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Planning Board Minutes 12/19/05

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Carrara, Cernota, Halper, Marshall, O’Connell, Rainier and alternate members Morris and Pennoyer in attendance.  Minutes of the December 12 meeting were read and approved with the following spelling change:  Inglestrom should be spelled Ingelstrom.  The board thanked Jean for her secretarial help over the past years.

·       Invoice for ad in the Transcript for a planning board minute taker.  There has been no response yet.
·       New subdivision plans for Pratt Family Homes for property on New Boston Road. These need to be signed by the owner and then they will be sent to Carol Ogilvie for review.
·       Revised plans for the Druckenmiller Trust proposed subdivision.  Bob went over the recording fees for filing which are $24.00, postage is $4.00, surcharge is $2.00 for a total of $30.00.  The board has been charging $32.00.  After some discussion the board voted unanimously to keep the fees at $32.00 since postage fees are going up in January.

Continuation of the proposed minor subdivision hearing for the Sarah W. Druckenmiller Rev. Trust
The hearing was continued at 7.25 p.m.  Gil Morris sat in for Steve Seigars.  Bob read the paragraph describing the deliberative phase. Dawn Tuomala, surveyor, was present for the Trust.  Bob told her the fees would be $499.92.  The board went over the items that were missing.  Setbacks are shown on R3-5-2, utilities and culverts are shown, buildings within 100 feet have been added, driveway permits have been obtained, and north arrows are on all pages.  All changes asked for have been made.  George asked if anyone wanted to do a site walk; the board agreed that there was no reason to do one at this time.  The board again discussed the definitions of major and minor subdivisions.  Sheldon wondered if our definition was written to avoid a partial survey of a large lot.  The board agreed that we need to work on definitions.

The board went over the new plans and found the following errors:

1.      Forest Road is not Route 136 as the plan shows.
2.      Lot R3-5-2 has the well sited in the wrong spot.
3.      On sheet 2 there is a typo – the line should read “Driveways are to conform to the” not “the to”.
Kevin was concerned about the road and wetland buffers as well as culverts and water flow direction. The board wants to make sure that the driveways are built where they are shown on the plan.  Dawn explained that note 8 on the first sheet addresses this concern.  She also added notes about driveways on sheet 2.  The driveway permit has wording that the driveway location must agree with the plan, the driveways must be built to our specifications and a copy of the plan showing the driveways was attached to the permit.  Dario then made a motion that we approve the subdivision pending correction of the errors listed above.  This motion was seconded and the vote to approve was unanimous. The hearing ended at 8:45 p.m.

Work on changes to the Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations
The board started working on definitions of subdivisions.  The major and minor subdivision definitions are inconsistent. The only differences between a major and a minor subdivision are that certain things can be waived for a minor subdivision and that a minor subdivision can be completed the night of the hearing.  After

much discussion we decided to change the definition of a minor subdivision to read “a subdivision of land into not more than three (3) lots for building development purposes and all newly created lots have no potential for resubdivision.” The definition of a major subdivision will be changed to read “a subdivision of land that does not fall under either a minor subdivision or a technical subdivision.”  

The board then looked at the Zoning Regulations Section IV, B Professional Uses and Customary Home Occupations.  We decided that rather than having the Board of Adjustment grant a special exception, we would change the last line of the first paragraph on page 14 to read “approved by the Planning Board under Site Plan Review.”  Sheldon has been working on a Home Occupation Bylaw.  He passed out copies of part of the Zoning Ordinance from Hollis NH for us to take home and read.  Item 9 may be too restrictive. This bylaw would be an overlay to all districts.  Sheldon will work on this and bring it to the next meeting.

Peter Hopkins would like certain definitions in the Zoning Ordinances changed.  In Section II, Definitions, D, Hotels, he would like to change this from 12 rooms to 16 or more persons. For E, Bed & Breakfast Inn, he would like to add “and accommodate 15 or fewer persons”.  L, Accessory Dwelling Unit, should be changed to limit a unit to a 4 acre lot and 700 square feet.  Sheldon will work on this also.  Peter also wants an amendment on building codes.

Kevin passed out a proposed steep slopes ordinance.  George questioned the term “maximum precautions”.  Is this the same as best management practices?  Would this ordinance exclude excavations?  It was decided that members should read it over for discussion at the next meeting.  Dario asked that at the next meeting a vote be taken so that members could register whether they were for or against the ordinance.  Kevin also has questions on wetlands buffers. He will look into this further and report back.

Bob reported that he found a file cabinet but it is legal size.  The board agreed that he should buy it.  Sheldon may be able to obtain another file cabinet for the Planning Board.  

The meeting adjourned at 11:28 p.m.

Jean Cernota