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Planning Board Minutes 07/11/05
Minutes of the July 11th, 2005 Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Marshall, O’Connell, Rainier, Halper, and Carrara in attendance. Building inspector Peter Hopkins was also present.  Minutes were read and accepted with one change:
Under “Items for Board Discussion”, the last sentence was replaced  with “Impact fees were discussed”.

Code Enforcement Officer
Peter discussed two issues with the board:
The Easton driveway on Old Bennington Road. The board indicated that since the subdivision plat has a driveway cut shown, the driveway should correspond to it.
Peter feels that he should keep the board informed about building permits and other important issues.

Mangini Site Plan Review Hearing
The hearing opened at 7:32 pm. Barbara Mangini was present and provide several items for the board:
A diagram indicating fire safety device locations. The diagram was not to scale, did not have dimensions, and did not show specific rooms.
Parking lot diagram from Riesland Associates Inc. which was not to scale, had no measurements, had no numbered spaces and did not show traffic flows.
An approval for operation dated December 29, 1997.
A septic system plat showing a septic design for 9 bedrooms (guest rooms) and 2 bedrooms in an owner’s quarters.
Building permit # 0193 with respect to the addition of the second bedroom and an office in the owner’s quarters.

The Manginis applied for a site plan review to gain formal approval for a rental apartment in their inn. Peter Hopkins, the code enforcement officer and life safety inspector, indicated that an apartment would make it a two family building. This would make the building fall under “IBC Group R” regulations and would require some, if not all, of the building to have sprinklers.

Chairman Marshall read a letter, dated August 15, 1989, from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. This was ZBA case 89:14. The letter granted the Manginis a special exception to expand from six to nine bedrooms. It also stated:

“We impose the following condition in order for the Greenfield Inn to continue to operate as a bed & breakfast. Any future change as described in section V (A) 1 (“Use of buildings, structures, premises, land or parts thereof shall not be moved, enlarged, altered, extended or restored without a special exception”) must have the prior approval of the appropriate town boards and/or officials.”

It also stated:
“The granting of this special exception for increasing from six(6) to nine(9) bedrooms [from twelve(12) to eighteen(18) guests] is in no way to be construed as permission for any part of the premises to be used as a rental apartment.”

The public was asked to comment and several people spoke. The public portion of the hearing was closed. The board then discussed the applicant’s request. A motion was made to deny the application for site plan review. The motion was passed unanimously. Chairman Marshall will write a letter to the Manginis indicating the reasons for denial and will make copies of Barbara Manginis paperwork and return the originals to her. A copy of the denial letter will be sent to the Board of Selectmen. The reasons for denial are:
1.      The applicant has failed to demonstrate that the existing septic system is adequate for the creation
      of a separate living unit (an apartment) within the Inn.
2.      The creation of a separate living unit (an apartment) changes the classification of the building from a
     Hotel to a combination Bed and Breakfast and Apartment building  according to the International  
      Building Code which would necessitate additional fire protection compliance.
3.      The creation of a separate living unit (an apartment) within a living unit (the Inn) is a use not
      permitted in the village district, of which the Inn is a part except by special exception.
4.      The applicant has failed to secure a permit to build an apartment within the Inn.
5.      With regard to Case # 89:14  ZBA special exception granted on August 15, 1989, the applicant is in violation of:
a.      Paragraph 3 “The granting of this special exception …is in no way to be construed as permission for any part of the premises to be used as a rental apartment.”     since the apartment has been rented at least during the 2005 calendar year.
b.      Paragraph 2,  #4  “…any future changes as described in Section V (A) 1 (Use of buildings, structures, premises, land or parts thereof shall not be moved, enlarged, altered, extended or restored without special exception) must have prior approval of the appropriate town boards and /or officials. “  since the parking lot has been altered and paved without going through appropriate Site Plan Review permitting process.
6.       The applicant has failed to provide an accurate, complete to scale floor plan of the Inn showing the existence of all rooms/facilities as they currently exist.
7.      The applicant has failed to provide a complete, accurate parking lot diagram including location of buildings, parking spaces, traffic flow etc.

The hearing was closed at 8:40 pm.

Hearing for Linda C. Ryan Major Subdivision on Schoolhouse Road
The hearing started at 8:42 pm. Richard Clark represented the applicant. It was verified that all abutters were notified. Richard Clark made a short presentation of general information. He gave Chairman Marshall a check for $238.20. The application was reviewed and checked against the checklist. Two (2) items were noted:
Ground boundary survey of entire parcel.
Complete list of abutters was not correct.

Chairman Marshall read a letter from consultant Carol Ogilvie, stating that the application was okay except for six(6) issues:
Date of subdivision and survey.
Don’t have whole lot diagram.
Driveways within 200 feet.
Widths not shown for Forest Road and Schoolhouse Road.
Contour lines
Watershed areas.

The board discussed the location of a culvert on Forest Road. There was some question as to what water source, if any, was near the culvert. A motion was made to accept the application and was passed unanimously. The public was asked to comment. Someone asked what type and size houses would possibly be built; this is not yet known. The public part of the hearing was closed. A site walk was planned for July 15, 2005 at 7 pm. A motion was made to continue deliberations until after the site walk. The motion passed unanimously.

Other Business
Discussed RSA 91 (Public Meetings). We will post agenda on the web site and town offices.
John Haithcock and a possible site plan review on Forest Road
Darryl May inquired about an ornamental ironwork business at home on Gulf road. He was advised to apply to the ZBA for a variance.
Worked on questionnaire from the Office of Energy and Planning
Talked about the CIP.

The following items were received:
DES Drinking Water Source Assessment Reports.
Board of Selectmen meeting minutes for June 23 and June 30.
Planning Board Budget Report.
Building permits for 2003, 2004, 2005.
Invoice from Ledger for Ryan hearing.
Invoice from Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds.

End of Meeting
Meeting adjourned at 11:05 pm.

Dario Carrara