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Planning Board Minutes 10/08/07
Town of Greenfield
Planning Board Minutes
October 8, 2007
Minutes Recorded by Jim Fletcher

Members in attendance were: Carrara, Borden, Halper, Morris, Fletcher and Alternate Steere.

Start of Meeting

The meeting was brought to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Carrara noted a change in the agenda to hear a preliminary conceptual consultation with John Haithcock at 9:00 p.m.

Member Morris read the minutes from the meeting of September 24, 2007. The following corrections were made:
First paragraph change "detention" to "retention".
Under “Macalaster Subdivision on Miner Road”, item number 11 should be moved to mail.
Motion made by Halper to accept minutes as amended; seconded by Borden; all in favor.

Legal issues

Member Halper commented on legal issues as addressed in a recent seminar including:
Planning board should specify the threshold levels of work to be done in one-year in accordance with RSA 674:39.
Board should consider rules that Alternate Land Use Board members not sit with the Board and should not ask direct questions of the applicants.

Member Morris mentioned that approval of subdivision has a 30-day appeal time-frame. Any citizen can appeal to the board. Board members can only appeal if they originally voted in favor of the subdivision.
Morris suggested that the board should inform the applicants of this appeal time-frame.

Member O’Connell arrived at 7:20

Upton & Hatfield Fax Re; Landmark case
Letter from Carol Ogilvie regarding Hale subdivision
Letter from Carol Ogilvie regarding Smith subdivision
Letter from southwest Regional Planning Commission regarding 2007-2008 Manual
Letter from CIE regarding Mitchell subdivision
Letter from SFC regarding Mitchell subdivision
From Local Government Center: 66th Annual conference 11/7-11/9
Minor subdivision application officially submitted from Mark & Rhonda Cilley on Muzzey Hill Road.

Ex-officio member Jarvis Adams arrived at 7:25

Chairman Carrara discussed the decision on the Landmark case.

Hale subdivision application 7:32

In attendance were Adele Hale and Dennis McKinney. Secretary O'Connell stated that the Hale subdivision was properly noticed. The purpose of the subdivision is to create two lots from current lot R4-42-2 including a back lot of 14.6 acres. The applicant is requesting a waiver from delineating the exact wetlands.

Halper questioned the driveway cut, noting that it should be on the plat. The applicant noted that detailed plans were submitted and approved by NHDOT. The driveway plan was submitted to the board.

Carrara read the summary letter from Carol Ogilvie. Carrara read the checklist. Halper mentioned that the plat should show the amount of upland and wetland.

Morris moved to accept the application. Borden seconded. All in favor. The public hearing was opened at 7:59. No public comment was made. The hearing was closed at 8:00.

The board deliberated and the following discussion took place:
Halper questioned the waiver of the delineation of wetlands. The board felt that there was sufficient knowledge of the land to make a decision regarding the waiver. Halper moved to waive the exact delineation of the wetlands. Morris seconded. All in favor. The Board noted that the set back on the back lot should be 300'.

Morris moved to approve the subdivision with the following stipulations:
The back lot frontage setback should be 300'.
The approximate upland and wetlands for each lot should be noted on the plat.
The driveway cuts should be noted on the plat.

Halper seconded. Discussion included driveway cuts and 400" visibility. Applicant noted that there would be cutting of trees as required by NHDOT to improve visibility. All in favor to approve with the three changes.


Continuation of Macalaster Subdivision 8:30

Applicant Spencer Macalaster and Tom Duffield. Continuation of Macalaster subdivision on Miner Road. Carrara read the minutes from September 24, noting 10 deficiencies.

Applicant noted item 11 under Macalaster subdivision on 9/24 minutes should be moved to mail. As an abutter, member Fletcher disqualified himself from the discussion. Alternate Steere was designated to take his place.

Public hearing continued. No comments. Public hearing closed. Carrara calculated the fees. At 8:59 pm the Board deliberated and the following comments were made:

The barn location should be moved from the corner of Fletcher Farm Road to across from the existing driveway on Miner Road.
Note 6 information: Upland and wetlands note should be shown on plat and listed with the lot numbers. (Upland and wetlands are approximate.)

Morris made a motion to suspend discussion while the changes were made to the plat. Seconded by Adams. All in favor.

Carol Ogilvie 9:02

Carol Ogilvie talked to the board on the following topics:

Open Space Development including:

Ogilvie discussed two engineering firms:
Carol works mostly with CEI (Matt Lunstead)
Also has had contact with SFC Engineering Partnership (Nick Cricenti)

Quick overview of Open Space Developments:

Part I: Review
Not a significant difference with standard subdivision.
Road Construction is an integral item for consideration.
Get quotes from engineering firms (ballpark $3000-$5000 depending on land area).
Consider escrow accounts.

Part II: Engineer Inspections
Engineer will recommend dollar amount for road completion to be bonded.
Planning board works with Select Board, CEO and Treasurer to make sure construction proceeds as planned.
Phased construction to be worked out between Planning Board and applicant.

Ogilvie noted that generally roads are not considered "Open Space". It might be something the board should discuss and decide.

Commercial/Industrial zoning
The board would like more information and discussion with Ogilvie on "Floating Zones".

Gwen Mitchell asked the board about when a second engineering firm has been used in the past. Carrara noted, as far as he can remember, that there has not been a large enough subdivision to require that before now.

Resumption of Macalaster Subdivision 9:25

The Board noted the changes were made to the Macalaster subdivision. Morris made a motion to approve. Borden seconded.

Discussion followed:
Halper noted a discrepancy with "Andrew" vs. "Andrews". Applicant noted that "Andrews" is correct and made the appropriate change. The Board voted. All in favor.

John Haithcock PCC 9:45

Member Fletcher resumed a place on the board. Haithcock noted that the discussion on the parcel in question began in 2004.

The applicant owns lots R9-3-3 and R9-3-8. There is a deeded road to a back lot that is separated from the lots with frontage by the intervening railroad. the land is in the industrial overlay in general residence. Discussion included hardship, road frontage and the possibility of an industrial site.

Applicant stated that he is requesting the 44 acre lot become one-building lot without possibility of further subdivision. Discussion ended at 10:25

Further discussion included scheduling of site walk for Mitchell subdivision. Will schedule next meeting. Motion to adjourn by Borden. Seconded by Halper. All in favor.