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Planning Board Minutes 06/27/05

                Minutes of the June 27, 2005 Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Carrara, Cernota, Halper, Marshall, O’Connell and Rainier in attendance.  Gill Morris was also present as an observer and potential alternate.  Minutes of June 13 were read and approved with the following correction:  the Ryan proposed subdivision will start at 8:30 p.m., not 8:00 p.m.  John Halper mentioned that he had not been receiving minutes, and his email address will be checked for accuracy.  The board discussed preliminary conceptual consultations and whether we have to post notice specially for these.  Bob will contact Carol Ogilvie to see if this is a requirement and where we can find authorization for the posting.

Preliminary Conceptual Consultations
At 7:30 p.m. Kimberly and Donat Bay from Lyris met with the board concerning a proposed building.  Mrs. Bay explained that Lyris is a 501C non-profit organization and is a sharing community for developmentally disabled persons.  There are 200 acres made up of various lots with three houses and a building housing a bakery, a lunch room as well as a meeting room.  They would like to erect a common building.  We suggested that they fill out an application for site plan review and also look at our open space ordinance in the zoning regulations.  We advised that we probably would like to take a site walk at some time.  The consultation ended at 8:00 p.m.

At 8:01 p.m. we held a preliminary conceptual consultation with Gene Mitchell for a proposed major subdivision on Sawmill Road.  Bill Davidson representing Meridien and Atty. Silas Little were also present.  Mr. Mitchell owns 178 acres in the general residence district with 145 of these acres also being in the industrial overlay district.  There are approximately 28 acres of wetlands.  Mr. Mitchell proposes to build three roads and create 38 lots, each lot having its own well and septic system.  Mr. Davidson mentioned that they would probably ask for waivers for road grade since we require an 8% grade and he would like to have a 10% grade.  They are looking at a waiver for length of roads with cul-de-sacs.  We advised that we now require hammerheads rather than cul-de-sacs which are shown in the latest Zoning Ordinance. The roads would be private roads and the lots would range from 2 acres up to 10 acres.  Preliminary soils testing has not been done yet.  There will be one common driveway with two houses.  The three roads to be built are approximately 2600, 3500 and 1400 feet long. We asked about a use covenant for the roads if they were to be private and Atty. Little said he could submit a covenant with the application.  We explained that we now have a consultant to check the application before we receive it so it may take time to have a hearing.  The consultation ended at 8:55 p.m.

Items for board discussion
The board discussed the proposed Mitchell subdivision.  Because of the size of the project and the fact that the board has never been presented with subdivision plans for anything like this, we feel that we may need time to get an impact assessment.  We agreed that all roads must be built before the lots are sold.  We believe that Peterborough has had experience with a very large subdivision and we should see how they handled it.  There may need to be impact fees put in place which may take some time.

John Halper passed out an Initial CIP Data Input Summary and we went over the individual requests.

After John has received all the data, he will redo the summary.  We then would like to have a meeting on July 27 with department heads to discuss the figures.  

·       Letter stating verbal estimates for elevator, sprinkler systems, redo walk into a ramp.
·       NH Housing sent a CD on Housing & School Enrollment in N.H.: An Expanded View.
·       Crotched Mountain sent a letter asking about meeting with the board on work on Bensonwood Home, as well as a maintenance facility and power plant.  We will schedule a tentative hearing on August 8th for a site plan review.  We will need to do a site walk for this.
·       PSNH needs a hearing for tree cutting on Swamp Road. We will hold a hearing for cutting on scenic roads.
·       Letter from the Office of Energy & Planning asking for latest copies of all our regulations.  Deb will help Bob get all necessary material.  This is done every year for their records.
·       Selectmen’s minutes for the 6/9 and 6/16 meetings.
·       List of Town Officials & Committees for 2005.
·       Copy of a receipt for $436.22 from Mr. Parrott.
·       Bill from Registry of Deeds for $50 for the A&T Forest Products mylar.
·       Letter from Carol Ogilvie dated May 31 on the Linda Ryan proposed subdivision application.
·       Kevin asked for the planning board comments on the appeal to the ZBA from the Sennetts on New Boston Road for encroachment on set back.  We agreed that our comment would be “the building should comply with setback regulations”.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.

Jean Cernota