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Planning Board Minutes 02/26/07
Greenfield Planning Board
February 26, 2007
Minutes taken by Joe Trudeau

Members Present: Chairman Carrara, Morris, Rainier, Borden, O’Connell, and alternate member Steere
Meeting opened at 7:05 pm

Chairman Carrara designated alternate member Steere to act in absent member Fletcher’s place

    The minutes from 2/5/07 were read aloud by Morris. Morris moved to accept minutes with the following changes:
1) page 1 line 36:  “Secretary” should read “town clerk” in the discussion about members getting on the ballot for open Board seats
2) page 2 lines 81-85:  add sentence: Member O’Connell had discussion with town counsel who offered a different opinion regarding the Boards ability to make substantive changes.
3) Mail item # 3 should read “state septic approval”

Seconded. All members were in favor.

    The minutes of 2/12/07 were read aloud by Chairman Carrara. Steere moved to accept minutes with the following changes:
1) page 3 line 92:  replace “paved” with “unpaved”
2) page 4 line 140:  replace “suggest” with “Suggested”
3) page 1 line 38: add sentence: Fees were collected from Mr. Danforth.

Seconded. All members were in favor.

Continuation of Danforth Subdivision Public Hearing
Chairman Carrara reviewed the rules of the hearing and the public signed the attendance sheet.  The previous weekend, some members of the Board went on a site walk but did not have enough members to have a meeting.  Chairman Carrara, O’Connell, alternate member Steere, and Henry Kunhardt of Sandford Surveying were present at the site walk.  

O’Connell recalled the site walk to the Board and public and noted the following:
1) A stone wall did not exist that is on the survey plat.
2) The swale coming down from the road appears that it would only flow seasonally and during runoff events.
3) Large sugar maples along the road could present line-of-sight issues.

The Board revisited the Checklist.  Still needed are:
1) a Mylar copy
2) width of Francestown Road
3) statement of monument settings
4) wetlands flow direction on sheet 1, including flow direction on the western wetland
5) “No-Cut” should be changed to “Non-Disturbance”
6) move the signature block for Director of DPW to use up some white space
7) 6 paper copies
8) driveway cuts changed per DPW
9) driveway restriction as agreed upon below

    A member of the public spoke up saying that he determined the easternmost lot to be buildable.  The Board replied that as long as the lot is approved it is legally deemed as such.
    Chairman Carrara asked Wetlands Scientist Chris Danforth (no relation to applicant) how to define a wetland.  He responded that to be defined as wetland, a site requires hydrology (water present for at least 21 days during the growing season), Hydrophilic vegetation (wetland vegetation), and hydric soils.  Without any of these, the site is not a wetland.  He added that the spot that Mr. Piper was concerned about is not a wetland, though he deliberated it somewhat while investigating the lot.  Mr. Shea (Surveyor) added that Chris is from Francestown and is on the Conservation Commission.  
     The Board discussed driveway placement in regards to a steep slope going into a wetland on Lot 7-1-1.  O’Connell’s concern was protection of the wetland.  Mr. Shea had the idea of limiting driveway placement to the flat area away from the wetland.  Steere said he liked the idea of restricting driveway placement.  The slope is about 16% grade.  The agreement was to use the septic setback as the Non Disturbance area.  This compromise increases the wetland buffer to ~75 feet and retains ~75 feet of space for a driveway.  Steere added that CEO Hopkins should be made aware of this change.  
     Mr. Shea presented a sheet of paper with new driveway cuts sketched in so they can be compared to future plats.
    Steer moved to conditionally approve the major subdivision plan for David Danforth, 302 Francestown Road, Map R5/Lot 7-1, provided Mr. Shea complete the list of updates.  Seconded by Borden.  No discussion.  All in favor.  Chairman Carrara abstained from the vote.
    Mr. Shea informally agreed to present the updated plats on March 26, 2007.

1) Application from Thomas and Joyce Dumaine on Old Lyndeborough Mountain Road for a Technical Subdivision Lot Line Adjustment.  The application has been officially received.
2) State septic approval for Rupert.
3) Memo from Deb Davidson about flood maps requesting all Board members sign that they received the FEMA letters.
4) BOS minutes from February 8th, and BOS budget hearing minutes from same date.
5) Paystub for Joe Trudeau
6) UNH Storm Water Center data report
7) FEMA literature

    O’Connell asked if there is anything that should be done to the subdivision regulations.  Chairman Carrara said that driveways and roads need to be addressed.
    Chairman Carrara read aloud a letter regarding Carbee’s Corner.  A letter from Sheldon Carbee requests that the apartments be separated from the store in terms of taxes, septic billing, and more.  The buildings have separate deeds but the buildings have been assessed as one unit.  Rainier suggested the Board wait for town counsels advice.  
     Steere left at 9:06 pm due to illness.
    The Board discussed the FEMA floodplain insurance.
Morris moved to adjourn.  O’Connell seconded.  All in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.