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Planning Board Minutes 05/09/05
                Minutes of the May 9, 2005 Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Carrara, Cernota, Halper, Marshall, O’Connell and Rainier in attendance.  The minutes of 4/25 were read and approved with three slight corrections. Bob passed out a draft of minutes from January 24 to be added to our files.  Corrections were made and the board voted to accept the minutes as amended.

ZBA Rehearing
The ZBA has sent notice that the have an appeal to rehear the Johnson case and they would like us to meet jointly with them on May 17th.  Apparently there is a revised dog services business plan to be presented.  Since the Planning Board can’t hold a special meeting without noticing it, and since there is not enough time to notice the rehearing, we won’t be able to join them.  Bob will advise that we would be willing to join them if the hearing was rescheduled for a later date so that it could be noticed properly.

Subdivision Regulations Hearing
Bob will schedule a hearing for May 23 at 8:30 p.m. for the changes to the Subdivision Regulations.  We are adding a definition for “survey” and eliminating the words “cul de sac” to be replaced by “hammerhead turn”.  Bob reported that he has added notes to the drawings that we need.  Katherine will try to scan them for us. Otherwise we will have them done by a printer.  George suggested that we all get a final copy of the regulations and check them once more for errors before the hearing is held.  Members can either get a copy from Katherine or have them emailed.

Cilley minor subdivision and lot line adjustment
A hearing was held at 7:30 p.m. for the proposed minor subdivision and lot line adjustment for Josh and Jen Cilley on Muzzey Hill Road.  All members listed above were present.  A sign-in sheet was passed around.  The hearing was noticed in the Ledger and the Transcript as well as the Town Office and Post Office.  Bob read a letter dated 4/24 from our planning consultant which noted deficiencies which needed to be corrected. Dennis McKenney spoke on the plans.  The board then went over the checklist.  We need one more paper copy.  We checked on the well radius and septic systems.  We would like the septic system for the Cilley lot shown.  We would also like the well and septic system shown on the Steere lot.  The property card at the town office would probably have the information on these.  The width of Muzzey Hill Road has been added to the plat.  A request for waiver for soil data and a request for a waiver from grading and drainage plans have been received.  The board moved to accept the application.  The vote was unanimous to accept.  Bob received a check for $354.43 from Jen Cilley for fees.  The check was handed to the Selectmen’s Rep.  There were no questions or comments from the public, and the public portion of the meeting was closed at 8:25 p.m.  

George noted that the frontage figures were listed in boxes.  He would like to have the frontage figures added to the frontage lines.  He would like to have angles and dimensions as well as feet along Muzzey Hill Road.  With no further discussion, the board moved to approve the minor subdivision and lot line adjustment contingent on receiving the following items:  6 paper copies, septic and well shown for the Steere lot, septic shown for Cilley, road frontage on Muzzey Hill Road as well as angles and dimensions, and an updated date on the plan as shown in the title block.  The board voted unanimously to approve the minor subdivision and lot line adjustment.

Hilda Parrott minor subdivision and lot line adjustment hearing
The hearing was held at 8:40 p.m. for a minor subdivision and lot line adjustment for property on Sawmill Road and Crotched Mt. Road.  A sign-in sheet was sent around.  All members listed above were present.  The hearing was advertised in the Ledger and the Transcript as well as the Town Office and the Post Office. The surveyor, Edward C. Goodrich, and Mr. Parrott were present to explain the plat.  A letter from the planning consultant was read into the minutes.  The board then started going over the checklist.  Only one page of the checklist was received from Mr. Parrott – apparently he did not receive the current checklist.  The board found the following items missing from the plat:
                Formal title
                Current date on plat
                Pin missing at back for lot R-4 #5-2 and R-4 #5-3.  
                No building setback lines show
                No statement that lots comply with Greenfield zoning regulations
                No mylar
                Confusion on soil types data listed
It was moved to accept the application.  The motion was not seconded.  George asked why lots were being listed and signs put up before the subdivision hearing was even started.  He referred to RSA 676-16 Penalties for Transferring Lots in Unapproved Subdivisions.  Mr. Parrott was requested to have the for sale signs removed until the subdivision has been approved and he agreed to this.  It was then moved and seconded to accept the application.  The board voted to accept the application.  Kevin asked if the stone walls could be used as borders.  They prefer not to do this.  Mr. Goodrich said that he used a drill hole for the two lots instead of a pin.  He cements a magnet into the hole which makes it easier to find than a pin.  The board decided to hold a site walk for this property on Saturday, May 14th at 1:00 p.m.  Mr. Goodrich has agreed to meet us there.  Bob read into the minutes the written correspondence he received from Charles and Rebecca Ames who state they have no objections to the plan.  Abutters present also said they have no objections.  The public portion of the hearing was closed at 9:50 p.m.  Bob then read a statement on deliberations.  The board decided to adjourn the deliberations until June 13 at 8:00 p.m.  Kevin was instructed to notice the site walk in two public places 24 hours before the walk.

Hearing for Gene Mitchell
Mr. Mitchell came in to set a time for a proposed subdivision.  It has been tentatively set for 9:00 p.m. on June 13.

Capital Improvements Plan
John Halper emailed everyone a copy of the Proposed Capital Project- Worksheet and Submission Form in preparation for the board to interview department heads.  Bob passed out copies of the memo to be sent from the Planning Board to department heads on the CIP.  George will try to interview Parks and Recreation.  

·       Selectmen’s minutes from 4/14, 4/21, and 4/28
·       Memo from Selectmen on staff meeting for /19
·       Notice from Hollis, NH for a cell tower meeting on 5/3
·       Invoices from Monadnock Ledger and Peterborough Transcript for Parrott and Cilley hearings
·       Invoice from Monadnock Ledger for Mangini hearing
·       Invoice from Carol Ogilvie for Parrott and Cilley reviews

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.

Jean Cernota