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Planning Board Minutes 08/08/05
                Minutes of the August 8, 2005 Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Carrara, Cernota,Halper,Marshall, O’Connell and Rainier in attendance.  Gil Morris sat in on the meeting as a prospective alternate.  Minutes of July 25 were read and approved with the following spelling correction:  under CIP, paragraph 2, it should read “Jim Grant”.  

Hearing on Tree Cutting by Public Service of New Hampshire
At 7:30 p.m. a hearing was held for cutting trees on Swamp Road, a scenic road.  The above-mentioned members were present.  The hearing was noticed in both Peterborough papers, the Town Office and Post Office.  Jack Enman from Public Service was present to explain the project.  PSNH needs to put up a 5-pole line extension to provide access for a new customer.  Land owners have been contacted and all approved the cutting.  Trees to be cut have been tagged.  This plan is the closest way to supply power and phone service and has been approved by the road agent.  George Rainier asked that the stumps be cut as low as possible.  There were concerns about wetlands and pole placement.  Mr. Enman said that PSNH has to follow strict guidelines.  Poles are pressure treated, and no creosote is used.  The public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m.  The board then voted unanimously
to approve the tree cutting on Swamp Road.

Meeting with Michael Terrian on Crotched Mountain Foundation Campus Master Plan
At 7:45 p.m. Mr. Terrian came in with two plans showing the proposed Bensonwood Home and the Wood Chip Furnace and Maintenance Facilities.  We agreed to meet at Carter Hall on September 9 at 8:00 a.m. for a site review.

CIP Update
John Halper passed out revised copies of the Initial CIP Date Input Summary, Initial CIP Date Input – DPW – Vehicles, and the Initial CIP Data input – Recycling Center.  The estimated total has risen to over $3,000,000.  The board agreed to hold a public hearing on 8/22 at 7:30 p.m. on the Capital Improvements Plan and to invite the selectmen, the budget committee and the fire chief to attend.  John will explain the plan for twenty minutes and then open the meeting to the public.

Site Plan Review for John Haithcock for lot at 3 Beacon Lane on Route 31
At 8:20 p.m. a hearing was held for a site plan review on a proposal to build a model home at 3 Beacon Lane.  The above-mentioned members were present.  Abutters were noticed on 7/27 and the hearing was noticed in the paper as well as in the Post Office and Town Office.  The site review was sent to Carol Ogilvie for her review but she returned it for lack of information.  Mr. Haithcock wants to build a model home on lot 9-3-3 which is in the industrial overlay district.  This house would be used as a model for a few years and then sold.  A site plan review is required because of a change of use from residential to industrial.  Fees were figured but there are questions whether a site plan review has to be filed at the registry.  If so, the figures will change.  It was discovered that Mr. Haithcock did not receive the checklist that goes with the site review information.  Mr. Haithcock explained that there would be parking for  to 5 cars and that the driveway would be gravel.  The house will be a raised ranch, and one person would be available to show the house probably from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. five days a week.  The hours and number of days could change depending how busy the site is.

Bob went through the checklist with Mr. Haithcock.  We found we need the following items:
·       Two copies of the site plan
·       Copies of all permits
·       A copy of the driveway plan
·       Names and addresses of all present abutters.  
·       Location of structures on abutting lots
·       A plan for the pedestrian walkway
·       Snow removal and storage plans
·       Exterior lighting plans
·       Plan for proposed signage
·       Preliminary building elevation views and floor plans
·       Parking plan
·       Plan for adequate provision for rescue or fire vehicles to turn around

Mr. Haithcock will ask for waivers on a circulation plan.  Various questions arose. The board discovered one abutter may have been missed.  Although lot 9-3 does not abut the lot, they do share a common driveway and the owner may need to be contacted.  Is the shared driveway the right size and design?  It looks okay. The question was also raised about the curb cut – does the state use different requirements for a business and a residence.  This needs to be checked.  Are site plans sent to the Registry of Deeds?  Bob will contact Susan Slack.  After much discussion, it was moved to continue the public portion of the hearing to 9/12 at 8:30 p.m.  The vote to continue was 3 to 2.

Bob mentioned that there seem to be problems on building permits and plats.  The road agent is supposed to sign off on the driveway permit upon completion of the driveway.  Duffy feels that he doesn’t have the time to inspect driveways during the construction.  The code enforcement officer may be better equipped to watch the construction.  Peter Hopkins stopped in for a few minutes and we asked him if he could meet with the board and Duffy at the next meeting at 7:05 p.m. so that everyone can discuss how to handle this problem.

John Halper mentioned that Margery Morrison, a former planning board secretary, had died recently.  It was agreed that the board send a card of condolence to her family.

It was reported that there seems to be some surveying activity at the Ryan subdivision but we haven’t heard from her yet.

The Balcoms have responded to the request for a site plan review. Bob advised them what they have to do for the review.

Bob reported that he had attended the meeting of the Antrim Growth Management Committee.  They are revising their Master Plan and have put subcommittees to work on various aspects.  It was stressed that Land Use Ordinances must be consistent with the Master Plan.  A Mr. Whitman spoke, and he may be someone we should have come to talk with us.

The planning board voted to nominate Gil Morris to become an alternate member of the Planning Board.  The vote was unanimous.

·       Invoice for $99 from the Transcript for Haithcock and PSNH hearings notices
·       Minutes of the Selectmen’s Meeting on 7/21
·       Invoice from the Registry of Deeds for $52
·       Comprehensive Environmental Inc. letter re Fall Green Development Tools Workshop
·       Site Plan Review application for Adele Gagnon to establish an antiques/collectibles shop in her barn.  The check list was missing so we will return the paper to Adele to complete

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.

Jean Cernota, Secretary