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Planning Board Minutes 07/09/07
Greenfield Planning Board
July 9, 2007
Minutes recorded by Dario Carrara

Members Present
Members in attendance where: Borden, Carrara, Halper, and O’Connell.

Start of Meeting
The meeting was brought to order at 7:00 pm. Carrara read aloud the minutes from the last meeting, June 25, 2007.  The following change was noted:

Under “Lot R9-46 acreage discrepancy”, “Morris and Halper” changed to “The Board”.

Halper moved to accept the minutes as amended.  Seconded by O’Connell, all in favor.

New mylar for Wilco Holdings, LLC.
OEP 2007 Fall Planning and Zoning Conference postcard.
Select Board meeting minutes from June 19 and 26.
Lot R9-46 memo from Catherine relating to taxes.

Preliminary Conceptual Consultation with Adele Hale
At 7:30 pm Adele Hale came before the Board to discuss land on Route 136 across from Oak Park. Dennis McKinney, a surveyor, assisted Adele. She has about 17 acres and is thinking of subdividing into two lots, a 2.5 acre lot and a 14.5 acre back lot. At 7:40 pm, member Fletcher arrived. PCC ended at 8:01 pm.

Preliminary Conceptual Consultation with Spencer MacAlaster
At 8:05 pm Spencer MacAlaster came before the Board to discuss land on Minor Road and New Boston Road. He is trying to sell the house and land to help his mother out and has had difficulty. He indicated that it may sell faster if the house only had 5 acres of land. Thus, a subdivision may be in store. PCC ended at 8:30 pm.

Preliminary Conceptual Consultation with Michael Borden
At 8:35 pm Michael Borden came before the Board to discuss land on Slip Road. Borden disqualified himself as a member and was acting as a resident. The property is located next to the Post Office and belongs to a Mr. Quinn. Borden indicated he was representing the Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church. The church is looking into the possibility of building a church on the site, which is between 2 and 3 acres in size. PCC ended at 8:50 pm.

Other Business
Member Borden expressed interest in a conference on Regulation and Taxation of  Earth Excavation in Walpole. He will see Catherine about it.

The new mylar for Wilco Holdings, LLC (subdivision on Francestown Road) does not have Duffy’s signature. After Duffy signs it Carrara will sign it.

The Board discussed sign regulations and ordinances. The Board will ask Peter Hopkins, the COE, to comment.

Discussion of PSNH tree trimming. Member O’Connell will call Dave Crane at PSNH to check on the trimming status.

Halper moved to adjourn.  O’Connell seconded, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.