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Planning Board Minutes 04/25/05
                Minutes of the April 25, 2005 Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Carrara, Cernota, Halper, Marshall, O’Connell and Rainier in attendance.  The minutes of 4/11 were read and approved.

Mangini Hearing
The hearing scheduled for 7:30 p.m. was cancelled due to a death in the family.  The hearing will be renoticed for May 23 at 7:30 p.m.  New abutter letters will be sent.

Miscellaneous Business
Marsha Morrow from the Monadnock Ledger came in for the Mangini hearing.  She is also writing articles on housing and waste water and hoped to talk with George and Bob.  George was willing to leave the meeting for a few minutes and talk with her.

John Halper returned the Driveway CD which was not really useful for him.  He has drawings for hammerhead turns as well as cross section drawings of paved and gravel roads.  Notes need to be added to these, and then John will try to scan them so that they can be put on the web.

Bob reported that he had received a call from someone who was interested in buying property on Blanchard Road and wanted to learn what was going to happen to the proposed Pratt subdivision.  The board did not act on this as it needed a variance for the road.  The ZBA denied the application, and nothing more was done.  Bob suggested that she come in to look at whatever information we had on file.  At 7:30 p.m. Carol Irvin and Steve Daly came in to look at the information.  We advised that we had never acted on the proposed subdivision and had no idea if anything was planned for this property at present.  We noted that much of the land fronted on a Class VI road and that the road would have to be upgraded to Class V before building could be done.

George reported that the certified letter sent to Donna Robertson concerning minutes from 1/24 was never picked up.  Therefore, there are no minutes for that meeting.  As far as members could recall, the meeting consisted of reading of past minutes, discussion of the Capital Improvements Program and scheduling the Crotched Mountain meeting.

Bob passed out information on websites on wetlands.  He also mentioned that for preliminary conceptual consultations need to be noticed 24 hours in advance in two places.

Capital Improvements Program
John reported that the town website has an article asking for volunteers to help with the project.  This request was also put on the planning board page and will be in the Spirit in June.  John has been working on a definition of the term capital improvement and has added more tasks to the “to-do” list.  He will email this list to all members.

Dario has been working on compiling figures from the past ten years.  So far he has produced a spread sheet with information from the past two years.

The board agreed to send out a mailing to all departments explaining what we are trying to do and asking them for their help.  Bob will draft this memo.  They will receive one page of questions to help us with gathering information.  Dario will work with the fire department. John will work with the police department.  Jean will work with the library trustees.

It was agreed that a report should be made which is easy to read.  An executive summary at the beginning of the report might be helpful.

Subdivision Regulations
The board went over the Land Subdivision Regulations to make corrections.  All references to the number of paper copies needed were changed from 5 to 6.  All mention of streets was changed to roads.  Mention of  Hillsborough County Conservation District was deleted since they no longer work on soil data for applicants.  Various misspellings and punctuation errors were corrected.  Under definitions, U has become “Survey”.  This definition will be as follows:  a plan derived by an on-site assessment of metes and bounds certified by a qualified surveyor or engineer licensed to practice in New Hampshire.  The last three definitions will have their letter designations changed.  Cul-de-sacs are no longer used are the term has been replaced by the word “hammerhead”.  Per lot fees have been changed from $25 to $28.  Certain time requirements have been changed to agree with state regulations.  A public hearing will be held on May 23 at 8:30 p.m. on any substantive change to the regulations.

1.      Bob passed out copies of the Crotched Mt. Foundation Campus Master Plan
2.      An application for 2 lot subdivision and lot line adjustment for Josh & Jen Cilley.  A hearing will be held on 5/9 at 7:30 p.m.
3.      An application from Hilda Parrott for a 3 lot subdivision and lot line adjustment.  A hearing will be held on 5/9 at 8:30 p.m. Carol sent a that are a few issues that need to be cleared up.
4.      Comprehensive Environmental Inc. newsletter on Low Impact Development.
5.      Plan NH Update and Membership Guide.
6.      Selectmen’s minutes for 3/31 and 4/7.
7.      Invoices for Mangini notice and legal fees for Stevens subdivision.

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Jean Cernota