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Planning Board Minutes 11/20/08
Greenfield, NH Planning Board
Meeting Minutes for 11/20/08
Recorded by Karen Day
Start of Meeting
The meeting began at 7:05 pm. Members present are Morris, Marshall, Borden, O’Connell, Fletcher, alternate Mitchell.  

Minutes from October 27, 2008 Meeting
Borden Read minutes of 10/27/08 meeting.  Changes to the minutes are:

·       Change “case #08-6” to “case ZBA #08-6”
·       In the 7:25 budget discussion, “change represent” to “present”
·       In the 7:32 pm McMurray site plan review in the 1st paragraph, change ‘General.” To General District.”,  Change “sinage” to “signage”
·       In the 7:32 pm McMurray site plan review in the 2nd paragraph “application to invoke jurisdiction” to “application as sufficient to invoke jurisdiction”.
·       In the 7:32 pm McMurray site plan review in the 3rd paragraph, change “inspection, when he was over the” to ‘inspection, at the time the shop”
·       In the 7:32 pm McMurray site plan review in the 5th paragraph change “noted be fixed” to “noted to be fixed”.
·       In the 8:43 pm Continuation O’Donnell subdivision, in the 2nd Paragraph change “Zoning Board for wetlands buffer” to Zoning Board for Special Exception for wetlands buffer encroachment”,  Change “O’Donnell states” to “Duval states” in two parts of the paragraph, change “peri-annual brook” to “perennial brook”, change “surrounding spoils” to “surrounding soils”, change “application conditionally approves provided that that” to “application be  conditionally approved provided that “
·       In the 9:36 pm Delay’s Store Parking Lot, 1st paragraph, change “hook-ups, once for” to hook-up, one for”

Borden moves to accept minutes as amended.
O’Connell seconds
Minutes accepted
Morris reads minutes from O’Donnell site walk
Fletcher has a question about the site walk – Was it a meeting but not a quorum – answer yes.
Borden moves to accept minutes as presented
O’Connell seconded
Minutes accepted

Brooke Leasing and Development
Morris presented the final bonding estimate for the road work for the subdivision.  Jim Hawkins feels that the numbers are high from the engineer for the bond. He says that it wasn’t re-inspected and feels the numbers aren’t good. The inspection would cost $2500 and that the engineer is stealing – says that the engineer won’t change the numbers.
Morris said that it looks like none of this work has been done.  Peter says that it has all been loamed & seeded.  Morris asks if the PB is in agreement. Fletcher says that it looks like the escalation cost is roughly 10% of the total.

The engineer has done 6 inspections – the letter is dated 9/26/08 so that is the price for all the inspections.
Jim says all the bills have been paid to date. Morris says that this $2500 is for the final inspection.  O’Connell says that the final inspection has to be done.
Jim says that the loam & seed should have been signed off on.  O’Connell says that the loam & seed should not have to be included in the bond.  The 1” wear course, the inspection, and the escalation should be all that should have to be bonded.
Jim says that the process has been hard. What is the process for bonding? Winter is coming and it needs to be done. He is frustrated. The town is making him wait too long. Jim asks how the paperwork should be handled. Does it go to the Administrative Assistant or to the Planning Board?   Mitchell gave his opinion – he says that as things get done, they should be dropped off the bond. The PB should adopt a process so that things go smoothly.

Jim says that the bond company wants to talk to someone during the day.  Morris asked who the bond company will be.  Jim said that it will be C&A.  Morris asked to have them call him. He will talk to Deb & Catherine in the town office.  Jim asked will he have to come back in or will the PB take care of it.  Morris said that if the loam & seed have been done, he can handle it.  Fletcher suggested that Morris talk to Carrara.

Action: Morris will talk to C&A and talk to Deb & Catherine in the office.

Marshall said that the PB has already approved this pending bonding. Once the bonding comes through, it is approved.
Jim will get the telephone number of the bonding company for Morris.

Marshall suggested that Morris contact Carol Ogilvie about the bonding process. Morris will do so.

Sawmill Estates
Mitchell asked if there were any issues with the subdivision resident agreement.
Morris had a phone conversation with Teague where he stated he hadn’t found any issues.  Morris will talk to him directly.
Mitchell asked O’Connell why he abstained from comment. O’Connell thought he should.
Mitchell wanted to know if anything from the last meeting is relevant.
Discussion followed about water impoundment and that is ok by our bylaws. Morris felt that is a catch-22 on whether disturbing wetlands is the same as water impoundment?? Mitchell is looking at making the sub-division a regular one instead of an open space one. He wanted to know if there are any concerns on whether it is not open space. He talked about amending the plan.
Morris said he would have to come in for an amended application.
Mitchell said that a company called him to see if a plan could be put through in 60 days for a clean industry. This would be on the lower part of his property.
Morris said to have them come in for a consultation.

Morris presented the budget which is essentially the same as last year’s. He asked for suggestions/comments.  He will present a final budget at the nest meeting that can be voted on.

Morris presented information regarding the Flood Plain Ordinance from OEP.  Morris said that the PB will have to put together articles for the warrant to make these changes requested in the information.

Morris presented a draft of a letter for Delay’s store regarding the lack of a completed site plan for the change of use.  Discussion followed – Morris will re-write.

·       Letter from the AA – BOS will be shutting down the upstairs for the winter.
·       Notice about the town report – annual report for the PB
·       Select board minutes – Oct 21 and 28th
·       Two Memos from John Halper on the CIP regarding he will be meeting with the police department and the fire department
·       ZBA public notice – public hearing for the O’Donnell special exception to the wetlands buffer
·       Bill for public notice for the McMurray site plan review
·       Paperwork for McMurray home occupation
o       A letter from Attorney Sowerby containing 3 Copies of the site plan and aerial photos for the McMurray site plan review.  Morris asked – based on these documents – is this acceptable to consider the site plan completed?  Discussion followed on each point required.  Marshall suggested that the board should consider whether aerial photos are going to be acceptable in future.  Burdon found inaccuracies on the photos.  The board agreed that these photos are not acceptable.  They would rather see a hand drawing.
Morris will write a letter to let McMurray know that the photos are not acceptable and that the board does not want to set a precedent.

Discussion on small wind energy systems and outside wood boilers

Next meeting will be a working meeting on Nov 24

Subjects are: wind energy, wood boilers, prepare for public hearings for town meeting, possibly wetlands ordinances, floodplain and open space.

Comment for the ZBA hearing for O’Donnell Subdivision:
The PB recommends approval of the special exception wetland buffer’s encroachment for the purpose of constructing a driveway and that the integrity of the gravel slope is maintained through the use of Best Practices for erosion control to protect the wetlands and the public way.

Seconded – Fletcher
Vote – 3 yeas
1 no
1 abstention

Meeting Adorned
Motion to adjourn, Passed unanimously