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Planning Board Minutes 06/25/08
Greenfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes
June 25, 2008
Minutes Recorded by Kathleen Carpenter

7:11 pm - Start of Meeting
Members Present: Fletcher, Steere, Carrara, Borden, O’Connell.

7:12 pm - Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center Minor Subdivision

A sign up sheet is distributed for participants. Carrara asks if any Board members need to disqualify themselves, hearing none, Carrara reads through the procedures. Carrara asks O’Connell if the meeting and public hearing was properly notified; O’Connell responds in the affirmative.

Representing CMRC:
Sheldon Pennoyer - Architect
Michael Redmond - Vice President
Erin Reardon - Engineer
Bob Todd - Surveyor and Consultant

CMRC is here tonight requesting a subdivision to allow the building of residential apartments. The subdivision is required for their financing similar to the building of the group homes back in the 1980’s. The lot is approximately three acres. The units will be open to the general public but are expected to be primarily CMRC workers.

Robert Todd presents the Board with a copy of the plan that the Board approved back in 1985 that created the lots that CMRC is now looking to subdivide.  It encompasses about 113 acres.  Robert Todd provides the Board with three waiver requests:

Waiver request for checklist item #8. Todd would like to show a state plain coordinate established by GPS observation as a substitute for referencing a street.
Waiver request for soil types be illustrated on the plats for the entire parcel. CMRC provided a supplemental.
Waiver request for checklist item #27 watershed areas being illustrated on the plat.

Carrara would like to postpone the collection of fees until all the invoices are in. Carrara reads Greenfield ZBA case 08-4 Notice of Decision. The decision grants a special exemption from the wetlands conservation setback and several variances. Carrara also mentions that the Board is looking at possibly having an ‘Institutional Zone’ in the future. O’Connell states that the Board has been discussing the new zone for over a year. Carrara explains how Monadnock Community Hospital has its own zone now. Redmond states that CMRC would like to work with the Board on the new zone. Carrara reads the review by Carol Ogilvie. The Board goes through the checklist:

Todd states that there will be 4 monuments at each of the four corners, which should be sufficient as they are hoping to use state plain coordinates.

Deficiencies noted:
Plat needs a statement regarding the ZBA variance approval
Jim Falicon from NH DES stated that state subdivision approval would not be necessary. Need to verify.

Steere moves that the three waivers for the CMRC minor subdivision be approved, Borden seconds. Carrara asks for further discussion,  Fletcher asks about the watershed waiver, there will be about a 28% reduction in impervious area which will reduce sheet flow so that water will be better absorbed. Carrara calls for a vote, all in favor.

O’Connell moves that the CMRC minor subdivision be accepted. Fletcher seconds, no discussion, all in favor, the application is accepted.

Carrara opens the public hearing at 7:52 pm. A resident expresses concern regarding the burden to the tax payer and asks about acreage per dwelling unit. CMRC is proposing 24 units on 3 acres in the General Residence zone. Normally such a proposal would take about 50 acres. Carrara states that CMRC does not really have a normal residential use, but instead has an institutional use. The Board discusses an institutional zone and would like the townspeople to provide input and vote on the proposed zoning change.

Carrara suggests that CMRC and the BOS get together and discuss the PILOT agreement. Steere agrees that the BOS should look into renegotiating the pilot agreement. Steere points out to CMRC that he feels there are a lot of townspeople who are concerned about CMRC tax impact on the town. The Board recognizes that CMRC provides many jobs and services and is an important part of Greenfield.

Another resident asks what this will do to town taxes? She is a resident and pays high taxes. O’Connell wants to point out that the ZBA spent many hours on the CMRC issue. CMRC appreciates the relationship they have with the town and will try to address the town’s concerns. At 8:08 pm the public hearing is closed and the Board enters into a deliberative session.  

The following items remain open:
The ZBA variance approval needs to be shown on the plat.  
Carrara asks how the board feels about CMRC’s discussion with the state regarding state approval. Steere would like some sort of verification with the state. Carrara will follow up and contact Jim Falicon for verification.
O’Connell would like flow lines to be shown on the plat.
Fees to be paid.

Steere moves for conditional approval subject to the three items noted above. Fletcher seconds, no discussion, all in favor, the CMRC minor subdivision is conditionally approved.

8:25 pm - CMRC site plan review
CMRC presents the Board with a model of the proposed buildings and grounds for the 26 unit apartment building. Carrara reads the procedures. Carrara verifies that no members need to disqualify themselves and that the meeting and hearing were properly noticed.

Sheldon Pennoyer states that CMRC will tear down the old maintenance building and clean-up the site. Pennoyer states that the 60 feet of elevation change on the lot will provide better access to the building. He states that there will be handicap accessible paths to the school and hospital. The location was also chosen so as to extend Charity Park. The building will be 41’6” to the peak at its highest point.

The road into and out of the parking area will be one way. The parking area will have angled parking. There is an ADA route through the park and in inclement weather the path would go through the building.

The water that would be generated from the new surfaces will be separated, go into a series of swails and drains to be treated. There will be catch basins for snow removal and drainage.

CMRC asks for 3 waivers:
Section 7f1, parking space requirement of 10x20 ft. They would like to reduce paved area by reducing the space to 9x19 ft. Steere asks if there are areas for larger vehicles. There will be van isles and drop off areas. There will be 39 parking spaces, there will be 7 handicapped spots. Steere asks about visitor spaces. Due to the amount of parking on site around the campus there are lots that are adjacent. Some of the residents would not have vehicles.
Requirement for 2 off street vehicle parking spaces per unit; CMRC is proposing 1.5. CMRC are expecting 20 (two-bedroom) units would be used for employees, where one bedroom would likely be used for a resident who would not drive.
5l1e, CMRC would like to have an 18’ entrance, not 30’.

John Gravel, Chairman of the ZBA addresses the Board. The ZBA had many concerns about this proposal. The discussions took place over 2 meetings. Every point that we went through we asked many questions and unanimously agreed that the variance be approved. CMRC is an institutional use. There were a lot of deliberations and a lot of time was spent.  There plan is on par, they had consistent answers to any question that was asked of them.    

Borden asks if the ADA route was to be paved, it will. CMRC states it is most likely that employees would be renting, even though financing is making them offer the units to everyone. Borden asks about police protection.  Borden asks about the road and parking lot entry. Steere asks if the parking spaces could be numbered to police the parking issue. CMRC would consider it. CMRC says the rent will be $700 for a one bedroom and $900 for a two bedroom. CMRC would like to increase the stability of the staff and improve the residential campus life.

Carrara reads Carol Ogilvie’s review of the site plan. Erin has revised plans that takes care of most of Ogilvie and Keach’s comments. Plats are provided to the Board. Carrara goes through the checklist. Carrara reads Keach-Nordstrom’s review. Steere moves that site plan be accepted, Fletcher seconds, no discussion, all in favor.

Public hearing is opened at 9:44pm. There is no public comment. The Public hearing is closed at 9:45pm. The Board enters into deliberative session at 9:45pm.

The Board reviews the waivers
Borden moves that the Board approves the waiver reducing the size of parking spaces from 200 sq ft to 171 sq ft, seconded by O’Connell, no discussion, all in favor, the waiver is approved.
Steere moves that the reduction to 1.5 parking spaces per unit with the condition that additional parking be designated for the units as necessary. Fletcher seconds, no discussion, all in favor, the waiver is approved.
Steere moves that the board waives the minimum driveway width dimensions to be reduced as shown on the plat, Borden seconds, no discussion, all in favor, the waiver is approved.

The deficiencies are read as follows:
Flow arrows need to be added to all plats
Add note depicting overflow parking and designated areas
Noted on the plat the requirements for state permits (required for building permit)
a.      DES alt of terrain
b.      Wetlands
c.      Wastewater treatment
List special exemption for wetlands and all variances from ZBA (with numbers) as a note on plat
Add Board approval block
A copy of certification or letter for wastewater treatment by a licensed engineer (Underwood Engineering)
Fees to be collected.

Steere moves for a conditional approval based on completion of the items as notes above, Fletcher seconds, there is no discussion, all in favor, the site plan is conditionally approved.

Carrara scheduled the continuation for the CMRC subdivision and site plan for July 14, 2008 at 7:30pm.

10:12 pm Old Lyndeborough Mountain Road

The Board discusses possible houses being build in Lyndeborough that only have access via Old Lyndeborough Mountain Road, a class 6 road. Steere suggests that the Board bring this to the attention of the BOS.

10:18 pm - Steere moves that the Board adjourn, O’Connell seconds, all in favor, the meeting is adjourned.