of locations in town that are designed in such a way that in fair weather we’ll be able to access and in inclement weather we may or may not be able to gain access with our equipment. With that being said, provided their roadwork is acceptable by the ordinance of this town, it is somewhat a moot point whether or not I can ascertain if we will or will not be able to access the property with our equipment. To that end, if we were not able to locate at the immediate site, we would be forced to find alternative measures which could be expected at any site.  We have to find access to remediate any situation presented to us.  We have recreational and forestry equipment which would enable us to attempt to suppress any situation at that location.  I am not so concerned about a commercial establishment that isn’t accessible to the public, my concern is the exposure it has to the abutters in a forest land environment.  

MSteere questioned, “Your concern for public safety is not that particular site.  If you needed to get up to that site, you have equipment which would allow you to get up that site. LWhite responded,  “Yes, we have equipment other than our fire trucks which will allow us to get to the site to suppress a fire.”
JFletcher asked, “Do you have any concern about lithium batteries?”  LWhite said, I believe that   Fairpoint has lithium batteries at their location in Greenfield, and is required by law to provide us with information about them which they have.  We have MSDS sheets about them.”

BMarshall, “Do you feel that if this driveway was well maintained that it would be able to accessible during the 3 seasons?”  LWhite, responded,   Yes, I feel that our equipment would be able to get up there if it were ‘worked’.”  BMarshall, “what do you mean ‘worked?”  LWhite, “I feel that a gradual driveway rather than a steep one would be better.

8:20 opened to public for questions for the Fire Chief.

SKnight, question to LWhite, “In the winter, if the road is not maintained, how will equipment get up there?”  LWhite said, “We have enough hose that can be handled up the driveway and the foam suppressant comes in 5 gallon pails.  We would walk the hose up hill, carry the foam up and then roll hose down hill, the foam will be at top near the hose for suppression.”

AWood asked, “If there was a fuel spill, how would you approach that, how would that be handled?”  LWhite said, “An absorbent would be used.”

AWood asked, “Are you concerned about a fuel truck accident such as what happened in Lyndeborough?”  LWhite, commented, “No, that was operator error and that company chose to operate under poor weather conditions.”

MSteere asked a curiosity question, “For an established commercial establishment, could Clean Harbors be called in to do a cleanup for a spill?”  LWhite responded, “Yes either the fire company or property owner would the make the call.  I would not hesitate to contact the proper authority if I did not have a contact for this site should a spill occur.”  MSteere asked, “Could we as a Board make that request (to contact Clean Harbors) as a condition of the granting this application?”  LWhite responded, “You could.”

PRenaud asked, “Do you feel an ambulance could access that site?   LWhite said, “Ours is a four-wheel drive vehicle but, we would use whatever means is necessary to get a victim or injured party to an ambulance.”

BAustin asked, “If there are no special requests about the slope of this driveway, could access be made to the site?”  LWhite said “Yes.” JMatthias asked, “Does this driveway meet the town’s ordinance?  GMorris responded, “We have not discussed this as yet.”  LWhite said, “I can’t give any assurances as I don’t know what the slope will be, but our fire company will do all we can to access the site if warranted.

MSteere asked, “If they did have periodic visits to the site to maintain equipment, would it be preferable to be plowed?”  LWhite stated, “Yes, if it were to be occupied, it would be easier to access if plowed.”

KO’Connell asked, “If someone gets injured while in the tower, is the fire company trained to extricate a victim or is special training needed?”  LWhite responded, “We have some personnel who are certified for ropes, but if needed, a mutual aid call would go out for additional specialized personnel.

JSpringer presented some new RF material from Deepak Rathore, ATT RF engineer which the Board requested.  In review, JSpringer, stated that the Hancock tower does not reach our site and the 9/23/10 MHutchins report was fully aware that the Sawmill site doesn’t reach to our proposed site. He also stated that our proposed site and the Sawmill site still leave areas of Route 31 without coverage.  We stand by the plots and the MHutchins report and nothing I say will change the audience mind.”  GMorris asked, “What is your frequency?  DRathore responded, “1900 GHz.

JSpringer presented another revised noise report which takes into account the retaining wall and the report states that the retaining wall has no effect on the noise.    Also the SHIPO reports no adverse effect which we pretty much expected. Ms. Knight raised the issue of the easement deed.  The one I submitted was a draft.  That is usually the last piece presented.  The draft easement submitted previously has a reference to topping the trees.  What was submitted before was not a final product, so this is a proposed easement deed being presented to the Board.  The Planning Board’s process is designed to sharpen issues, correct mistakes which we’ve owned up to, and as a final comment, “this is a permitted use.”  

KO'Connell asked, “What is the FCC regulation on generators for cell towers?”  PMarchant responded, “Since Hurricane Katrina, all cell towers must have 8 hr backup.”

GMorris asked the audience if they had any questions.

EAnderson would like to know what RF model was used for this latest report?  DRathore responded, “ADOLL is the RF model used for these exhibits and for the previous color plots.”  

JMatthias said, “I was here the last meeting and there seems to be quite a discrepancy on the coverage, and I would like to know how do you decide what information is valid?”  GMorris responded when we go to discuss this and we feel the information isn’t valid, then we will make what decisions are necessary as to whether we will bring in newer experts to clarify this information.

GMorris said, “We look at the information, if we feel there is a big discrepancy, we can go out and get more expert information to resolve the issue.  We have not discussed any of this.”  

JSpringer commented, “I forgot to send the letter for an extension, so verbally I am acknowledging that we consent to an extension.”  

PRenaud in response to the RF report, “Is that yes, this tower is really nice, but fact of the matter, look at all the evidence, there are alternative locations that will give ATT the coverage that they want.  If a tower is put into the center of town with the Blanchard Hill Road site and the Crotched Mountain site it will give 85% coverage that ATT wants.  Mr. Hutchins failed to account for the two alternative towers or any combination in giving ATT their coverage that they are requesting.

PRenaud submitted a response to 11/19/10 Infinigy report.  It was read to the audience by JFletcher.   The letter was placed on file.

JStreit asked, “Could this cell tower at Zephyr Road link to microwave and other existing towers?”  DRathone responded, “We are not using microwave at this site, so no study was done for microwave.”  BMarshall responded, “This would be a change of use,” and MSteere interjected, “And the applicant would have to come before the Board with another application.”

EAnderson said, “I am submitting a plot still showing enormous RF holes in the coverage.”  He also has a nagging question about why does ATT want this site and why they are going through the expense and trouble for this site when it really isn’t needed.  I have a plausible explanation.  I have a copy of a report on “backhauling” and how it is important to ATT.  The report was placed on file.  They can transport a lot of data from the Zephyr Lake site to the Fairpoint Central office and this would save them enormous amounts of money in operational costs.    

JSpringer responded, “ATT is not backhauling. This theory is dead wrong.  None of the sites have microwave availability.”   

MSteere motioned that the public portion of the meeting be closed at 9:15 pm JAdams seconded the motion.

JFletcher said that we’ve received a lot of information this evening.  We have to right to ask the person who submitted info.  MSteere said if there is something important in this information; the public can then submit a letter.  

GMorris said, “We need to read this information before we start deliberations.”  BMarshall commented that we’ve had a meeting tonight with all parties involved, so next week we should start how the Board is going sort through all this information.

GMorris said, “I thought about this and I feel that we should put everything in order starting with the application, reports, letters, revisions, list of concerns, list of deficiencies, and then start discussion which will be open to the public for listening only.“
BMarshall motioned to close the public portion.  JAdams seconded the motion.   BMarshall, JAdams, KOConnell, MSteere voted in the affirmative.  JFletcher voted in the negative.

The Planning Board will meet on January 10, 2011 to begin deliberations on Zephyr Lake Rd Cell Tower application.

9:47 pm MSteere motioned to close meeting and JFletcher seconded the motion at 9:48.  Motion carried for adjournment at 9:49 pm.