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Planning Board Minutes 01/14/08
Greenfield Planning Board Minutes
January 14, 2008

Minutes recorded by Kathleen Carpenter

Planning Board Meeting Opens
Those Present:  Members Halper, Adams, Carrara and Borden.  Member O’Connell arrives at 7:10pm.  Alt. Steere arrives at 7:15pm; Steere is sitting in for Fletcher.  Alt. Mitchell arrives at 7:20pm; Mitchell is sitting in for Morris.

Carrara reads minutes from December 17, 2008 meeting.  

Halper makes the correction that the “Advisory Budget Committee” should read “Budget Advisory Committee”.  Halper moves that the minutes be approved as amended.  The motion is seconded by O’Connell.  Hearing no discussion Carrara calls for a vote, all in favor, the motion passes.

7:15  pm  Cilley Minor Sub-Division
Rhonda Cilley (applicant) and Dennis McKinney (surveyor) are present.   

McKinney presents the board with updated plats.

Carrara goes through the four deficiencies. The lot numbers have all been corrected. Upland and wetland areas have been provided for both lots. The locus needs to be revised to show the intersection of Muzzey Hill Road and “Top of the World Road”, which is was a class V road that has lapsed to a class VI road because the Town has not maintained it for over five years. Test pit data for lot 1-2-1-2 is not shown on the plat.

The Board agrees to allow McKinney to hand write the information on the plats and mylar regarding the locus and test pit data. For the Cilley minor subdivision on Muzzey Hill Road, all conditions have been met and the subdivision is formally approved.

7:35pm  Preliminary Conceptual Consultation for CMRC New Neighborhood
Present for CMRC are Don Schumway (President CMRC), Sheldon Pennoyer (architect), Mike Terrian (Vice President of CMRC).  Peter Hopkins, Jim Plourde and Loren White are representing the fire department.

Schumway discusses a housing development that they are hoping to build.  He briefly updates the board regarding the current status of CMRC activities.  CMRC annually pays $115,726 for their PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) agreement with the Town and about $30,000 in taxes for properties outside of the agreement. The PILOT program is in its 5th year of a ten year timeframe. A change of use could constitute a renegotiation of the agreement. There is an annual cost increase built in as well.

CMRC would like to erase a previous subdivision, and revert back to a single lot. The old maintenance barn complex would be torn down. The new subdivision would have about fifty bedrooms and provide workforce and client housing.

Sheldon discusses the plans for the subdivision.  Carrara asks if the fire dept has any questions.  Adams asks about staff/student proportions.  Schumway responded that currently there are 6 – 8 students living in one area, CMRC is trying to thin that out a bit and some would move into the new building. The Board discusses what, if any, extra burden may be put onto the town with the increased housing space. The Board discussed the possibility of an institutional zone.

8:20pm  Preliminary conceptual consultation for John Haithcock.
John Haithcock is present.  

Haithcock has recently purchased lot 8 in the Mitchell Mason subdivision. He did this to help gain better access to the forty acre lot he owns on the other side of the railroad tracks. All the land is in the industrial overlay zone.  Haithcock has spoken to the NH DOT about RR crossings.  The idea is to create a single access road into the property with an emergency road via a right of way through one of the lots in the subdivision.  The roads would be private and built to class V standards.  The intent is to create a small commercial area which would be out of sight from the road and have access off a state highway.  

The Board discussed how the emergency road would affect the existing common driveway. The plan now has them join together or be right next to each other where they connect to Forest Road. The Board had issues with the emergency road, a dead end road longer than 600 feet, and the affect on the existing residential common driveway. The Board, in general, was positive about some light commercial activity to help balance the tax base. The Board suggested solidifying the RR crossings and connection to Forest Road with the NH DOT. Carrara highly suggested an additional PCC.

9:00pm  PB General Business - Fire Ponds and Cisterns
Peter Hopkins, Loren White, Jim Plourde from the Fire Department are present.  
Hopkins discusses the Greenfield Fire Zones and proposed water sites.  Hopkins and Plourde present information gathered from surrounding towns regarding their requirements for cisterns and fire ponds.  Hopkins requests that the Board come up with a specific set of requirements.  After a series of general discussions regarding specifications, the Board derives an amiable set of guidelines for further consideration.

Halper moves that the Board consider amending the subdivision regulations, as soon as possible, to read:  “For any subdivision of 7 or more lots, an approved, minimum, year round, water source of 30,000 gallons is required for fire suppression no further than 3,000 feet from the furthest lot of the subdivision.”  

Steere seconds.  Carrara calls for discussion, hearing none Carrara calls for a vote, all were in favor, the motion passes.

9:55pm  PB General Business
O’Connell asks that the Board discusses consistencies in regards to the 600 foot maximum length for roads.

10:02pm  PB General Business - Mail
CIP distributed to Board from member Halper
April 26 Invitation to Spring Zoning Conference
Memo from Deb Davidson regarding Hall Way

Halper moves to adjourn, O’Connell seconds, all in favor, the meeting is adjourned.