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Planning Board Minutes 04/28/08
Greenfield Planning Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2008
Minutes recorded by Kathleen Carpenter

7:00 pm - Planning Board Meeting Opens
Members Present: Morris, Carrara, Borden, O’Connell.  Greenfield Code Enforcement Officer Peter Hopkins is present.  Aaron Kullgren and Karen Day of the BOS are present.

7:07 pm Planning Board Business
Peter Hopkins discussed Rocky Lane, a common driveway serving 4 dwelling units.  Hopkins measured the width of Rocky Lane in six locations from Forest road to the turn around at the end.  All locations measured 18 feet.  The plats indicate that the road is supposed to be 18 feet wide with 2 foot shoulders and have 8 inches of crushed gravel on top.  Hopkins will set up a meeting with all the residents of Rocky Lane.  Carrara offered to accompany Hopkins.  Kullgren shared the information presented to the BOS about Rocky Lane last week.

Mitchell arrives at 7:25pm (Mitchell is sitting in for Fletcher.)

Carrara stated that the common driveway may not have been built to the exact specifications on the plat.  Mitchell contends that there is not 8 inches of crushed gravel.  O’Connell asks if there is a current easement for maintenance of the common driveway.  The home owners agreement is supposed to address this.  Common driveways may now only serve a maximum of two lots. The Board and CEO do not see any safety issues at this time.  O’Connell states that any work that must be done on the road must be completed by the homeowners.

7:47 pm - Planning Board Business
Goffstown planning board letter concerning co-locating antennas on an existing tower.
EPA brochure “Managing Storm Water with Low Impact Development.”
New Plats for Smith Subdivision.

7:50 pm - Minutes From Last Meeting
Carrara reads minutes from April 14, 2008 meeting.
Under “Continuation of Griffing Site Plan Review”, change “my Adams” to “by Adams”.
Under “Continuation of Griffing Site Plan Review”, change “outside area must be fenced in” to “outside area would have to be fenced in”.
Borden moves that the minutes be accepted as amended.  Morris seconds.  All in favor, the motion passes.

7:55 pm - Road Inspection Letter
Carrara reads letter.  The Board and Hopkins discuss the intent of the letter and at what stage building permits are to be issued.  Hopkins will coordinate with the Board and the engineer the Board hires to perform inspections.

8:05 pm - BOS and Budget Matters
The Select Board discussed their thoughts on how to run the town in a more business like manner, and how it relates to the CIP.  The CIP uses terms such as urgent, necessary and committed.  Who defines these terms and who categorizes the items?  If an item is identified as urgent, language should be provided to explain why.  Carrara stated that the CIP is an advisory document, and that the terms used are derived from the standard NH CIP instruction manual.

Carrara asked what should happen next.  Kullgren and Day would like to see a special task force created.  The task force would consist of the Planning Board, Select Board, Budget Advisory Committee, and John Halper if he is willing.  Kullgren will lead the team and be responsible for the agenda and scheduling. He would first like to meet with Carrara, Bruce Dodge, and John Halper in order to create the agenda and solidify the team’s goals.

Some possible goals for the task force are:
Evaluate the items of the CIP
Translate CIP items into budget priorities
Create a proposed budget for each of the next 10 to 15 years
Determine what types of financial vehicles will be used to pay for the items and how they will affect the future budgets
Compare budgets and departments to other towns

Carrara would like to focus on the urgent and committed items.  Kullgren doesn’t think the content should change, however, the cost-per-year information needs to be there so that budget planning can be accomplished.  Day would like to research other town’s budgets and compare department costs, capital reserve funds, etc.

8:55 pm - Office of Energy & Planning Spring Conference Update
O’Connell provided an update for the sessions he attended.  He discussed using waiver forms, some of which the Board is already using.  He also discussed the importance of accurate minutes.

9:00 pm - End of Meeting
Morris moves that the meeting be adjourned.  O’Connell seconds the motion, all in favor.