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Planning Board Minutes 04/11/05
Minutes of the April 11, 2005 Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board  

Start of Meeting
The meeting opened at 7:05 p.m. with members Carrara, Cernota, Halper, Marshall, O’Connell, and Rainier in attendance.  Code Enforcement Officer Hopkins was also present.  The minutes of 3/28 were read and approved.

The following items were received:
1.      Information on Southwest Regional Brownfields Assessment Program meetings scheduled for
            Wednesday and Thursday nights.      
2.      Correspondence from Mrs. Mangini on abutters names and addresses.  
3.      Selectmen’s minutes from their meeting of 3/24.
4.      Copy of a letter from the Selectmen to Donna Robertson requesting the minutes of the 1/24 meeting of the Planning Board.
5.      Invoice from the State Office of Energy and Planning for the conference that Bob and John attended.  They reported that the meetings were excellent.
6.      Notice of Decision from the ZBA.   On Case # 05-6, the appeal from an Executive Decision by Christopher Horne was denied. Case 05-4a – the denial was vacated.  Case 05-4b was closed.
7.      Letter from Jeff Taylor announcing the formation of a small consulting firm in Concord.
8.      Application for minor subdivision from Hilda Parrott which will be sent to Carol Ogilvie.

During the discussion of the mail, it was brought up that Deb should be advised that applications should be sent directly to Carol, not the Planning Board.  It was also mentioned that obtaining abutter names and addresses was the responsibility of the applicant.

Report from Code Enforcement Officer
Peter Hopkins reported that the Horne situation is resolving itself.  He has also received a call on the Mayo lot on Gould Hill Road concerning a building permit.  Peter has three permits out now.  Willis Hadley spoke with Peter about splitting his land into two lots.

Report on Office of Energy and Planning Conference
Bob Marshall and John Halper attended the meeting in Manchester.  John reported that he attended different sessions than Bob did.  There were a great many handouts which they brought back for our library.  John learned about the responsibilities of the planning board, the right to know, and internet resources.  He also attended a lecture on Planning Board Basics and the Regulatory Role.  There was also a lecture on impact fees and growth impact ordinances.  John passed out informational sheets on Municipal Land Use Regulation and Planning Board’s Procedures – RSA 676:4.  Bob attended lectures on setbacks and on energy planning for communities.  In regard to impact fees, Bob mentioned that Carol Ogilvie has received an OK from Peterborough to hire someone to do studies on impact fees for the town.

Capital Improvements Plan
We need to start preparing the Capital Improvements Plan for presentation to the budget committee. We have been advised that the Capital Improvements Programming Handbook is very helpful.  John passed out a preliminary schedule for tasks.  We talked about having the Planning Board create the CIP as discussed in task 1.  John has volunteered to oversee this.  Dario volunteered to try to work on task #s 4, 5 and 6.  He would also like to interview the Fire Department.  Bob asked George if we could ask Deb and Catherine to help us when needed.  The board discussed asking the townspeople if any of them would like to help with this process.  It was decided to have Deb and Catherine put a request on the website and in the next issue of the Spirit for people to join a committee which John will oversee.  John will be prepared to discuss task #s 2 and 3 at the 4/25 meeting.  A motion was made and voted to plan the CIP for a ten-year period.

Guidelines for conducting meetings
Bob asked the board to think about trying to come up with ways to manage our work loan more efficiently.  We agreed that starting in May we will try to set up hearings for the first meeting of the month.  This way we will have the second meeting for a work meeting.  Preliminary conceptual consultations probably should be limited to 30 minutes and held at the second monthly meeting.  Bob suggested that each board member be responsible for a certain project.  We agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.

Preliminary Conceptual Consultation
At 8:25 we held a preliminary conceptual consultation with Richard Clark on the Linda Ryan proposed major subdivision.  Bob read the disclaimer on consultations.  Mr. Clark showed us plans for Tax Map R9 lot 43 showing three new lots as well as the remainder as the 4th lot.  Duffy Fox has agreed to the three new driveway cuts.  We advised Mr. Clark that he needs a driveway application as well as a clear and accurate map.  We also need a list of all abutters with addresses and book and page numbers.  If there are any wetlands or any houses within 100 feet of the proposed subdivision, they should be shown on the plat.  Cluster development was mentioned, but there is not enough acreage available.

Meeting on possible site review for church food pantry and clothing exchange.
At 9:10 p.m. Michael Sparling, representing the church, came in to talk with board.  He explained that the church has a food pantry and clothing exchange in the building previously owned by American Steel.  These are open on Saturday morning only and used by about 3 to 5 people.  The church would like to change the clothing exchange to change from no cost to a voluntary cash donation which would go to missionary work elsewhere.  There is plenty of parking, and the volume of business probably won’t change much.  They do some advertising now and would like to increase this slightly.  They have a temporary sign which they put out on Saturdays.

After some discussion the board decided that there was no need for a site review for the change in operation of the clothing exchange.  There are less people working there now than when American Steel used the building.  However, we would like a letter from the Church detailing the nature of their activities, the hours and number of people on site for our records.

A and T Forest Products
The chairman and secretary signed the mylars for this subdivision.  Bob Marshall asked the board to add a statement to the minutes of March 28 concerning A and T Forest Products.  It was voted to add the following statement:

The Planning Board would like to commend Mr. Alan Stevens of A and T Forest Products for the quality of his recent application for subdivision on New Boston Road.  Mr. Stevens proposed his development with sensitivity to conservation issues by planning for a major conservation easement on a part of the property in question and protecting an environmentally sensitive bog area.  He worked closely with the Planning Board, Conservation Commission and Head of DPW to minimize the impact of the development and design it in a way that would be beneficial to future residents in particular and the Town as a whole, consistent with the spirit of our Master Plan.

Reports from board members
John Halper is working on the driveway CD rom.
George is working on the subdivision checklist to go with the new Land Subdivision Regulations. All references to paper copies should be changed from 5 to 6 copies. The term “roads” should be changed to “streets”.  There are various other changes to be made also.
Bob has scheduled the site plan review for the Manginis for April 25 at 7:30 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Jean Cernota