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Planning Board Minutes 09-12-05
The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Carrara, Cernota, Halper, Marshall, Rainier and alternate member Morris in attendance.  Kevin O’Connell joined the board later.  Peter Hopkins, Code Enforcement  Officer, and Bruce Dodge from the Budget Committee were also present.  Minutes of August 22 were read and approved with the following two changes:  page 2, under CIP work continuation, D=Desirable “hears” should be “years”.  Under Mail, the first item should start “State Dredge & Fill Application from the Town for Thomas and New Boston Roads.

Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center Site Walk
Bob Marshall read the site review minutes of September 10 which were accepted as read.  Mr. Terrian wanted to make sure that all questions had been answered.  We just want to be sure they have a copy of the checklist.  George suggested that they include all pertinent information which would be helpful to us even if the checklist doesn’t request it.  The code enforcement officer would be glad to have the board look over any documentation he has.  He advised that he probably would like to have independent inspections done for certain items.  This is allowed in the regulations and will be paid for by the applicant.

Miscellaneous Discussions
We have received some of the old maps from Southwest Regional Planning Commission.  At some point these should be reviewed.  

Bob reported that he is still working on the questionnaire that DES sent us and hopes to finish soon.  He also reported that Gil Morris is now officially an alternate member.  He asked for a volunteer to put together data on occupancy permits and building permits for the past 5 or 10 years as well as how many lots have been created during the past years.  Gil will work on this project.

Peter Hopkins reported that he has issued 2 certificates of occupancy recently and has been busy with test pits at various locations.  He requested that the board try to redefine the terms home occupations and signage for next years warrant.

Wilkins & LaReaux Preliminary Perceptual Consultation
At 7:30 p.m. the board met with Theresa Wilkins and Kevin LaReaux who are interested in subdividing 82 acres with frontage of 1036 feet on East Road.  They brought their real estate agent, Mr. Rossiter, with them.  We advised that they cannot advertise lots that have not been subdivided.  Right now the property has a house with an in-law apartment, a 4-6 stall barn with 2 ½ acre paddock, and 16 acres of open fields.  They would like to sell the house, barn and 16 acres as one lot and sell the remainder of the property as a second lot. The land has frontage in the residential district with land in both the residential as well as the rural/agricultural district.  We advised them how to proceed for the minor subdivision.

O’Brien Preliminary Perceptual Consultation
Carol O’Brien and real estate agent Gail Curtis came in at 8:00 p.m. with questions about 46.8 acres on Gulf  Road, Lot #66, in the rural/agricultural district.  We felt they could get at least two lots from this piece although it has a strange configuration.  We explained the procedures for a minor subdivision.

Preliminary Perceptual Consultation for Kim Bonenfant and Janet Boudreau
At 8:25 p.m. the board met with Kim Bonenfant and Janet Boudreau concerning property at 1023 Forest Road, Lot #271.  This property abuts Oak Park and goes to Swamp Road.  There looks to be a lot of wetlands and we explained that they would have to have 2 contiguous acres of dry land for each lot they subdivided.  We advised they get a surveyor since the plat they had was from 1994.  We advised that they get a copy of the Subdivision Regulations and the checklist before they submit an application.

Continuation of the Haithcock site plan review
Bob reopened the hearing at 8:45 p.m. on lot 9-3-3 on Route 31.  Mr. Haithcock went over each item that had been missing from the first site review meeting.  We have the three plats , copies of permits, names & addresses of present abutters, location of structures on abutting lots, plans for parking places, pedestrian walkway, lighting plans with two flood lights on the gable end and all other lights will be carriage lights at front and back of house, snow removal & storage plan, signage plans for sign 3 X 3 unlit on lot, building elevations views & floor plans, copy of deed.  There was much discussion about adequate provision for fire and rescue vehicles turn -a -rounds. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 9:20 p.m.  Bob read the instructions concerning the deliberative session.  It was then moved and seconded to accept the application as presented.  John then moved to amend this to read that the business be subject to site plan review within 5 years.  The board voted on this amendment which was turned down.  The vote was 3 no votes (Gil, Jean, Dario) and 2 yes (John and George)  Kevin abstained.  The vote on the original motion to accept was 4 yes (Dario, Gil, Kevin, John), 1 no (George), and one abstention (Jean).  The chairman and the secretary signed the application. The plat does not need to be sent to the registry since there has been no change to the plat.

CIP report
John Halper went over the report he had produced and corrections were made where necessary.   It was suggested that there be an executive summary page at the beginning of the report with the basic figures.  It should be noted that the report started with requests for over 3 million for 10 years and could be reduced to 2.65 million for urgent and necessary items or 1.17 million for only urgent items.  We will have another public hearing on 9/26 to present these revised figures.

·       Letter from SWRPC written by Jeff Porter on the NH Ten Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 – 2016 hearing.
·       Southwest Commission Highlights for July/August 2005.
·       List of Town of Greenfield Officials and meeting times.
·       Copy of letter from town to Southwest concerning partial payment to them of a bill.
·       Selectmen’s minutes for 8/08, 8/18, 8/25.
·       Booklet for Town of Peterborough Planning Board Hearing on proposed amendments held on 8/08/05.
·       A letter to Deb Davidson from Southwest on NFIP Community Assistance Visit Report which reviews how towns are administering Natl. Flood Insurance Program.
·       Stormwater Workshop registration form for LID planning meeting.
·       Information on 2005 Fall Planning & Zoning Conference in Lincoln NH on 11-05.
·       Invoices from Registry of Deeds on Parrott and from papers for advertising 8/22 meeting.
·       Application for site plan review for Adele Gagnon returned from Carol Ogilvie.  Bob will try to set up a hearing for the first meeting in November.
·       Information on Municipal Law Lecture Series to be held at the Jaffrey Fire Station.  The lectures will be as follows:
o       9/21 – Land Use Regs, Constitutional Challenges & Evolving Law of Variance
o       9/29 – Off-site exactions & Impact Fees, Balancing municipal interests and private property rights
o       10/05 – Ethics for Land Use Board Members

Bob asked that members read the back section of the Master Plan before the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m.

Jean Cernota