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Planning Board Minutes 12/10/07
Greenfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2007
Minutes recorded by Kathleen Carpenter

Planning Board Meeting Opens
Those Present:  Members Halper, Adams, Borden, O’Connell and Carrara are present. Member Fletcher arrives at 7:15pm.  Code enforcement officer Peter Hopkins also present.

Member Halper reads the minutes from Monday December 3, 2007 meeting.  Carrara asks for any changes.  O’Connell requests that Plowshare Farm also be named as Lyris Inc.  Halper moves that the minutes be approved with the changes.  Borden seconds.  Carrara calls for a vote.  All in favor.

Lyris Inc / Plowshare Farm
Dawn Tuomala from Monadnock Survey, Inc. presents the latest plats, previously signed by Duffy Fox and approved at last meeting, to the Planning Board for signature.  The plats are signed.  A copy is provided to Peter Hopkins, Carrara will distribute the rest.

Peter Hopkins updates the board regarding building permits issued for the year and for this month.

Planning Board Mail
BOS Meeting Minutes Tuesday November 20, 2007
BOS Meeting Minutes Tuesday November 27, 2007
BOS Meeting Minutes Monday December 3, 2007
Hillsborough County HCRD Invoice
NH Local Government Scholarship Program
Note from Gene Mitchell extending the 65 day period (by 60 days) by which the Board must vote on approval, etc.

Continuation of Open Space Development for Gene Mitchell on Sawmill Road

Nathan Chaimberlin from Meridian Land Services and Gene Mitchell (appearing as the applicant and not a Board member for this Agenda item) represented the applicant. Steve Keach of Keach/Nordstrom Associates was also present. The public hearing was still open.  Members of the public that are present are resident Carol Irvin.

Carrara reviews the status of the application.  The PB has accepted the application.  Mr. Mitchell submits a written extension. Carrara reviews minutes from November 12, 2007 meeting regarding Mitchell subdivision.  A sign-in sheet is generated for the Public Hearing.  Carrara asks for any comments from the public.

Carol Irvin has questions regarding types of home that will be built, individual septic systems and the Homeowner’s Association responsibilities.  Mr. Mitchell answers that single family homes are intended with individual septic systems; he discusses the Homeowner’s Associations responsibilities he is aware of.   The board has a general discussion regarding Open Space requirements.  Carol suggests that the Homeowners Association report annually to the BOS.  The Board needs to look at RSA 674:21-a which pertains to conservation restrictions enforceable by the municipality. Carrara reads the Homeowners Association requirements from the Open Space ordinance. The Board entertains a rather nebulous discussion regarding Open Space ordinances.

Carrara asks for any further questions or comments from the public. Hearing none, Carrara closes the public hearing at 7:50 pm.

Steve Keach presents his review to the Board.  He has provided a copy of his review to the Board. Carrara noted that time issues and suggests having an additional meeting. Carrara suggests the applicant and Board discuss the following at the next meeting:
1. Mandatory Homeowner’s Association agreement, in writing
2.  NH DES
        a. Sub div approval for 28 lots
        b. Site specific permit
        c. Driveway permit for Route 31
Consultation with Fire Department about fire ponds, etc
Open Space may be subject to RSA 674.21a
What does the applicant and Board see as ‘phasing’
Possible bonding for Class V road standards
Set up escrow account, speak to Town Counsel

Carrara discusses the Boulevard entrance with 600 feet of road on each of two legs.

Mr. Keach suggests a Development Agreement (Bond By Phase, release bond by phase and roll bond from one phase to another).  With a definitive phasing plan, with dollar amounts, the bond for phase 1 will be more costly per foot than the rest of the road.  So long as the bond for phase 1 is the greater of all amounts, it builds credit for the next phase, it just needs to be reconciled before you move on to the next phase.  The Board takes up this discussion.

Halper suggests the Board use the January 14, 2008 meeting to continue the Mitchell application; the Board agrees and the agenda item is scheduled for 7:15 pm.

Mr. Mitchell suggests the town hire someone like Mr. Keach to review the towns ordinances, which is being done in Peterborough.

Continuation of Smith Major Sub-division on County, Forest and Old Bennington Roads

Present are Chad Brannon (Meridian Land Services), Martin Smith (Property Owner) are present.  The public hearing is still open.  Members of the public that are present are resident Carol Irvin, resident Roger Lessard, resident Karen Day and abutter Kathleen Carpenter.

Alternate Member Mitchell sits in for Member Morris.

Carrara reviews the minutes from the November 12, 2007 meeting and site walk for Saturday November 24, 2007.  Brannon distributes the new plats. Carrara asks for any further public comment or concerns.

Karen Day expresses concern about water on Old Bennington Road and the cost to the town to maintain and repair the road.  She asks if the Board would entertain a request for a second opinion regarding the wetlands survey.  Carrara states that Tim Ferwerda, a soils scientist registered with the State has mapped the wetlands.  The plats do not indicate much wetland on Old Bennington Road frontage lots.  Duffy Fox’s (Greenfield Highway Department) current and ongoing plan is to elevate the road, understandably this will cost the town money.  Brannon discusses the wetland survey and does not question his flagging of the wetlands, he is reputable and well known in the state.  Test pits have been done in the area, the seasonal high water table has been logged.  They have been working with the Board and with Duffy Fox to address these concerns.  Brannon discusses that the client will require each lot on Old Bennington Road to have retention basins, settling pools at each location.  The client is trying to address the existing situation.  The sub-division is not creating the problem, it is an existing problem.  

Roger Lessard asks about Duffy’s intent to raise the profile of the road.  Will that take place prior to any driveway’s being put in.  Carrara states that he feels it was a long term plan, every year adds to it.  Brannon states that Duffy Fox requires that any culverts for driveways are put in at the stone wall lines.  There will be room for the road changes to take place. Mitchell discusses that there were other situations where second opinions were requested and the findings were that Mr. Ferwerda’s findings were appropriate.  Borden points out that the seasonal high water ranges from 8 inches to 16 inches.  He asks about the sheet flow of the water and the raising of the grade.  The Board discusses the concerns.  Carrara asks if the Board feels it is necessary to double check the mapping of the wetlands. Halper states that given the credentials of the soil scientist, how much different would the results be?  Mr. Smith states it will be a long time before any driveways are cut, he does not intend to do anything with the property for some time. Adams asks if the impact is going to increase the problem that already exists on Old Bennington.  Brannon states that Duffy has made improvements to the road that have yet to be tested.  Peter Hopkins states that he does not see a site for cistern for the fire department.  There is no source for water in that area.  Mr. Martin states that there are 15 houses on Forest Road, and there is no source for water there.  Mr. Hopkins states that the Fire Department is trying to get these put in as the sub-divisions are happening.  Carrara states that there is a gray area, this subdivision is quite scattered.  Mr. Hopkins states that this more than doubles the houses in that area.  Mr. Martin discusses that he made very large lots to keep the lots in character with the area and to try and keep the density low.

Carrara asks if there are any further public comments; hearing none Carrara closes the public hearing at 9:45pm.

The Board takes up a general discussion regarding the requirements for fire cisterns. Carrara states that he understands the Fire Department’s desire to increase water sources for firefighting. Carrara would like to see the Board (and Fire Department) create a water source policy which could be applied to all future subdivisions. This policy should take into account dwelling unit densities, lengths of roads, and whether proposed lots have existing frontage or are on a new road, etc. O’Connell states that the Board needs to see if it can get an easement for a cistern.  

Brannon states that there were several items that were addressed in the previous meeting and are looking for a conditional approval.  The applicant agrees that they would consider an easement on one of the properties and discusses that this site would be perfect for a fire pond.  The objective of this development was not to maximize density.  The intention is not to sub-divide this right away and start building. Halper states that an easement for a fire cistern, such as O’Connell suggested, would be a good solution. The Board agrees.

Open  items from previous meeting:
Width of the road has been corrected
Water-flow arrows have been corrected
Tax map numbers, R1-23.1 and R1-23.2 need to be corrected as well as on page 4 Forest Road properties.  Page 4 needs to be R-3 (not R3)
State Wetland Permit and ZBA meeting is scheduled for the 18th.  They have been before the commission and received approvals.

Brannon states R3-5-4 lot line revisions have moved the line 50 feet and shifted the driveway to the left. This shift helps to minimize the wetland impact.

Carrara discusses that approval could be conditional upon the results from the ZBA meeting and state permits. Carrara brings the discussion back to the fire ponds and cisterns. Halper feels strongly the need for fire protection and that the applicant has already agreed to an easement. Brannon states that they would be willing to meet with the Fire Department and discuss where the easement should be.

Halper makes a motion that the subdivision for Martin Smith Jr., tax map R3, Lot 5, be conditionally approved subject to the following conditions being met:
Correct numbering of lots on the plat
creation of the easement for fire pond or cistern
ZBA approval of a special exception for lot R3-5-3
state wetlands permit for dredge and fill on lot R3-5-3

Borden seconds the motion. Carrara request any additional discussion. Fletcher states that he would have preferred the stone walls be incorporated into the lot lines and that he is really glad that Mr. Smith shows good faith in agreement of the easement.  Carrara calls for a vote, all were in favor, the motion passes.

Carrara states that a meeting should take place with Jim Plourde (Greenfield Fire Chief) along with at least one Board member to discuss the easement.  Brannon will coordinate the meeting.

Carrara would like to schedule time to review the last plat.  Brannon suggests he contacts Carrara when all the permits are in hand and corrections have been made.

Halper discusses the completion of the CIP.  Adams suggests creating a capital reserve fund using “current use” land use change penalties. Last year this was between $50k and $70k. The Board in general thinks it is a good idea. The last element is that the CIP be accepted by the Board.  Halper asks if there is anything else that needs to be considered in the CIP. O’Connell asks about telecommunications, that is included in the CIP in text form. Halper states that the CIP can be voted on at the next meeting December 17, 2007 at 9:15pm.

Carrara discusses planning issues and wants to discuss these things during January.  Things such as the fire ponds, driveways and telecommunications, etc.

O’Connell disqualified himself from this discussion. O’Connell, a member of the ZBA, asks the Board for comment on a ZBA special exemption request. The request for Martin C. Smith is for wetlands crossing for proposed lot R3-5-4. The Board in general does not have an issue with the request. Carrara moves that the Board recommends that the ZBA grants the special exception. Halper seconds the motion. Carrara asks for any discussion, none. Carrara calls for a vote, all are in favor, the motion passes.

Carrara promptly motions to adjourn, Borden seconds, all were in favor.  This meeting is concluded.