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Planning Board Minutes 05/14/05
Minutes of the 5/14/05 Parrott Site Review by the Greenfield Planning Board

The following members met at the Parrott property at 1:00 p.m. for a site review:  Cernota, Halper, Marshall, O’Connell and Rainier.  Mr. Edward Goodrich , surveyor, attended the walk on behalf of the Parrotts.  The board started by checking the pins for the lot line adjustment.  Members then walked along the back line to the stone wall between the Parrott and Jarvis Adams properties.  The members then followed the boundary line out to Sawmill Road.  Pins and drill holes were checked.  The board was interested in seeing elevations and checking on soils data,

Driveway cuts for the two lots along Sawmill road were checked.  There is a question about slopes, especially for lot 5-3.  These two lots may warrant a note that there may be severe limitations on these.  Use of a common driveway for these two lots might need to be considered.  Members then checked the driveway cut on Crotched Mountain Road for the third proposed lot.  

The site walk ended at about 2:30  p.m.

Jean Cernota