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Planning Board Minutes 6/28/10
Preliminary Planning Board
Meeting Minutes – June 28, 2010
Minutes recorded by Sharon Rossi

Members present:  GMorris, MSteere,  BMarshall, JFletcher, KO’Connell, JAdams

MSteere began reading the meeting minutes for June 14 with GMorris continuing and JAdams finishing.

Corrections made:

Line 9:  inserted:  “BMarshall stepped down at 7:20 pm upon the arrival of JFletcher.”
Line 22:  sentence to read as – “How much of a risk are we taking if a resident lands a helicopter within the next 2 weeks?”
Line 44:  added quote marks to the word ‘is’
Line 51:  corrected Lower Zephyr Lake Rd to Slip Road
Line 69:  corrected Lower Zephyr Lake Rd to Slip Road
Line 86:  sentence to read as – “How are voters, residents of the Town to find out about the Special Town meeting if one needs to be held?”
Line 93:   added: “Response was unclear.”
Line 101:  sentence to read as – “We will have to check with the Town Attorney.”
Line 112:   inserted the word ‘to’ and removed the word ‘is’ – sentence to read as “…taking off prior to this meeting in this town recently.  General consensus was that no one was aware ….”
Line 123:  added the word ‘sign’ – sentence to read as “…another sign-up sheet was going around the room.”
Line 124:  added the sentence – “No one recused themselves.”
Line 134:  removed second word ‘rep’ from sentence.
Line149:   added the word ‘a’ – sentence to read – “…we will not need a variance.”
Line 166:  removed (2), removed 0 – sentence to read as …”Section V, (E), (1), (d)…”
Line 175:  removed the word ‘fighting’ and replaced with ‘finding’
Line 208:  added – “square foot compound on 18 acre leased parcel”
Line 221:  removed ‘a’ -  sentence to read as –“plat Z4 and plat Z5 shows the proposed culvert”
Line 251:  lower case l in the word lake
Line 255:  replaced the word ‘seeing’ to ‘show’
Line 264:  inserted “JFletcher seconded motion.”
Line 289:  inserted the word ’the’ – sentence to read as – “…over the door of the building will be…”
Line 300:  removed the word ‘were’
Line 311:  changed period at end of sentence to a comma, and lower cased p on ‘preferably’
Line 313:  inserted the word ‘the’ – sentence to read as – “The public is invited.”
Line 337:  sentence to read as – “…regulation is the ordinance that will restrict this.”
Line 365:  inserted the word ‘on’ – sentence to read as – “…marking some trees on my property..”
Line 368:  added the letter ‘d’ at the end of the word ’determine’ – sentence to read as – “…average tree canopy height been determined in compliance…”
Line 376:  changed the word ‘the’ to ‘those’ – sentence to read as – “…however, none of those trees will be removed.”
Line 377:  added:  (Note JSpringer contradiction)
Line 379:  changed AAndrus to PRenaud,  and removed the comma in the sentence
Line 380:  inserted the word ‘that,’ removed the word ‘no’
Line 384:  added – “He further explained that if the microwave antennae pointed directly to the ground with a person standing below, that the radiation exposure experienced would be 1-2% below the OSHA standards.”
Line 392:  removed ‘owner/resident at 27 Longwood Road’ to read as ‘CO’Connell, 27Longwood Dr’
Line 397:  changed the word ‘way’ to ‘wave’
Line 426:  inserted the word ‘is’ – sentence to read – “….your apology is not sufficient.”
Line 428:  inserted the word ‘on’
Line 429:  inserted the word ‘with’
Line 431:  inserted the word ‘the’
Line 433:  inserted the word ‘the’
Line 434:  added quote marks at end of the sentence
Line 435:  inserted “to provide inspections to ensure that the pole is always in compliance…”
Line 439:  removed the word ‘that’ from the sentence
Line 441:  corrected last name of KAustin to KAsbury
Line 442:  inserted quote marks at end of the sentence
Line 446:  changed ‘KAnderson’ to ‘EAnderson’
Line 451:  removed the parentheses from the word ‘you’
Line 455:  changed the word ‘suspend’ to ‘continued’ added:  “MBorden seconded motion.”
Line 466:  capitalized the word may to ‘May’
Line 475:  inserted the word ‘Greenfield’ in front of the word  Spirit
Line 481:  added JAdams
Line 484:  inserted ‘Zoning Amendment’ – sentence to read as – “… we need to do to be able to have the Zoning Amendment vote on the ballot…”
Line 485:  added quote marks at the end of September.

At 8:11 pm MSteere voted to accept the June 28, 2010 meeting minutes as amended.  KO’Connell seconded the motion.  Vote was unanimous.
Mail Rec’d:

  • Land Use Regulation Update  from Office of Energy & Planning, State of NH
  • LGC, NH Town & Country Book June 2010 edition
  • Letter from Richard L. Pennington regarding Longwood Subdivision,  Harold I Chandler, quitclaim deed (copy)
  • Copy of Memo of Lease for 515 Sawmill Rd, Greenfield NH
  • Letter from Kevin McDonald re: Etna Drive for Miner  subdivision driveway report
  • Check #007606 from Bosen & Springer re: Cell Tower in the amount of $320.92
  • Letter from Bosen & Springer requesting continuance of cell tower application:  re:  June 14 hearing
  • Rec’d property Maps of Greenfield 4/2010
GMorris noted that BMarshall sitting in for MBorden.
MSteere and MBorden would like to suggest to that meetings do not go after 10 o’clock if topic allows it.  BMarshall commented, “If we’ve got business before the Town, we have to complete the business before adjournment regardless of time in the evening.  Previous board members suggested that the PB secretary check the application prior to and note all negatives or incomplete items and report to Chairman so that the negatives can be completed before the hearing.  This will save time and will move the meetings along.  KO’Connell suggested a time line for presentation of site review so that presenters don’t get long winded.

GMorris read a letter from JSpringer of Bosen & Springer requesting a continuance to July 26, 2010 stating they are going to look at tree survey again.

KO’Connell commented that Board of Adjustment case against Mitchell for fire pond has been resolved in the Town’s favor.

BMarshall suggested that a letter be sent to Bosen & Springer explaining that their request for continuance will further push out the 65 day limit.  GMorris talked to town administrator and she said that special town hearing can be done.  GMorris will attend Selectmen’s Thursday, July 1 meeting to go over the particulars with the Select Board.

GMorris asked the Board, “Do we want to rethink the Special Exception ordinance for cell towers?  I would feel more comfortable that the ZBA review this Zephyr Lake Road cell tower.   How do you feel about this case not going before the ZBA?”  BMarshall, stated, “I think the research & deliberation done on the last cell tower was a sound decision. The ZBA’s purpose/position is not to weigh/judge on our decisions.  I would like to see ZBA engage on special circumstances.”  JAdams, commented, “They only come into play if there is a Special Exception or Variance needed, or if we have acted in a way that is contradictory to the ordinance that is already on file.”

JAdams stated, “If we rejected this plan, the ZBA would then review it.  We can’t bring them in the beginning of the process, because they are our check/balance to our decisions.”

JFletcher, commented, “I thought that any variance that was required automatically went before ZBA before coming to Planning Board.”  BMarshall said, “No, I don’t remember that being the case.”

GMorris said, “Guess what time it is?”  The Capital Improvement Plan for 2011 packets are ready for completion for the coming year.

The following assignments were handed out:
Police – MSteere
Fire– JFletcher
Clerk, Tax Collection, Administration - GMorris
DPW/Road, Vehicles, MBorden
Recycling – KO’Connell
Parks & Rec/Library-  BMarshall

GMorris said to get the information in as soon as possible, but definitely by 1st meeting in August.

BMarshall volunteered to go though the checklist on the Chandler subdivision.

He said, “I’ve done the spreadsheet of local businesses and site plan reviews or permits have been done and have given it the working title of “Greenfield Home Based Businesses.  I’d like to review it at next meeting on July 12th.

SChicoine asked the Board to explain how the meeting will continue on July 26,  GMorris explained that  based on information received by the site walk and any new information that was not originally part of their presentation will be heard.  The Board will digest the information and then the public portion will be continued.  The public portion of the hearing will not be closed until all information is received and digested.  AWood questioned, “Can a clarification of a previous comment or information be brought up again?”  “Yes,” was GMorris’s response.  

JFletcher suggested that if a crane can’t be brought into proposed site, perhaps, a spot with same elevation near this location could use.  

PRenaud asked, “Can the town do their own tree survey?” “Yes, the town can do any outside expert survey if we don’t feel we’ve got adequate information,” GMorris replied.  

MSteere moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:59 pm.  KO’Connell seconded the motion.  Vote unanimous to adjourn.