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Planning Board Minutes 04/18/07
Greenfield Planning Board Minutes
April 18, 2007

Members present: Dario Carrara, Jarvis Adams, Karla Allen, Myron Steere, John Halper.
Meeting called to order 7:00 pm. Alternate member Allen in place of member Morris.

Carrara read minutes of site walk from April 15, 2007 9:00 am. Member Halper moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Adams, with one change:
Changed “road access from Route 31” to “road access from Route 136 and Francestown Road.
All were in favor.

Carrara read Deb Davidson’s FEMA memo. The purpose of the FEMA wording is so that people living in the town of Greenfield can be eligible for flood insurance. Discussion took place. A determination was made on what was completed and what needs to be completed to comply with the EMA regulations. The zoning ordinance and subdivision and site plan review regulations need to be updated. Also, the Floodplain Development Ordinance needs to be updated. A warrant article needs to be finalized.

Public Hearing:
A hearing is tentatively scheduled for May 14th 8:30 am. Items currently to be addressed are FEMA, fee’s, and driveways.
Carrara will meet with Deb Davidson and coordinate with Jennifer Gilbert at the state level.

Members discussed the CIP. Each member of the Planning Board will interview a town department head:
Allen – Highway
Halper – Police
Carrara – Fire Department
Adams – Parks and Recreation
Steere - Executive
Fletcher – Library
Steere – Recycling

Halper will be giving out paperwork in the near future to explain the CIP process.

D. Carrara read our current fee structure. There was a discussion about cost analysis, and fees in surrounding towns. Member Steere left 8:10 pm.

Items to be further discussed:
Subdivisions – board members are to gather information from neighboring towns regarding their fee structure.
Notification - $10.00 per abutter
HCRD registration fee schedule

A discussion took place. The discussed parameters were regarding the inconsistency of driveways and common driveways.  Discussion to change the ordinances for more consistency particularly in regards to minimum width and % grade are to be discussed at a later date.

Meeting adjourned 9:08
Karl Allen.