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Planning Board Minutes 06/23/08
Town of Greenfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes
June 23, 2008
Minutes Recorded by Kathy Carpenter

Members Borden, O’Connell, Carrara, Fletcher and Steere are present. Adams arrives at 7:25pm.

7:08 pm - Start of Meeting
Peter Hopkins addresses the Board regarding lot on Lakeview Circle.

7:20 pm - Consultant Carol Ogilvie
Carol and Board discuss proposed subdivision regulation changes. The driveway regulations will be separate. Carol points out that the draft she provided is a standard approach to subdivision regulations, the biggest change is the organizing and formatting of the regulations. The existing regulations still have requirement for preliminary and final plat. The law was changed and so we should only have a final plat. In Peterborough larger subdivisions require both, for smaller subdivisions this is not required. Carol feels the Board should take a look at this for the next meeting and discuss putting together a warrant article. The town has to authorize this type of change in town meeting, IAW 674.35 Preliminary Review.  

Carrara goes through the draft document and compares with the current subdivision regulations. Carol will update the definition for ‘frontage’ from the zoning ordinance. The Board discusses private road definition and open space restriction. Carol reorganized filing and submission, and changes to the timelines for filing, the board has 6 days to inform the applicant in writing if the application is rejected. Carrara discusses language that can be used to describe the filing procedures, physical delivery versus official filing, and when the ’30-day clock’ starts.

Carol has moved the fee structure information into the appendix. Carrara discusses changing when and how fees are paid. An initial fee ($200 + $10 per abutter) is paid upon submission to cover notification and mailing costs. A final fee is paid at the end (mylars, per lot, legal review, special reviews such as storm water).

The Board discusses adding a general note to the mylar that states that ‘other conditions may apply’ so that upon any transfer of ownership the new owner must review the file before making any changes for any additional information that may not be on the plat. The Board arranges to hold a special meeting with Carol on Monday July 7, 2008 at 7:00pm.  Carrara would like the Board to review the Board Procedures in the future.

9:00 pm - Board Business

“Knowing the Territory” A Survey of Municipal Law for NH Local Officials – book from NH Local Government Center
UNHCE/Plant Biology Department – UNH  Announcement for Landscaping at the Water’s Edge July 15, 17, 22 2008
Notice of Decision – ZBA approval regarding CMRC appeals for special exceptions from restrictions of the Wetland Conservation District for constructing a residential building on property lot R2-11.
DES Trails Alteration of Terrain regarding CMRC
Memorandum from Office of Energy and Planning to PB Chairman regarding Land Use Regulation Update
Steere reads minutes from June 9, 2008 meeting. O’Connell makes a correction where the minutes read ‘CMRC will post it’ should state the ‘Board will post.’ Steere moves to accept the minutes with corrections, seconded by O’Connell, all in favor.

9:00 pm - End of Meeting
Steere moves to adjourn meeting, seconded by Borden, all in favor, the meeting is adjourned.