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Planning Board Minutes 09/26/05

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Carrara, Cernota, Halper, Marshall, O’Connell, Rainier and alternate member Pennoyer in attendance.  Minutes of September 12 were read and approved.  

Business Items
Bob has scheduled a site plan review for Adele Gagnon for 11/04.  We will do a site walk on 10/22 at 8:00 a.m.

Bob went to the DOT 10-year plan hearing held by State Council member Debra Pignatelli and brought back a draft of the projects.  There is only one item for the railroad tracks listed for Greenfield.

We need to get a copy of the Haithcock plat to Catherine.

In October, the first meeting will be on the 17th due to the holiday on the 10th.  At that meeting there will be a site plan review for Crotched Mountain for the Bensonwood site at 7:30 p.m.  At 8:30 p.m. there will be a continuation of the Linda Ryan proposed subdivision.

CIP Hearing
At 7:30 p.m. a hearing on the CIP Final Draft was held.  All above members were present.  A sign-in sheet was passed around.  The hearing was noticed in the Ledger and Transcript as well as the Post Office and Town Office.  John Halper gave the presentation and explained the Executive Summary which has been inserted at the beginning the report.  He also made a bar graph showing the proposed cost for each of the next ten years.  It was decided that the graph should be added to the bottom of the page listing the projects recommended by the CIP committee of the Planning Board.  There was a suggestion that this report be put on a CD for historical purposes. A questions arose about our regulations and impact fees.  John explained that we have authority to study impact fees as long as we have a Master Plan and a Capital Improvements Plan in place.  This regulation was voted on in 2000.  With no public input, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:15 p.m.

After Bob read the rules for deliberation.  It was moved to adopt the CIP presented at the hearing with the changes decided on tonight.  All members listed above voted to accept the CIP.  Dario then moved that the Planning Board express their gratitude and appreciation to John Halper for all his hard work on this project.  This was a unanimous vote.  Bob mentioned that now impact fees can be studied and a formula could be calculated.

·       Copy of the Site Plan Review form showing places for Planning Board signatures.
·       A letter from the Center for Community Management on a new video called Preserving Open Space with Conservation Subdivisions.
·       Brochure from UNH Coop Extension on Forest Laws Workshops for Municipal Officials.
·       Memo from Southwest on a workshop on Creating and Using a Municipal Natural Resources Inventory.
·       Selectmen are minutes for 9/01, 9/08, and 9/15.
·       Invoice from the Transcript for $45 for notification of CIP hearing on 9/26.
·       Southwest memo on ordering 2006 Planning & Land Use Regulation manuals.
·       Letter from Crotched Mountain with abutter information for site review.  We have questions about the abutters and the plat that was mentioned in the letter.  Bob will check with Catherine to see if we have a copy of the plat.  If the questions are answered, Kevin will advertise the hearing.  If not, Bob will notify Mr. Terrain.

The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.

Jean Cernota